Cheese Dome Turned Seasonal Cloche | i should be mopping the floor
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Cheese Dome Turned Seasonal Cloche

This post for a Cheese Dome Makeover contains affiliate links. I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

I took a cheese dome from the thrift store (dust and all) and turned it into a simple cloche that can be used seasonally for decor. With just a little paint, this piece was given a new purpose (and lots of bright spring fun!). See this simple makeover below.

Cheese Dome Makeover
My kitchen was ready for a bit of spring. I love to decorate the middle of our bar area with this mirror, adding seasonal touches on top of it. And my thrift store cheese dome ended up being the perfect Easter cloche for this season. See how simple this project was below.

Thrifty Style Team

Today is also our monthly Thrifty Style Team series. And we're all going with a theme today: thrift store finds! All of the projects shared by my friends were originally found at thrift stores. See all of the links to their projects at the bottom of this post.

Thrift Store Cheese Dome Turned Seasonal Cloche

Cheese Dome Turned Seasonal Cloche

Thrift Store Cheese Dome
I find these wooden cheese dome sets at thrift stores all the time. I usually scoop them up and use their lids with my blue and white plates for muffins and such (it just makes them pretty!). But, this time, I put that wooden base to use, as well. I found this cheese dome at my local Goodwill for $2.99.

Cheese Dome Makeover

Waverly Chalk Paint


Yellow Chalk Paint


  • I painted the wooden base of the cheese dome with three coats of my yellow chalk paint.
  • After it completely dried, I lightly sanded the edges, weathering it just a bit.
  • I didn't seal it, but you could add a wax finish to give the chalk paint more dimension, if desired.

DIY Easter Cloche
After the base was ready to go, I grabbed all of my supplies to style my lil' Easter cloche.

Spring Cloche Styling

Below, I created a video sharing how I style my footed mirror with this cloche, along with other essentials.

Spring Cloche
I think the gingham ribbon adds the perfect bit of fun to the top of this seasonal cloche. I'm excited to use it for all of the seasons. The other items in the display are my blue and white ceramic basket with mandarins...that basket was thrifted. I also have my mom's silver water pitcher full of seasonal florals (cut from my neighbor's blooming Indian Hawthorne!). And then my little Staffordshire Dog holder with cocktail picks (I found it on my Savannah trip last month).

More Items for Seasonal Cloche Displays

  • candy (think conversation hearts at Valentine's, jelly beans for spring, candy corn in fall)
    • Fill the glass dome completely full of your cloche with your candy, cover with the base, then invert the piece for a fun display!
  • Make a Christmas cloche with a toy car and mini tree on top of it...set them in Epsom salt for a snow globe effect.
  • Fill your cloche with colorful beads for Mardi Gras.
  • Make a diorama using dollhouse furniture and create a sweet little scene under your glass dome.

Easter Vignette
I also tried the cloche over by my cake plate, in a little grouping with the sugar bowl. 

Easter Egg Vignette

Thrifty Style Team

Thrift Store Makeovers
And, as I mentioned above, today is our Thrifty Style Team day! Pictured above are the "befores" of our projects. See all the afters through the links below:

    Spring Decor

    Happy Thrifting, Y'all!


    1. This turned out so cute!

    2. This is adorable. I just passed on one at a shop yesterday. Might have to go back and pick it up!

    3. This is so cute and I love the cheery color you painted it! xo

    4. I love this little display Kristy! That reminds me I have a couple of these sets I've thrifted too, need to get them out and display them again!

    5. I love how it turned out, what a adorable idea for Easter

    6. This cloche is so versatile, Kristi! The eggs are perfect for this time of year...and with Easter coming up, soon! I loved your little video, too! ~ Julie

    7. Kristy, I love how you painted then styled your cheese dome with eggs for Spring. Those domes are a thrift store steal! I've used them to create winter vignettes, just like you suggested. It was fun hopping with you. Pinned!
      Rebecca (Zucchini Sisters)

    8. This looks so pretty! I love the color you chose. It is just perfect for spring and looks great with all of your blue pieces. Thank you for the inspiration. Happy spring!
