Crossword Puzzles Printable with Answers | i should be mopping the floor
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Crossword Puzzles Printable with Answers

This Free Crossword Puzzles Printable with Answers are another great boredom buster for those dog days of summer...for kids and adults alike. I have three versions of the puzzle available for you, too, in lots of printing options. You can download one or all of these Crossword Puzzles Printable with Answers below.

Printable Crosswords
For I can't even tell you how many years, my husband has done the "Daily Mini" in The New York Times (it's their version of a bite-sized daily crossword puzzle . He is a crossword puzzle devourer. And would probably give his left arm to meet and visit with Will Shortz (the well-known creator of these famous word puzzles). So, I couldn't let a Fun and Games series go by without creating a set of printable crosswords, in honor of my husband's love of these puzzles. This one is totally summertime. It's a fun way for both kids and adults to enjoy a rainy day (or anytime, really). Download these Free Printable Crosswords below, grab a pencil and a bit of brain power and get going!

Themed Crossword Puzzles

Crossword Puzzles Printable with Answers

This Crossword Puzzles Printable with Answers has the same outer design as my free printable summer bucket list. I just loved this design so much that I had to use it again. It was such a blast to create, so I wanted to give it a bit more mileage.

This is actually just one crossword puzzle, but it has three different printing options. Pictured above is the black and white version.
  • I created a full-color design with all the fun summer elements (in watercolor) bordering the puzzle. If you're doing a themed party or similar, this one is perfect.
  • The black and white version is great for kids to color, as well as solve the actual puzzle. It's also a bit of an ink-saver, in terms of printing at home.
  • The third puzzle is just the actual puzzle, with no design. I know that this is probably a good option if you're just in it for the puzzle-solving. It's just in black and white.
  • I've also included an answer key. If you prefer not to print it out, I listed out the answers below for you.

Free Printable Crossword Puzzles

Clues and Answers for Summertime Printable Crosswords

The following are the clues and answers used on the crossword puzzle, in case you'd rather not print the answer key. Feel free to just refer to these. And just to be up front, I'm not a professional puzzle creator. This is purely just for fun. But, it actually was pretty neat to put this together.

Across Clues and Answers: 

  • (4) spending time staying in a tent or camper (answer: CAMPING)
  • (8) a green skinned fruit with red pulp (answer: WATERMELON)
  • (9) refreshing drink made from lemons (answer: LEMONADE)
  • (11) a sandy place to swim (answer: BEACH)
  • (12) wear these to protect your eyes from the sun (answer: SUNGLASSES)
  • (14) lotion to protect skin from the sun (answer: SUNSCREEN)

Down Clues and Answers:

  • (1) going to a destination (answer: TRAVEL)
  • (2) shoes worn in summertime that often let the feet breathe (answer: SANDALS)
  • (3) what you do in the pool, lake, or ocean (answer: SWIM)
  • (5) eating outside in a park or on a beach or similar (answer: PICNIC)
  • (6) a small (non-livable) structure built on a beach for fun (answer: SANDCASTLE)
  • (7) frozen treat on a stick (answer: POPSICLE)
  • (10) game played with a ball and bat (answer: BASEBALL)
  • (13) the first month of summer (answer: JUNE)
Printable Crossword Puzzles

Download this Crossword Puzzles Printable with Answers:

Please note that these printable crosswords, along with all of the free printables here on I Should Be Mopping the Floor, are for personal use only. If you have any usage questions, be sure to check out my Complete Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Need Help Downloading or Printing?

These Printable Crosswords are designed to be printed onto regular paper, after a quick download. But, if you run into any issues with downloading or printing, be sure to watch my complete video tutorial below that covers how to both download and print your printables on either a Mac and a PC. If you still have any questions, be sure to check out my complete tutorial on How to Print a Printable.

Crossword Puzzle Printables

More Free Printable Puzzles


  1. Thanks, perfect for a quiet day when the family is off hiking!

    1. So happy you like it! Appreciate you stopping by. xoxo
