i should be mopping the floor: Our New Home
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Our New Home

Tour the inside of our new home below!

Welcome, y'all! I'm kind of in love with this place. I can't believe it's now ours.
It's already had a few things done since this photo (beautiful new roof from the sellers...woohoo!). I took these photos on the day of our inspection...so there may be some random people (AKA, my kids) running around in the background. Click below to continue.

Again, photo-taking was a bit awkward that day. There were A BUNCH of us at the house that day...realtors, inspectors, my husband, my kids, and a contractor giving us estimates. And there I was trying to inconspicuously take these photos. Please forgive the random body parts of people in the photos. BUT, this is the entryway...come on in!
At the end of the tile (straight ahead) is a large family room with a fireplace. Beyond that is a sunroom (hellllllo, photography space for this girl!). To the right of the entryway is a formal dining and the left is a formal living. My husband gives me a hard time about that light fixture in the entry way. He doesn't love it like I do. It's staying. I may have to stand my ground on this one, y'all. I know it's noy everyone's taste, but I'm quirky like that.

This is the formal living room. I have no clue what's happening with the walls...my camera seems to have picked up things we've never even seen. Nothing a can of paint won't fix. So, I'm not 100% sure how we'll use this room, yet. My parents do not plan to move in for a while (it could be up to two years or so on their end...we're not rushing them and they're not in a hurry just yet...we'll just be ready for them when they are ready). Once they live here, this will shift to a regular living room for us. For now, it may just house the piano...or a couple of chairs I throw in there. Nothing major. I don't want to go for broke furnishing the place right out of the gate.
We are doing the large wood vinyl planks throughout the house, including this room. They're going to be similar to our current floors in our home that we really love the durability of. <<<(I know there's something wrong with this sentence, grammatically, but for some crazy reason, I'm too tired to think that hard right now).

This is the formal dining room, also off of the entryway (you can see the formal living room we just visited in this photo, too). Let me start out by saying...I LOVE the wood work. I actually plan to move the red buffet in here instead of the breakfast room like it is in our current home here. I plan to leave the woodwork white in here and do a light putty color on top. Then I hope to do a fun hand painted sign over the buffet. I love the size of the dining room...our current one is a bit tight since I have a large table from my late uncle that I just will not part with. We will probably replace the chandy with something a bit more us, too.

Going back through the entry way will land us right in the family room. Believe it or not, we already ripped out the wet bar yesterday (actually our really incredible contractor is tackling this job for us...it had some complicated plumbing that needs to have a permit pulled for reworking it. A bit above our level of expertise...). Definitely keeping the built-ins, though...I love a good built-in! We're doing the plank flooring in here, too. I'm not sure what color I'm going to paint in here, yet...it's paneling, but I want to paint it for now. We're replacing the light over the now-gone-wetbar with a can light, too. 

Be still my heart. This is the other side of the family room. I just love this fireplace. These people knew I was coming...remember when I painted my current fireplace white a few years back? And look at that big, chunky, wood mantle. Gosh, I love it. We may get rid of the brass on the fireplace...but we've already discovered we love sitting on this hearth. We may put some pillows on it for when the whole family is over. 

The kitchen will be the first room to get a makeover...we're not gutting it, though. The cabinets are in good shape and have some awesome features (one of the lower cabinets has a built-in slide-out cookie-sheet holder...ummm, yes please). There's even two slide out pot racks in another cabinet. We are redoing the counters, backsplash, and I am painting the cabinets. Uppers will be white...bottoms either white or Robin's Egg Blue. The two tone is throwing me with the pantry, y'all. If the cabinets are two colors, what color should the pantry be? In honor of my friend, Jennifer, I'll go ahead and type it out>>> #firstworldproblems.
I'm going to change the desk into our coffee bar and add shelves above it. I may skirt it with some burlap, too. For kicks and grins.

We are also moving the cabinet hardware (actually, I'm getting new hardware from an amazing company I'm partnering with on this), to the corners of the cabinets. We have a contractor that is lickety-split fast, y'all. He has already removed that upper cabinet over that breakfast bar! 

Oh my goodness...I had to go back and add the above photo after already finishing this post. We went over to the house last night to start taking some stuff over. I'm loving how open this is with that upper cabinet removed! We will seal up that end of the cabinet there and add two pendent lights over the bar. I can't wait to see my boys enjoying breakfast here every morning!

We're doing the dark plank wood vinyl flooring in here, too.

Can we take a moment to breathe in the sheer adorableness that is this built-in piece?
It has my heart, y'all. I can't wait to fill it with my vintage Jadeite Fire King dishes!

The sunroom!! I've never seen terrazzo tiles like these...they're very vintage and very much staying put. I may scrub 'em up a bit, but they remind me of a relative's home from my childhood! I am really loving them. Again, I hope to use this space for photography...the light is fantastic in here! 

The laundry room has a closet that houses a big' ol desk, y'all!
It's going to be my new office space.  

In the hallway between the breakfast room, laundry room and garage, there's a bonus room that, for now, we will use as a TV room. Eventually, this will probably be my parents' living room. You can see the hallway past it...it leads to what will eventually be their bedroom. This whole side of the house would be theirs. Their bedroom has a nice, handicap-accessible bathroom that will be perfect for them, as well. We pray for all of this and over these spaces. This is will be a huge transition for all of us. We don't want them to feel that they're giving up their independence...which is why we wanted a home large enough for them to have their own space that is separate from ours and has access right out through the garage.
Again, this is a ways down the road. For now, the space that will be their bedroom/bathroom will serve as a guest room.

I didn't photograph the bedrooms too much...they're pretty typical for a 1970s ranch. BUT, I am excited about this Jack & Jill bath between my boys' rooms! I grew up with a Jack & Jill bath and I think they're so fun! And can I point out that we bought a house with wallpaper? Even after the wallpaper debacle of 2015. I plan to remove it...eventually. But I may have to call in the man who had to come clean up after the last time I tried to remove wallpaper. Yowsa.

Y'all...there's a half bath, too! I've always wanted one of those. 
We are removing the carpet in here and doing a little paint and shelves above the potty.

So, the master bathroom is quite the space. There's a back-to-back vanity for each of us (as in there's another space like this on the reverse side of this wall!). Pulling out the carpet in here before move in...but I know the plans for this bath will be a ways down the timeline.

And oh me...I did save the best for last. The master bathroom's tub is a bit crazy, y'all! It's so fun and quirky, though...I mean, who else has a tub like this? There's a separate shower in this room, too, as well as a potty room.

This is the master...it also has access to the sunroom and two entrances to the master bathroom. Since we literally just finished our master bedroom makeover, I plan to pretty much just duplicate that in here...wall color, headboard, plate wall....the whole shebang. The only other thing I'm considering is maybe barn doors that slide over the entrances to the sink areas. My husband's alarm goes off at 5 am. Mine definitely does not. I think the barn doors would help with the noise of him at the sink getting ready in the mornings while I try to catch a few more winks.

So, there you have it...our own adventure awaiting! I can't wait to get started, y'all.


  1. Oh how exciting!!!! that backyard though <3 <3

  2. I so love this house for you! I can't wait to see this new house become your dream home! Love ya!

    1. Love you, friend!! Thank you for EVERYTHING. We couldn't have done this without you & Q and dealing with all of the behind-the-scenes craziness!!

  3. What an awesome house! And seriously, the moment I saw that foyer light fixture, I drooled a little bit. Can't wait to see what you do with all your new space!

    1. Thanks so much, Julie!! I'm still holding out on it! ;)

  4. The house is AMAZING! Love it Kristi, can't wait to see you magic go through there!

  5. Love, love, love it!! I think ya'll are moving bc you ran out of spaces to redo in your old home! Can't wait to see this house finished with your loving touch all over it!!

  6. Your new house is so amazing... such potential!

  7. This is like watching an episode of HGTV....can't wait to see the finished look. Good luck!

    1. Heehee...I wish I had their budgets!! ;) Thanks so much!! ;)

  8. This house is awesome! A ranch ... yea! Spacious ... yea! Well lit ... yea! Potential everywhere! Enjoy your new home. It will be a lot of work, but so worth it!

    1. Thank you so much, PJ! I feel like I'm returning to the house I grew up in...love a good ranch! ;)

  9. I thought at first it was a house right in my hometown that's been on the market. It looks the same, even down to the pink tiled J&J bathroom.

    1. Are you in Harker Heights, Texas? ;) It's been on the market for four years...so maybe it's the same one?

  10. Wow I love it! I cannot wait to see what you do to jazz it up a bit. Congrats!

  11. Must take the sliding barn door from the old place and find it a new place somewhere there! Love the space for you..Miss Harker Heights!!

    1. LOL! I can already thing of about three places I would put it...but with this ranch house's ceilings, it's a bit too tall...boo! Plenty of space for your and Doug to come visit! ;)

  12. Great house, great bones! Have fun! We will be watching . . . !!

  13. Congrats! Looks terrific! You will have fun fixing it up!!! lOVE the built in hutch!

    1. Thanks so much, Cindy!! I think that's my favorite, too!

  14. Congratulations!! Love all the built-ins!! Can't wait to see how you decorate it :) Again, congrats!!

    1. Thank you so much, Crystal! Yes, I'm such a sucker for a good built-in!! xoxo

  15. Congrats, Kristi -- can't wait to see how you fix it up! :)

  16. How sweet of you to move and make plans to include your parents in your new home. That bathtub is hilarious--I can't wait to see what you do with it. I really like that desk space in the closet too. Looks like the perfect place to work on the blog (when you're not doing a DIY project!) Have fun making your new house a home!

    1. Awww...thank you so much, Carrie! We're just so excited. I really appreciate your kind words! xoxo

  17. It's HUGE~ lots of floors to mop and vacuum there! Can't see what you do with it.

    1. The mopping part IS a bit intimidating for someone as mop-challenged as myself! ;) Thanks so much!

  18. Ok, I just re-read this. I totally laughed out loud at the shout-out! #firstworldproblems
    HAHA! Hugs, friend! Why do we not see each other more?! Seriously, you don't live THAT far!
