DIY Potted Hyacinth Bulbs | i should be mopping the floor
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DIY Potted Hyacinth Bulbs

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I love fresh flowers year round. One way to beat the spring growth season is to create a potted hyacinth (or other bulb) indoors. You can start enjoying fragrant blooms long before they're available for harvesting outside. These potted hyacinth arrangements were created the easy forcing required. 

It's also Thrifty Style Team day, so there is quite a bit of lovely spring inspiration below for you to enjoy. 

Potted Hyacinth
If you've never smelled a hyacinth in full bloom, you've got to rectify that immediately. They are truly heavenly, y'all. And since I've had these particular potted Hyacinth bulbs around the past few weeks, their fragrance has basically filled our home with the scent of spring. See how easy these were to put together below.

Thrifty Style Team
And as I mentioned above, it's also Thrifty Style Team day. Check out all of this spring eye candy above. All of the links are listed further down in this post. All of my thrifty friends certainly brought their A game to get us inspired for the season.

DIY Potted Hyacinth Bulbs

Potted Hyacinth Bulbs
Three years ago, I made a new year's resolution to keep fresh flowers in the house all year long. I've actually stuck with it ever since (for the most part). And last year, with the pandemic, I planted my own cutting garden that kept us fully flowered straight through the fall. Throughout the winter, I did a lot of poinsettias and a whole lot of greenery here and there, but goodness, I'm so ready for fresh stems of blooms. While picking up a bunch at the grocery store certainly works, I was wanting some stems that would last longer than a week or two. See how easy it is to put these potted hyacinth arrangements together to have fresh flowers before the spring hits.

Potted Hyacinth Centerpiece

Hyacinth Centerpiece
I had to share the above photo. I planted these bulbs a couple of weeks ago. But, they've really come into their full glory this week. I took this photo yesterday to show how amazing they are right now! I'm using this container of bulbs on our dining table as a really fragrant spring centerpiece and I am definitely enjoying it. As a side note, we do move the candles off the mirror and away from the bulbs if we're going to light them for a meal.

How to Create Potted Hyacinth Bulbs

Forcing Hyacinths
I purchased pre-forced bulbs to make this a cinch. I found these at Aldi for less than $3 each. But, I also saw them at our local HEB grocery store, so they're quite widely available this time of the year. Just look for the hyacinths in the hour-glass shaped vases. For around $10 or even less (I had the soil and containers on hand), I have a centerpiece that will last a lot longer than cut stems. And, I'll share how I'll be making these same Hyacinth bulbs work next spring, too.

Potted Hyacinth Supplies

Hyacinth Bulbs

Directions for Potted Hyacinth Bulbs

  • Remove your bulbs from the hyacinth water vases.
  • If you like, you can trim your roots a bit, but I left mine in tact. The only reason would be if they're already too long for the vessel you're placing them into.
  • Fill your containers with your potting soil.

Planting Hyacinth Bulbs
  • I just used my hands to make small spaces in the top of the soil for each bulb. You won't be covering the entire bulb, so your hole doesn't have to be too terribly deep.
  • Add each bulb and adjust them until they are straight. 

How to Plant Hyacinth Bulbs
  • I like the look of the bulbs kind of peeking out the top of the soil. This is actually the most common way to pot up bulbs.
  • In my experience, the hyacinths don't get too overly crowded, you can really pack 'em in for a good, full look. 

Potted Hyacinth with Reindeer Moss
  • Pull out the reindeer moss in small chunks and tuck it into the top of the soil. It will easily stick where ever you place it.
  • I covered the entire surface with the moss so none of the soil was showing.
  • I was able to gently water the potted hyacinth bulbs through the moss. I didn't overly saturate it, and I've just kept it moist since they were potted up.  

Blue and White Collection
I did three of the bulbs in my larger container and one in the smaller. I had intended to keep all of the pink ones together, but the height was off, so I just mixed the larger container.
Single Potted Hyacinth

Tips for Keeping Your Hyacinths Fresh

  • Keep the potted hyacinth bulbs in indirect sunlight (for at least a large portion of the day).
  • Rotate your container often so the flowers don't start leaning one way towards the sun.
  • Keep the soil moist (I gently water right through the moss).

Once Your Bulbs are Done

  • When your bulbs have finished blooming, don't toss them!
  • Hyacinth bulbs, (along with so many other bulbs), can be planted in the garden after they're finished for the season. Most likely, they will go dormant for the winter and re-bloom outside for you next year (and even in years to come). 

Easy Easter Centerpiece

Thrifty Style Team Projects

Be sure to check out ALL of the wonderful spring ideas from my friends, below.

Thrifty Style Team

Spring Bulb Centerpiece
Hoping you have a lovely, bloom-filled season.

DIY Potted Hyacinth Bulbs


  1. This bulb center piece is just beautiful. Thank you.

  2. What a great blue and white piece! I love that you planted some bulbs in it, what a great idea. Thanks for sharing and wonderful hopping with you.

  3. Absolutely stunning! I love hyacinths and you are so right about the is heavenly! I can't wait until mine start blooming but it will probably be at least another month. Thank you for the gorgeous inspiration.

  4. These are gorgeous Kristi, I love the look and fragrance of hyacinth! They'd actually look right at home on my blue and white Spring dining table!! 😉

  5. I love this thank you for the tutorial! Your hyacinths turned out beautiful and I love the blue pots!

  6. What a beautiful way to add a pop of Spring and bight colors to any home, Kristi. I really want to give these a try. Thanks for all the tips and tricks.

  7. I want to do these!!! Thanks for the tutorial! It's so helpful! And I love the pots you used. Beautiful! ~ Kristin | White Arrows Home

  8. I love this idea! Someone recently brought me a forced Hyacinth bulb just like the ones you used. I made the mistake of not rotating it and before I knew it, the bloom was at a right angle toward the sun. Just like you said, the fragrance was amazing! I've since planted it outside and I hope that it will reward me by blooming next spring. I'm sharing your project on my FB page today.

  9. I didn't even know these existed! Do they deliver? lol They are gorgeous, Kristi!! XXOO
