This Free Printable Bank Account Information Log (available in three designs) is
a smart way to keep all of your account information in one secure spot.
So, this week isn't quite as fun as the other organizational printable weeks this month...but it's an important week, nonetheless. Being organized with all finances is a biggie. No matter what our budgets may all be, keeping the information secure and organized is a biggie. This free printable Bank Account Information Log is the perfect place to keep track of all of your accounts...from your checking to your kids' savings. Download yours below.
Have you checked out all of the organizational awesomeness this month?
This Free Printable Bank Account Information Log is designed to coordinate with all of the printables from the series. These are perfect to use in the home binder we're creating this month. Be sure to laminate yours with the self-laminating sheets below, to keep them safe and secure and sturdy.
Nearly a decade ago, we lived in a tiny town and had two checking, one savings. We had other stuff with my husband's job for retirement and all that...but that was it. And we had our two accounts at one bank...and that bank didn't even have debit cards. It was simple. But, years, multiple kids and small businesses later, we have more than just the two accounts that we need to keep track of.
Enter the need for getting all of this information in one spot. For the home binder we're building this month, I actually keep more than one of these in it. If anything should ever happen to us, I want to make sure all of this information is accessible to our family, should they need to access it.
I like to laminate our Bank Account Information Log with these 9"x12" Self Adhesive Laminating Sheets. You can find them here on Amazon.
I like to use fun, colorful permanent fine-tip markers on the laminated sheets.
I use permanent ones on these because I don't want to use this list over and over...these numbers need to stay on there for the long haul. I grab my fine-tip Sharpies over at Amazon here (they're on Prime...sah-weeeeeet!).
Click below on your favorite design to download your Free Printable Bank Account Information Log>>>

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