Free Sweet Tea Printable | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Sweet Tea Printable

This free sweet tea printable is all about that house wine of the south, y'all! 
And, of course, it must be served in a mason jar. Of course. 

Free Sweet Tea Printable | A watercolor mason jar filled with the House Wine of the South, y'all! Free 8x10 instant download.
I have been on the biggest tea kick, lately, y'all. I found a sweet tea that I can actually have on my eating plan and I just can't quit it. It's delicious and is just like the tea I grew up on (minus the four-piece Tupperware pitcher my mom kept our iced tea stored in). Grab this pretty watercolor and mason jar free sweet tea printable's totally calorie-free, y'all!

This printable is the perfect little nod to summertime in the south!
Free Sweet Tea Printable | A watercolor mason jar filled with the House Wine of the South, y'all! Free 8x10 instant download.

Free Sweet Tea Printable | A watercolor mason jar filled with the House Wine of the South, y'all! Free 8x10 instant download.
Can't you just taste the deliciousness?