Free Merry Christmas Banner Printable | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Merry Christmas Banner Printable

This post for a Merry Christmas Banner Printable contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Affiliate, I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

I think a Merry Christmas Banner Printable is the perfect way to dress up a mantel or focal point for the holiday season. The one I created for you today is full of red, green, and white plaid with red block-lettering and sweet little objects that represent the season perfectly. There are several options for displaying this one that I explain in more detail below.

Merry Christmas Banner Printable
I always try to design at least one Christmas banner every year to add some holiday cheer to my mantel (and yours!). This year, I do have multiple banners with the series going on, but I'm seriously loving this one for today. That Christmas plaid has become my latest obsession (I do promise to dial it back after today!). It reminds me of a classic holiday fabric. And the sweet watercolor characters are so festive and fun. Download your own festive banner printable below. 

Merry Christmas Banner Printable 

A few of you mentioned back in our Fall Printable Series that you hadn't previously tried any of my free banner printables prior to that series. But, I think I've definitely converted a few of you into banner fans. They're such a unique way to add to your seasonal decorations (and they don't break the budget) or even just as extra decor at a special event. While they do require a bit of cutting, the look they bring to your home or work place is a fun one that can easily work with your own decor. 
Free Merry Christmas Banner Printable
While this a fairly lengthy banner, it can easily be hung in two separate rows (use a longer string on the bottom row so it hangs lower). Or, you can also just hang the CHRISTMAS part of it on its own. I included six other pennants with fun holiday icons, as well (like the two Santas pictured above). They can act as dividers between the two words, or end pieces. The two Santa pennants have the big guy facing opposite directions so they can go on each end, easily (it sort of looks like Santa is presenting the banner that way).

Merry Christmas Banner
Above is a close up of each style of pennant's details, along with the watercolor plaid background design. This is actually a more saturated version of the first Christmas print from our series, the Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas SVG and Printable.

Banner Making

Instructions for Printing and Using Your Merry Christmas Banner

Santa Banner Printable
  • One other tip I have is to use a small piece of Scotch tape wrapped around the end of your twine when you're stringing it through the holes you punched on your banner pennants (as pictured above). This helps it not to fray while you're weaving it in and out of the holes. Simply cut the tape off when you have all of your pennants strung up. 
  • String your banner up and enjoy it with all of your Christmas decorations.

Holiday Banner
You can see all of the fun items included. I think the snow-covered Christmas tree might be my favorite.

Download this Christmas Banner Printable

This high resolution banner has been put into one PDF file, but it is five pages, total. You only have to download the one file to print all of the pages. Once you open them up, you'll be able to scroll through and see all of the pages. If you prefer to not use the extra characters, simply set your printer to only print pages 1-4. Download this file below the following image.

Believe Banner

More Christmas Banner Printables

Christmas Printable
Hoping you have a Merry Christmas!


  1. You are converting me to a banner believer lol!! So cute! thank you.

    1. Woohoo! I think banners are the best...glad I could bring you around to them! ;) Thanks so much, Tamalita! xoxo

  2. Kristi, thanks so much. Love it. BTW, when I try the first method of download, a notification comes up "Malicious Download Detected" and then "Cancelled." That's the Droplr option. I did manage to download with Dropbox this time. Last time it was the Google option.

    1. Hi Bonnie-- Thanks so much! Yes, I've had some folks mention the issues with Droplr, so I added in the Google Drive option, as well. I've contacted Droplr and I'm hoping they get it all fixed soon. Appreciate you stopping by! xoxo

  3. Thank you so much for adding the Google Drive option for downloading! Love your ideas and the Google Drive option makes everything so easy!

    1. Hi Mimi! happy that works so well for you. Appreciate you stopping by and for your kind words. xoxo

  4. You have the best pintables ever!!! it would be awesome if you add a birthday banner with Christmas theme or background too, i was looking for one and could not find:) thank you for all the work done!!Merry Christmas

    1. Hi there! Thank you so very much! A Christmas themed birthday banner is a great idea! I will definitely keep that in mind for the future! <3
