DIY Travel Journals | i should be mopping the floor
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DIY Travel Journals

This post for DIY Travel Journals contains affiliate links. 
I make a small portion when these links are used, at no extra cost to you. 

These DIY Travel Journals are the perfect small size to slip in a carry-on or crossbody bag.
I have the free labels for you to use on these, too...they're perfect with Mod Podge.
Oh, and speaking of Mod Podge...HAPPY NATIONAL MOD PODGE DAY to you and yours!
In honor of this FUN day, I've got a fabulous MOD PODGE giveaway below. 

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
Today marks the 50th anniversary of everyone's favorite decoupage medium...because what would a crafter's life be without a jar or two of Mod Podge tucked in the stash? Celebrating this great occasion by giving away a craft pack of Mod Podge fabulousness AND sharing these DIY Travel Journals (with their free printable journal labels).

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
Be sure to head HERE for even more Mod Podge fun over on the Plaid Crafts Facebook page. You can win even more prizes over there. But, before you head over, scroll down to the bottom of this post to enter the giveaway that is exclusively for I Should Be Mopping the Floor readers. 

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
Let's get started on these fun DIY Travel Journals...this is a beginner-level Mod Podge craft that anyone can tackle. It would be the perfect way to ease yourself into the world of Mod Podge (and trust want to be a part of this world). 

For this craft, you'll need craft-paper covered journals.
(I purchased THESE on Amazon because of their size and they're less than $2.50 each.)

You'll also need my free printable journal labels (below).

Then, grab your favorite bottle of Mod Podge (enter to win some below).

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
I used the Satin Mod Podge for my DIY Travel Journals.

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
Oh, and did you know Mod Podge has brushes, too?
As a certified brush snob, I can attest that these are awesome!

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
Start by brushing on a thin layer of Mod Podge in the center of the journal cover.

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
Lay down your journal label and smooth to remove air bubbles.

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
Go over the entire cover of the journal with another layer of Mod Podge.
I covered the back with Mod Podge, too...for a seamless look.

Allow to dry overnight.

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
I think they turned out super cute. We're doing a bit of travel this summer...we'll all have a journal to tuck in our bag and take notes in throughout the fun.


DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
I've teamed up with my friends at Mod Podge to bring you a prize pack to celebrate their anniversary. You can win the following Mod Podge prize pack to include:
8 oz. Mod Podge GLOSS 
 -8 oz. Mod Podge Matte 

 -8 oz. Dishwasher Safe Gloss 
 -Mod Podge Photo Transfer Medium 2 oz. Carded
-Mod Podge Silicone Craft Mat
-Mod Podge 7 Piece Tool Kit
-M/P 4pc Spouncer Set
 -M/P 4pc Foam Brush Set

Leave a comment below and let me know your favorite way to use Mod Podge.

That's it. 

We'll draw early next week and your prize pack will head your way.
Contest open to US addresses only.

DIY Travel Journals | Fun little journals perfect for vacation memories. Download the free printable labels in the post to make these.
Happy Mod-Podging, y'all!


  1. Once, I opened a zillion tootsie rolls and smoothed out all the wrappers. I used mod podge to stick them in perfect rows all the way around the outside of a 10 gallon galvanized bucket. I used it to hold candy at Halloween. SO cute! I did not, btw, eat all of the candy.

  2. I feel like I go through spurts with mod podge - I use it like crazy for a few months and then nothing for months. I'm in a nothing stage right now, but you've inspired me to get creative again!! (but my favorite thing I've ever made was a valentines sign with pictures of my babies on in it)

  3. Mixed media canvas for sure. I also like sealing tape or stencils for sign making and sharp stripes. Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. I've used mod podge to transfer photos to barn wood, made a fabric "podged" drink tub and garden stakes for veggies. It is so versatile + makes cute personalized gifts.

  5. My husband puts together tons of puzzles, then we Mod Podge them, frame, and hang in our house. An easy way to decorate, and it helps him de-stress!

  6. I modge podge fabric onto funiture or wooden home decor pieces.

  7. I used modge podge to turn old show boxes into treasure/keepsake chests!

  8. I use ModPodge to put pretty paper on tiles to use as coasters. Makes a great gift for teachers, neighbors, secret pal, hostess, etc...

  9. I use Mod Podge for all kinds of fun craft projects! I especially like making cute scrapbook paper covered journals to give as gifts :) I like your journals, though, and plan to use your fun labels! Thanks!

  10. I used mod podge to make a keepsake box once. Put a picture on it. Haven't used any since, but would love to try it on some crafts I haven't done before.

  11. ModPodge makes really plain tiles into cute coasters.

  12. I have use it to make themed flower pots and just this week to adhere and seal student artwork onto tile for a gift.

  13. I love making paper crafts.I use ModPodge to make greeting cards,Christmas ornaments and so much more. It is a great sealer on glitter/

  14. After watching the Plaid demo yesterday I think using ModPodge for screen printing is great. I bought a large bottle of the dishwasher safe ModPodge to use on glitter wine glasses but had a ton left over, now I can use it for screen printing.

  15. This is one of the hardest giveaways I've tried to enter. Ha! I mean, picking one way, come on! Just kidding. I think mine would be to cover prints, etc., to protect them. It's probably the first craft I've done when introduced to Mod Podge.

  16. I still mainly use Mod Podge for collage crafts.

  17. We love using Mod Podge for image transfers onto wood...sooooo easy and soooo cute!!

  18. I use Mod Podge in various crafts, but mostly to decorate plain old boxes and turn them into pretty decorative holders.
