This post about natural weight loss contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Affiliate, I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.
Back in January, I shared with you that I had been on a natural weight loss journey for nearly three years (at that time). Since then, I've met one of my milestones (100 pounds lost). It's been a journey that has changed me inside and out. Today, I'm sharing a little update with how I've tailored my plan to really fit my own lifestyle. I've got lots of tips and tricks for you below, if you're embarking on your own natural weight loss journey. Plus, a giveaway!
While I still have a bit more to lose, 100 pounds down was definitely one the milestones I was working towards. I actually hit the mark last month, but with the way I tend to lose (up a bit, down a bit, and back and forth), I wanted to wait until it actually stuck and I was able to surpass the 100 pounds before I shared the news. I've been holding steady for a few weeks now, around 103 pounds down, total. See some of my before and after photos, enter the giveaway, and check out my natural weight loss tips below.
Natural Weight Loss
With this being more of a creative blog, in nature, I wasn't sure that I'd ever actually share anything about this health journey I embarked on three and a half years ago. However, the reason I decided to go for it (initially back in January) was to possibly help anyone else who is considering a natural weight loss journey. When you have a good deal of weight to lose, it can be very overwhelming to start out. But, friends, I can tell you from experience that it definitely can be done...and it can last and stay off, too (and not be miserable in the process). It's so worth the effort!
I look back at the top two left and center photos and am kind of in shock. I honestly barely remember that girl on the far left. I had recovered from thyroid cancer in 2010 and was facing the idea of taking all the weight off from that ordeal. Instead of taking it off, more went on and I found myself in a really tough cycle. Fast forward to the spring of 2016 when my mother-in-law was telling me about the plan she was on. I started the Trim Healthy Mama plan shortly after that...and today, 100 pounds is gone (for good!). I took the middle photo about a year into the plan. I lost very slowly at first, but since then, it has come off a bit easier. The photo on the right was taken two days ago.
I won't go into my actual plan today, since I've already shared it in detail. I posted about it here in my initial Trim Healthy Mama Weight Loss post. Today, I'm sharing how I've been able to keep the losing up, tweak the program a bit to match my lifestyle, my three favorite cookbooks (I'm giving them away, too!), as well as my favorite books and podcasts that motivate me.
Tips for Natural Weight Loss
These are some of the tips and tricks we've picked up in the past three and a half years. Definitely some are kind of tailored to our own lifestyle. However, I love hearing what other folks do, too, so I thought I'd share it all.
Find a Plan You Love and Make it Your Own
- And if you're not a "plan person", then just really work to eat smart and make good choices...make that your plan. I'm a person that needs a few guidelines so I don't go off the rails, so a plan of sorts was something I needed.
- Since we started this journey on Trim Healthy Mama, we've definitely tailored it to fit our own life. We now do a lot of what they call "crossover" meals. And we allow ourselves a few more starchy vegetables (butternut squash, carrots, etc.) than they normally have on their system. But, we've definitely made it work for our lifestyle.
- Whatever you do, own it. And then learn which ways you can bend here and there. I have tweaked a lot about the way we eat, and I now know what my limits are and where I can enjoy certain things a bit more.
- Don't forget water as a part of your plan. I drink a lot of water and decaf iced tea all day's a huge part of the system. I also have three cups of green tea every day.
- Find a plan where you don't feel deprived, even when dining out. I did lots of other plans for years, but the deprivation was always there. This plan is something I know I can even enjoy at a restaurant.
- To cheat or not to cheat? I've learned that I am not one of those people who can have a cheat day. I can have a cheat meal maybe once a month, but I don't call it that. It's still a sensible meal, but maybe it has a few more carbs than I'd normally have. And often, it's not even an entire meal...maybe just a piece of baguette or a non-low-carb tortilla or two with my meal.
Don't Go It Alone
- My husband joined me in this journey about six months into it. He has lost sixty pounds (that was him before on the left and then this past summer on the right).
- If you don't have a significant other (or one that is ready to jump on a weight loss bandwagon) find a friend or a support group of sorts. I utilize the Trim Healthy Mama Facebook groups and also a small group of friends on there in another (more intimate) group. My husband didn't join me until I was already well into the journey, so I utilized these groups a lot prior to that (and I still do, as well).
- Since my mother-in-law was the person who introduced me to this, she's another member of my weight loss tribe. I will send her photos from time to time and she's always encouraging. It's also nice that when we visit them, she always has goodies on hand that work for us.
Workout Accountability
Besides a buddy on the eating-end of things, a workout partner is another great idea to hold yourself accountable. There are a few other ideas for workout accountability listed below, as well.- I am a walker; it's my sole exercise. While at times, I will get my walk in on my own (I walk about six miles a day, so that can be a long walk when you're on your own), I also have a walking buddy.
- My friend, Sandy, lives in my neighborhood and most weekday mornings we walk together for about an hour and a half. It's a great way to start the day.
- On days when we don't meet up, I will often divide my walk and do half in the morning on my own and the other half with my husband when he gets home.
- Don't be shy about asking others what they do for exercise. After walking with Sandy for a bit, she has shared with me other things she does (weights, etc.) that have helped. I've been trying to put some of these things into practice, as well.
- Get a step counter or movement tracker of sorts. I have an inexpensive knock-off counter that I've literally used for almost two years straight. I use it to track miles and steps. It is definitely a basic version of these sorts of devices, but I grabbed it here on Amazon. It has other functions, but I've literally never utilized them.
- Get some movement daily.
- On previous diets and journeys, I would work out 3-4 times a week. I didn't pay attention to the off days. That really didn't work for me, in the end.
- Now, I make sure to get 12,000-14,000 steps at least five days a week. On the two days where I don't get that amount of steps (usually Sundays and one day during the week that is busier or work heavy), I make sure I get half of that (usually 6,000 steps, minimum). That can easily be a quick after-dinner walk with my husband. And it still feels like a day off, honestly.
- This daily movement is one of those rules that gradually become a joy. I'm not saying I didn't hate walking at first...especially in the Texas heat. I didn't love it until about a year into doing it regularly. It just took time to click with me. But even when loathing it, I didn't give it up, and eventually, I looked forward to it (I never thought I'd be one of those people). I walk fairly vigorously and have recently added leg weights to my daily walks, too. It truly is a stress reliever and something I really need daily.
- Find what works for you. If you don't like to walk, consider other things that are easily doable (i.e.: don't require a lot of special equipment, etc.). I like walking because I can do it practically anywhere (I even walk our mall or hospital in inclement'd be surprised how many people walk hospitals for steps!).
Don't Use Vacations or Holidays as an Excuse for Cheating
This probably seems harsh, but hear me out. Once your health journey is something you actually enjoy and don't feel constricted by, incorporating it into your entire life (not just the days when you have that "perfect schedule") will not be as hard as you think. This didn't come easy for me at first. I would live for Thanksgiving and Christmas back in my old dieting days...I'd easily put on 20 pounds between those two holidays. And don't get me started on vacations...I lived to eat my way through those. But, now, we're just more sensible about it and enjoy things in a different manner.
- Incorporate exercise as a part of a vacation. Continue to meet your exercise goals daily. Most of the trips we take are oriented toward sight-seeing, so this is easy to obtain.
- If at all possible, avoid renting a car and try to walk everywhere or take public transportation. Even utilizing public transportation always gets us a lot of steps in between stops, up and down subway stairs, and from our hotel to whatever means of transportation we need to catch.
- In the above photo, our entire trip centered around walking. We love New York City and have always enjoyed the bridges there. We planned an entire trip around walking as many NYC bridges as we could...and it was one of my favorite trips ever. Each day, we walked multiple bridges. It was fun navigating our way to each of these landmarks, figuring out how to walk them, taking photos, and then actually walking across. And, yes, I even made us dorky t-shirts to commemorate the trip. I actually shared a great deal about this trip in my saved stories on my personal Instagram account.
- We would walk between 12-15 miles each day on that trip. It allowed us to indulge a bit more with our food without guilt. We didn't go too crazy, but I can say that pasta and dessert were had one day.
- Find seasonal fruits and veggies that are local to the place you're visiting. This is actually quite enjoyable!
- If you feel like you're missing out on vacation eating, indulge in one "fun" meal per day or just a couple of meals for the trip. Or, split something. Order a couple of side salads and then split an entree (and maybe even dessert).
- For holiday meals, find festive foods that fit within your plan, but are still a holiday treat. I have lots of cookies, bar recipes, and other indulgences that we only make around the holidays, but they're still on our particular plan. I listed them out in my post about my Trim Healthy Mama journey.
The above was another one from our bridge tour! The Brooklyn Bridge isn't crowded before 7 am. And we walked from there over to the Manhattan Bridge and crossed them both before 8am. It was one of the highlights of the trip to get up early that day and take on the city.
Other Resources I Use
Besides the obvious plan resources and cookbooks (listed below), I have a few other things that keep me motivated.
- Good workout clothing: I buy new walking shoes every 4-5 months. I also try to find stylish workout gear that makes me happy (and has a pocket for my phone, my biggest requirement).
- A subscription to Audible: I often listen to books while I walk and Audible is perfect. My favorite motivational lifestyle books that are available on Audible:
- French Women Don't Get Fat by Mireille Guiliano
- Choosing the Simply Luxurious Life: A Modern Woman's Guide by Shannon Ables
- Great Podcasts: when I am not listening to books, I listen to a podcast. One of my favorite lifestyle podcasts is from The Simple Sophisticate. She has great healthy-living tips woven throughout that I always find helpful.
Find Recipes you LOVE!
- I shared a lot of my favorite recipes in my previous weight loss post, but I wanted to share the cookbooks I utilize, as well.
- Below are the top three cookbooks that I use every week (I do enjoy cooking and this plan is perfect for that). My top three books are:
- Trim Healthy Table (from the THM sisters)
- This cookbook is only for those on their specific would be confusing on its own. Their plan book can be found here on Amazon.
- Necessary Food from Briana Thomas
- This is also THM-specific, but doesn't require as many "unique" ingredients. My entire family enjoys recipes in this one.
- Against All Grain from Danielle Walker
- I ordered this on a whim, but I love it. It is a bit more prep and ingredients, but I enjoy being in the kitchen. I'm able to make her recipes easily fit our plan, too.
Cookbook Giveaway
In celebration of this milestone, I'm giving away these three cookbooks to one reader!
How to Enter the Giveaway:
- It's super simple, leave me a comment letting me know your best natural weight loss tips on this post. Be sure your name is in your comment's profile or leave it in the comment.
- The winner will be announced in two weeks, by email and via Facebook. If the winner doesn't claim their prize, another winner will be chosen.
- Residents only from the continental US are eligible.

Fave tip above would be the shoes and clothing. If I feel odd or my shoes lose their spring I don't move as much. For a tip from me, I'm usually working on better hydration, loving herbal teas and flavoring my water (without adding calories.) And congratulations!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on all your hard work, you are looking absolutely amazing! I have just begun (about a month in) my journey to 100 lbs lost! So far my biggest natural helps have been a dramatic increase in water intake like a gallon or more a day, walking on breaks at work (hour) and a hour of strength training 4 days a week. I am gluten and lactose free as well, as a natural aid in treating PCOS. I have heard about THM Plans before and their long term success in keeping weight off a definite goal of mine! Thank you for sharing your success it is a huge encouragement for me to keep pushing forward! Hard work pays off. Thank you! Cassandra Waldron
ReplyDeleteWow, you are a great example. I, too, am just finishing my fight with thryoid cancer. Helped a friend through hers only, dang, she had complications after the surgery but is doing well now. Staying hydrated has been my biggest challenge in life next to packing on the weight but now it is important for me to get on and stay on the being healthy wagon, no matter how slow it seems. (Psst-my name is Janey)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite natural weight loss too is to love yourself through it. Give yourself grace and don't beat yourselfup if you stumble. It's a journey, not a race.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your journey. I have been attempting to find the right balance of food in my life for a long time. I am a stress eater-when I recognize what is happening-grabbing that cookie-or handful of chips-I try to take a step back-I need to own my struggle and ask GOD to replace the desire for food with the desire and hunger for my LORD and SAVIOR. Debbie Davidson
ReplyDeleteI must say, you are a true inspiration. I am a fitness instructor, and you would think it wouldn't be this hard, but hitting menopause really changed my body, and it's been very difficult to lose the extra weight. My favorite tip from your article is not being so strict. Perhaps that is why I fail time and time again. Thank you for sharing your story - you've encouraged me to keep trying. Rosemary Orlando, Chincoteague, VA.
ReplyDeleteWhat an awesome post! Thank you! My husband and I have also been trying to eat healthy and exercise more this past year. I agree that the water is so important! One thing that seems to also help us is eating fish. We enjoy tilapia and are trying to acquire a taste for salmon. Thank you for this giveaway! Donella Sherry
ReplyDeleteCongratulations,I know how how hard it is to loose weight, I've been on every diet out there and the only thing that work for me was water. I went around with a 2leader bottle in my hand all the time. I didn't eat any bread and drink so much water I started to get sick, after 1 year I lost 165lbs. and and I've been stuck at 200 for the last 20 years. My dr tells me I need to loose more weight but nothing comes off, my husband and I walked as much as possible.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to you and your husband. It definitely takes determination and learning what works best for you and sticking with it.
ReplyDeleteWow! So inspiring! This is a journey I have been struggling with for years; as I enter a new season in my life, inspiring stories like yours show me it is possible! It's time for me to dig deep; let the past go; begin this life change and find ME again!
ReplyDeleteApril Fortenberry
U look great so happy for u. I've gotta shed few pounds just so I get my energy back. I've got a toddler and 2 step sons and I'm always tired. I've also just gave up on myself and now I'm almost back to 200lbs. And I've always been small until like 2013 when I was put on lithium and I blew up. I was also incarcerated so I wasnt very active and I snacked a whole lot! But now I'm on the right track mentally, I'm clean, I'm doing well in life but I forgot to take better care of myslef. I'm not good at taking things and exercise is not my thing either. Not sure. Lol. But congrats to u. Love ur blog love ur printables love ur stories! Thanks keep em comin <3 renee 35 yo from New Jersey with 3 kids crafty and hone body!! Lol
ReplyDeleteI am a 10 year survivor of thyroid cancer too! It's been a journey. I've been in kidney failure twice and have had a hard time regulating my system to a point that I feel healthy. But I'm working on it every day. I think my favorite tip is simply to try every day to make good choices and forgive yourself when you don't. It's a new way of thinking and doing life and forgiving yourself for making a mistake is ok. Just keep trying.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You look like a new person! Best tip: breaking up walking goal into 2 segments!
ReplyDeleteMy fav weight loss secret is water! It is so important to a healthy diet and essential to many bodily functions. I always carry a bottle of water with me everywhere I go.
ReplyDeleteWhat an inspiration. I have health issues that has gotten me into a sensible meal plan and 5 days a week workout for 40 min. Its made a difference, but I definitely could use more inspiration and tips. You two look great and I'm encouraged by your comments. Keep up the great work! Kim Gaede
ReplyDeleteGreat job!!! Best tip for me is to incorporate healthy living in your whole life. I'm really bad about having "cheat meals" during the holidays & vacations! I have been up & down with my weight the last several years & while it's frustrating, it wasn't a huge deal to me because if I really wanted to lose it I could. Well now I desperately need to change my family's whole lifestyle from the way I cook and we need to add tons of more physical activity. My husband just had a check up yesterday & his health is desperately depending on me to change all of that. But I just don't know where to start....I don't know how to cook healthy....So thanks so much for all of your tips & for sharing your story!!! I really appreciate it!!! Kristi Riggs (
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your journey!!! It is a lifestyle change and that is the mindset I have always had to take being 5 foot and loving sweets and carbs, my Lupus made me GLuten Free years ago and that helped everything so much! It is a daily struggle I do understand and Praise the Lord for helping you to get there and beyond!!! anita
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your success! My best tip is to be accountable to yourself. It’s so easy for me to grab “just a little something”, maybe sweet, as I walk through the house. It adds up!!
ReplyDeleteI eat a small breakfast . I eat a big meal for lunch and then just snack smartly when I'm hungry later on in the day.
ReplyDeleteThis is Tara Schuster. Congratulations to you both! 100 lbs is a huge marker. I adore your blog, emails, freebies and just hearing your stories. Thank you for always sharing your life & talents with us.
ReplyDeleteMy dad lost about 100 lbs too and he said stopping any soda and replacing with water was a HUGE positive change in his weight loss journey.
Congrats again to you both 😊👍.
keeping track of what I eat has been one of the most important parts of my weight loss journey. I use the MyFitnessPal app to log my food, water and exercise. I would never remember otherwise!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on 100 lbs! That is inspiring! My best tip for weight loss is to limit sweets and drink more water. Also, daily movement helps. Ramona Stovall
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ReplyDeleteWow! Just Wow! What an inspiration, Kristi!!! You and your heart are so beautiful!! Due to other unrelated health problems, I found out that I have thyroid nodules and get an ultrasound and biopsy each year to check on them. Honestly, I don't think about it too often, but on the last one they said we would just keep a close eye on them because they have grown and continue our checks every 6 months-a year. Sometimes, it's scary to think about,but honestly, knowing that you have been through that and can relate brings me some peace! I am glad we have found each other. <3
ReplyDeleteWow! What an amazing journey! My best weightloss tip. I drink warm lemon water and wait 30- 45 minutes before eating.I combine protein and carbs together.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your personal story
Awesome! Great job! You look beautiful now as well as before. Just healthier which is more important. I too lost 125 pounds a few years ago with gastric bypas . You my friend did it naturally and for that I applaud you.
ReplyDeleteYou both are truly an inspiration to me and lots of other people!! Thank you for all the great weight loss ideas to help me to stay focused, all of them are great but my favorite is find a plan where you don't feel deprived, this has been my down fall with every diet I have ever tried in the past. I am just starting my weight loss journey and I will take what you wrote to heart as I strive to make this my last weight loss journey and just make it a life style. You both look fantastic!! are so amazing. Good for you....i am just so impressed on your commitment and that you and your spouse are in this together!!! Keep up the good work!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the 100! That is so cool. My tip would be to drink the water and cut back on the size of the meal. Thank you for your blog I have learned a lot from you. Debra Lee
ReplyDeleteMy best natural tip is to eat like your Great Great grandma. I.e. if she wouldn’t recognize it as food it’s not
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your journey! I love the piece about getting movement in everyday even when its not as much as you want. Some Activity is always better than none. You are an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteDonna Seidensticker
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Kristi! You look amazing! I am so proud of you and thank you for sharing your journey, what an inspiration you are! I have started drinking more water and actually eating something for breakfast-protein shake, on my way in to work. This has helped me. Thank you for your encouragement and letting us know that we can do it too! God Bless You!
Congrats Kristi, what accomplishment! I find it helpful to express gratitude for my body, and all the wonderful things it can do now, as well as in the future. I draw power from my faith and daily prayers �� to sustain me in my health journey.
ReplyDeleteI am on a 100 lb weight loss journey too. It was so awesome to read your story and to see that I'm not the only one that has that slow loss, bob up and down till I lose weight struggle. I'm 6 months into my journey but so determined to stick it out. 40 lbs and 36" off so far. I heard something the other day that rings so true. "By sharing our story, we offer the keys to unlock the prison of someone who is suffering like we are." It helps to know I'm not alone. Thank you so much for sharing! -Wren Smart
ReplyDeleteGood for you! You look great and I'm sure you feel even better!
ReplyDeleteI love the advice to make it fit your life so you don't feel deprived. I don't do deprivation very well!
Hi there!!! I was so intrigued when I saw your email this morning. I also have been on a journey for the last 2 and 1/2 years in which I have lost 73 pounds naturally. I want to tell you that I AM NOT ON A DIET. I am 56 years old and have been on every kind of diet that is out there. I lose weight, then I gain it all back. So, I decided that the only way to get to where I have wanted to be my ENTIRE life is to CHANGE the way I THINK ABOUT FOOD. So that is what I have done. I realized that skinny girls don't eat 4 donuts every day. Skinny girls don't have a half of pizza every Friday night or a candy bar every afternoon. Those are meant to be treats, not for every day. So I started on my journey and I started with a plan, like you did, because we all know that every good idea needs a plan. I'm following the low carb, not sugar plan and it's going slowly, but surely. My advice for your readers is NO DIETING, CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE. Also, don't rush yourself, it didn't come on fast, be healthy and kind to yourself.
ReplyDeleteI would love to win the giveaway because I am at a kind of plateau where I have about 50 pounds more to loose and I feel a bit stuck at this 73 pound mark for a bit. I am having no problem maintaining it, but I really want to get the rest off.
Either way, you go girl!!!! Thanks for sharing and giving me the opportunity to share my story as well.
Karen L, Coral Springs, Florida
May God continue to bless you and your husband. I've been watching my weight my whole life. Once lost 50 pounds on WW and in the last couple years took off 32 and have pretty much kept it off. Not an easy thing to do! But well worth it. Continue on. Pat Schutz
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! What an amazing accomplishment! I'm really proud of you and admire your honesty and hard work! Thank you for the awesome tips also! Keep up the good work! I put you on my personal prayer list so I can pray specifically for encouragement, self-control and perseverance daily for you as well!
ReplyDeleteJoni Mc, PA
Congratulations! I am eating plant based to loose weight. I love your tip on proper shoes. I didn't realize til I saw your post that I'm not moving as much due to feet hurting because of shoes. I'm going to buy better ones. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteFirst, I would like to say that you look and are amazing! You are an inspiration. I, also had cancer and gained a lot of weight while recovering. I found that the easiest thing for me was to change one bad eating habit a month.I started with eating a healthy lunch every day and drinking lots of water. I still have a long way to go, and seeing your journey, now I know it's possible. Thank you!
ReplyDeletePlease don't eter me in the giveaway--I just want to leave my Congratulations on seeing the results of so much effort, and thank you for sharing this. I think so often people hesitate to talk about a weight loss experience, as if it's something to be embarrassed about when it's really something to feel so proud about--that much focus, determination, steadfastness, and imagination should be celebrated. Also, to have persisted even while you experienced a loss is hard, because that's a time when we sometimes find it hard to keep doing the things we should be doing that require discipline and attention. Way to go, Kristi!!
ReplyDeleteYou look awesome! What a difference you two look. It has taken me about 3 years to lose 100lbs also and I would say the best way to lose weight is slowly so as to keep it off. I would also like to say that if you fall off the course of your eating habit, be gentle with yourself, forgive yourself and with the next meal, start over. I have been stuck at my current weight and need to get back on a clean eating plan. I only have 60 more pounds but it has been hard. Good luck!!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your weight loss! You are a tremendous inspiration!!!!!! I also have a hubby that will takes walks with me in the evening. I love the Trim Healthy Mama cookbooks. Thank you for sharing your weight loss journey with us and also thank you for your fabulous printables and crafting ideas!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on all of your hard work paying off!!! I've been familiar with THM for many years, but tried doing it when I have tiny babies and was too overwhelmed. I may try it again! I've been semi doing WW and lost 20 lbs. I have a big goal, so thanks for the motivating post! My best advice is to keep moving forward! <3 - Kristen Miller
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh this is fantastic! congratulations, to you both! Inspiring!!! Thank you so much for sharing. My favorite tip is water. We constantly underestimate the importance of water. Even though I know how crucial it is, I still find myself neglecting that one. Gonna go fill up my glass right now!
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ReplyDeleteWOW!! Congratulations to you and your husband! I think you are doing it the best way to keep it off too! Keep your focus on your journey! I love to run but my journey started with walking. Keep your goals attainable to avoid frustration. Keep up the great work! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteSarah Knet
Congratulations! There is nothing like before and after pictures to really show a transformation. You have inspired me this morning! I know I need to lose weight, and continually think about it, but have done nothing but "think" about it. I've been on a high stress level for the past 6 years with the passing of my dear dad, and as a caregiver for my mom the following years, until her passing this year. During this time, I have continued to put on the pounds. Now I need to do something about it for me and for my health. I look forward to reading and putting in place an eating and exercise plan. My best tips: Drink lots of water...everyone needs this one. Also, make a walking/exercise schedule (write it in on your calendar) and stick to it. I don't rely on walking buddies unless they are truly committed...they sometimes let you down. Thank you!!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing! Congratulations on reaching this milestone! I particularly like the tip about the green tea. I've been incorporating much more water but need some variety, so your idea really helps.
ReplyDeleteDon't beat yourself up and use it as an excuse to stop if you "cheat" on your plan. Allow for these times, it's necessary! Give yourself praise for what you have accomplished and get right back on track.
ReplyDeleteDon't beat yourself up and use it as an excuse to stop if you "cheat" on your plan. Allow for these times, it's necessary! Give yourself praise for what you have accomplished and get right back on track.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Kristi on your milestone! Thanks for sharing your story which is such an encouragement in my own weight loss battle. I loved hearing about your team - which is so crucial in these endeavours. Your & your husband look wonderful & well. All the best. <3
ReplyDeleteYou are beautiful inside and out. I am having a bit of an issue with weight loss myself. I have been diagnosed a Type 2 Diabetic and now comes all the changes. I need to lose weight and get my glucose levels down. Portion control is a big issue for me. I size up servings of everything, right down to my rice cakes. I need to learn when to stop eating and learn what foods to eat and what to cut out yet. I also walk, a lot. My best results so far are portion control and keep moving. At work, if I'm not busy I walk around my office, walk at lunchtime, walk after work, walk at home. Never stop moving.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! Your hard work is inspiring. For me, my best weight loss has been adding water. I am an unsweet tea and black coffee gal but find I need to add more water!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Congratulations! You look wonderful and happy!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You have become my hero. I need to lose 100 lbs but can't seem to stick to anything. I go to the gym randomly. I sit at a desk everday on my job. Seeing what you have accomplished has seriously motivated me to get up and get started. My sister is 77 and has recently started counting her calorie intake each day. She has lost 41 lbs by tracking what she eats. She hold her intake to no more than 1500 per day. I have started doing that as well. I want too lose slow. I am 62 so I don't want to swivel Again Congratulations! So very proud for you.
ReplyDelete- No bread, pasta or sugar
ReplyDelete- Protein and LOTS of veggies. Can always throw out what you don't finish
Encouragement tip - When discouraged "I have only lost ten pounds. That's nothing" Go pick up a bucket of paint at the store and carry it around for a bit. You will be glad to set it down, hopefully with a new appreciation of your progress.
I love the reminder to not use vacations or holidays as an excuse for cheating or not staying active.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to you, I also know the struggle of losing weight, I lost over a 100 lbs starting 15 years ago when I had a knee replacement. I started by making small changes like switching my cooking oil, shopping the perimeter of the grocery store, not starving myself from any one food (because you will crave it if you do). I am still maintaining my weight but still struggle some days. Theresa Krier Thanks so much for the giveaway !
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your success. Your walking tips motivated me to start the walking. I. We’d the change up my walking environment which means I would have to drive there, like our Ocean Springs bridge or the Bay St Louis bridge and even walk the boardwalk on the beach. I think I got stuck in a rut with just walking my neighborhood. Good luck on your journey.
ReplyDeleteWay to go! I love that you have your husband along on your beautiful journey to enjoying life better <3 I have only a couple things that have been working on for keeping me healthy: 1) I tell myself that I have a "job" to do and make my exercise happen early in my day, so as not to find excuses to skip. 2) I find that a "schedule" to eat helps keep munchies in check, especially try to keep a minimum of 12 hours apart (fasting after dinner to breakfast).
ReplyDeleteLate-night snacking while working on the computer, and stress eating are my vices that I'm learning to take control of. Congratulations on meeting your goal. That's an inspiration to all of us! I too have had thyroid issues with 3 prior surgeries - but not going to give up!
ReplyDeleteAngel here Thank you for the inspiration! I am also on a 100 lbs to lose journey! I really like your Vacation tip, because just last weekend I had that problem and I just starved through it. Also, thanks for the advice on the Green Tea. I am forcing myself to drink only water, but I am going to try some Green Tea now! Thanks for everything and keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteBlessings on your amazing weight loss! Back when I dieted, I found it helpful not to eat anything after 6 p.m. I would finish my evening meal and then brush my teeth to ensure that I wouldn't eat anything else that night. Drinking lots of water throughout the day also helped. BTW, it looks like your hair even got lighter as your body did. 8-) Mine has gotten lighter, too; God is turning it silver!
ReplyDeleteOMG! You are doing great. If you can do this, Im going to read upon the plan and see if its something that I would be willing to stick to. If I had the willpower and support I would be lighter myself. If only I could drink more water, and give up my 1 can of soda a day, I would be so happy. Again great job, you are rockin it. I have a new email and dont know how to change it, Clara H.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the wonderful progress! Wow!
ReplyDeleteSome of my top tips are to, like others have said, love yourself through all of your stages. I'm currently at a higher weight than I want to be, but I'm still trying to love myself when I look in the mirror. I know my 14-year-old daughter sees and hears everything I say to myself, so I want to be mindful about trying to be the best, healthiest version of myself, but not beating myself up on the way either. Staying hydrated is also important. Once I find a water bottle that is easy to drink from, I keep it on hand with me everywhere I go. Also, another important thing. If I mess up, I just start again. Tomorrow is always a new day. No need to wait for Monday. Just start again fresh in the morning or even the next meal!
Keep up the great work!
Congratulations to you and your husband on this amazing health journey together. I agree with the importance of having a "buddy" with you on this journey. I think I will have to add green tea to my day for sure! Again congratulations on such an inspiring achievement.
ReplyDeleteI admire your diligence and your patience!! You look amazing! thank you for sharing this, it is such an encouragement to me and I'm sure to many others. I try to bring 12-16 ounces of room temp water with lemon and apple cider vinegar every morning when I wake up to help jump start my metabolism and fill me up so when I make my breakfast choice, it is a healthy one! Keep up the good work and thank you so much for all the wonderful freebies!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome job. Y’all look so young.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you. You have done a great job. I know how hard it is. I lost 100 pounds when I was much younger. I am 65 now and have diabetes so it's harder this time. But I am trying. I have lost 30 pounds so far and hoping for another 50 or 60. God bless you
ReplyDeleteWow! I followed THM a long time ago, but kinda forgot about it. I'm going to check it out again and the recipe books would be a great help. Congratulations! -- Pamela Buzzard
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your journey and tips! Congratulations, you both look amazing! I like the accountability, I'm not a self-starter so I need the motivational buddy. I also have a favorite water bottle I fill up for the day and carry it everywhere, and I make sure to drink some water few minutes before each meal. -Lien P.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing and congratulations on your success! One of my tips is to use a smaller plate for your meals.
ReplyDeleteThe kinds of exercise I can do is limited by post-polio syndrome and injuries (pain) from an auto accident three years ago. The doctors said I shouldn't be alive but my Lord and Savior had other plans for me. Walking isn't an option and swimming doesn't give me the weight-bearing exercise I need. I use a stationary recumbent bicycle but have gotten so slack. Now I have to start over and work up to several miles a day. I'm not able to stand to cook so I do lots of prep work sitting. Thank you for the inspiration you provided and for sharing your journey and photos. You look incredible and I know that you must be so pleased at reaching this important goal. I'd like to lose 75 pounds and your story has given me the motivation to begin today. One thing I have learned earlier is that if I get off track, the time to start again is with the next food I put in my mouth. And, as many have said, hydration is key. I drink lots of water and iced tea (hot tea in winter). Today is the day of beginning again.
ReplyDeleteP.S. You may want to try buttoning your sweater just below your breasts. It gives a nice shape to your body.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your weight loss (so far)!
ReplyDeleteI have been doing WW (formerly Weight Watchers) and in 3 months lost 25lbs.
I dont feel deprived in the least! I'm going for 2lbs lost a week, and average that overall. I still enjoy bread (ESPECIALLY garlic bread - yum!) and cheese on occasion. I just gave up soda and other carbonated drinks and have coffee in the morning and tea and water the rest of the day.
My tips would be, definitely drink water! I never did, but Hint water got me started loving water. Now I can drink regular water without issue.
My second tip is when you overdo it..too much splurge or gain a lot one week, acknowledge it and MOVE ON! Stressing can derail your whole journey. One bad week won't hurt you in the long run.
You look amazing! Way to be consistent and taking care of you! I love how you and your husband are accountability partners. Y'all are a great team. One of the tips that I learned was not eating late at night and trying to have an early dinner. That way your body can focus on rest and burning calories and fat. Not focusing on digesting your food. If you are consistent, you will see a difference on the scale and your clothes.
ReplyDeleteYou are an inspiration. My only tip for people, including myself, is just "start". Anyone who has struggled with their weight has probably heard all the advice, and they also know all the advice in the world won't help unless you "do".
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tip is no cheat days. I always struggle with cheat days. They often become cheat weeks, etc. Congratulations!!
ReplyDeleteYou are always beautiful inside and out, but so happy for your healthier lifestyle!!! I’ve lost 35 lbs since January and my favorite tips are!
ReplyDelete1) It’s more about what’s going on in your kind than about actually losing weight. It’s not failure it’s about learning what works for you.
2) Fill up on the healthy stuff first. Veggies, fruits, lean protein, drink water water water. Eat as much as you want of those things and then when dessert comes you May only want a bite!
3) LIVE YOUR LIFE! Find foods and activities that seamlessly fit into your life. This isn’t about a short term thing, it is about transitioning to a healthier lifestyle!
ReplyDelete1. PLAN your meals.
2. Snack wise
3. Prep for meals and snacks (carry healthier choices for quick pick me ups or hold me overs)
My favorite tip is to love yourself as you are. I've found that when I've started to try to loss weight from that place of hating myself it never works, but when I start from a place of love, caring, and tenderness it's easier to make good choices and be successful. Congratulations to you!!
ReplyDeleteWow, what a great accomplishment! Congratulations! I find allowing treats in tiny proportions doesnt make me feel like I've given everything up. Positivity helps also. Believing you can do this and remind yourself why you are doing it.
DeleteI am so proud of you! Healthy for me includes two snacks a day. They keep me from being "Hangry" and let me plan my meals. So every day - cottage cheese & cucumber for morning snack, one apple and 1/4 c walnuts for afternoon snack. I notice that they also make me a lot nicer :)
ReplyDeleteI would love to have those cookbooks! I started THM in January and am happily maintaining my initial loss. I am trying to get back into a good THM routine after a very busy, on-the-road kind of summer. My tip (mostly to myselef, because I'm bad at it) is plan, plan, plan.
ReplyDeleteI am struggling with losing weight as I go older for sure. I am trying the walking thing and eating vegetables and fruit. It seems to be working. You both look wonderful!
ReplyDeleteI am getting ready to begin my weight loss journey with a goal of 75lbs! I like your tips of not calling it "cheating" if you eat outside your plan. I am interested in looking up the Trim Healthy Mama Plan.
ReplyDeleteI try really hard to focus on enjoying what I am eating it. Sometimes its hard to do.
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ReplyDeleteYou're looking fabulous! I have been up and down through the years with my weight. *sigh* The thing that works best for me is to leave the sugary foods alone! It's just self sabotage to say "just a bite won't hurt." I have also learned that I am much happier when my favorite pants or skirt fit without being too tight! It's so worth my own health to use portion control as well. I find I feel better if I am not stuffed, but pleasantly satisfied. I have to stick with this now, as I am experiencing kidney failure and I am able to heal my kidneys by doing these things as well as increasing water intake. My hubs and I are avid cyclists, and my cycling goes much better when I am at my optimal weight, so that is great motivation. I have to remember that I don't earn extra calories of any kind when I have gone on a long ride! I can eat extra fruit, veggies and protein and leave the sugar and flour alone!
ReplyDeleteYou look great! My two favorite tips that you mentioned are breaking up the walking into two outings and new shoes! I have personally found that if I don't weigh myself every day that it is a little more exciting when I do lose a few pounds at a time rather than a pound or less. I usually weigh on Mondays! My email is:
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ReplyDeleteMy best natural weight loss is, eating in moderation, eating low carb food, exercise 4-5 days a week, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, try to find someone to be accountable to, to help you during times that you want to give up, and if you mess up, just keep going and pray for God's guidance, accountability, strength and have FUN!! You look GREAT! Congratulations so far!
ReplyDeleteJulie Castellon
ReplyDeleteImpressive! I loved that you talked about walking. I can't believe how many steps you get in each day!! I also liked that you continued even on vacation, just making it your lifestyle. Thank you!
I didn't know you'd been on this weight loss/change of life journey until just recently. I'm going to go back and read all about it. I have heard of this plan but didn't pay much attention to it. I've struggled mostly with my weight since menopause, about 20 years ago. All of a sudden, the lbs starting coming on! I did learn that lots of aerobic exercise really helped... I danced back then - country western, couples and line dancing, and boy did that get the lbs off! Of course, when I quit doing that, the weight came on again. I also rode my horse and once he was gone, the weight came on. The two times I did lose around 30 lbs (slowly), I ate totally gluten free and didn't mix carbs and protein.. it's the "Fit for Life" sort of plan. I also cut out all sodas and sugar. I know now, 15 years later, that I HAVE to quit the sugar again. I continue to eat gluten free, but even gluten free has alot of carbs so I'm in the process of changing to eating mostly grain free which is much lower in carbs. And I've amped up my walking. My husband and I also have found that eating a much smaller evening meal is so much better. That is one way I lost weight about 10 years ago.. smaller evening meal, no carbs at night, and I had a healthy protein and greens drink in the morning before work. It cut the hunger down so that I could eat a smaller lunch which was mostly veggies (and a little cheese). Right now, I need to lose 50 lbs again. I would love to try this Trim Healthy Mama Plan! You and your husband look wonderful and healthy and how neat that he went on the plan with you. I love all of your tips about more walking and more water.. the two "W's"!! I also want to thank you for all of your art work and wonderful freebies. You are so talented and such an inspiration! Marilyn McLeod (
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tips are to love yourself as you are, eat smart and make good choices.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your tremendous weight loss, you look beautiful as usual.
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ReplyDeleteCongratulation! Tip: meal planning it key to healthy diet.
ReplyDeleteI know it is the simplest thing in the world, but I don't drink enough water. I NEED to do that. I like that your advice is very common sense. You do look GREAT! Thanks for sharing your story as an inspiration!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Tip-use a soda stream to make sparkling water. That has really helped me drink more water.
ReplyDeleteMy tip is to first start with one healthier change at a time.
ReplyDeleteThe biggest thing I did was cut out junk and processed food for a month including dairy and grains. I noticed when I reintroduced wheat it wasn't good for me and I have some allergy type side effects. Dairy was fine. So for me for the last 9 months with minimal to no wheat has really made a positive change on how my body feels.
Wow! What a success story! You have worked so hard and look absolutely amazing. My best healthy tip is to not let drinking water slip by. I had a hard time with this initially because I just couldn't give up my Diet Pepsi. I will say that I do have one occasionally but I mostly drink water and have been able to tell the biggest difference in all aspects of my body. Thank you for sharing your journey!
ReplyDeleteThat's amazing! Good for you! My tip is to start by cutting out sugary drinks. I don't miss them as much as I thought. I'm looking at starting THM. Thanks for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your weight loss journey! And thank you for all the weight loss tips you shared that have worked for you. Something that has helped me is to remember that I have to continually renew my mind in this area by reading articles about eating healthy, etc. I don't love to cook so I've found some healthy options at Panda Express that I can pick up when life gets crazy. We also eat a lot of bagged salads and I add fresh raspberries, blueberries, avocado, nuts, etc. for flavor and variety.
ReplyDeleteMelanee Gallina
DeleteCongratulations - what an achievement! Four years ago, I was diagnosed with diabetes. I met with a nutritionist, who listened to what I liked and didn't like eating, and we agreed then that a particular diet probably wouldn't work for me. Instead, we focused on counting carbs and incorporating smart snacking choices along with exercising 20-30 minutes per day. That worked for a long time, allowing me to lose 60 pounds and reducing my A1C to 5.9. However, I hit a plateau earlier this year and wasn't able to lose. After doing a lot of reading and visiting with my doctor, I decided to try intermittent fasting. I now eat as I have been 5 days a week, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I consume between 450-500 calories: a protein shake for breakfast, a small can of V-8 for lunch, and 1-1.5 cups of homemade soup (typically a veggie soup) for dinner. I wasn't sure how I would do at first, but I have been surprised at how easy it has been. I've lost 7 pounds in the two months I've been doing it, and I'm SO proud that I've been able to stick to it. I would like to lose another 50 pounds before I'm down to the suggested weight for someone my height, and I think I can get there this way. Keep up the good work - you're an inspiration for all of us!!!
ReplyDeleteWell you and your husband just look WONDERFUL! Congratulations for your blessing in giving us information and inspiration! My latest in trying to dump pounds after quitting smoking is that I have joined a Pilates class. I like it because it is a very good workout without stressing the joints. Enjoying it greatly. Again, THANKS. Penny (
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! At 125lbs down, I can really feel what you are doing. You look years younger, I didn't even know it was you at first! My weight loss tip is to get rid of a clothing size as soon as it no longer fits. In the past, hanging on to them just reaffirmed to me that I would someday regain the weight. Letting them go forces me to realign my mental vision of myself and makes me more determined not to regain the
ReplyDeleteweight. I don't want to spend all that money on a new wardrobe that's a size bigger when I could be buying one a size smaller.
Congratulations! So excited for you! I am also doing THM. Breaking the diet soda habit helped me the most!!Stick to the plan and if you go off plan start again in 3 hrs. Brenda Porter
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! You look terrific and should be so proud of your accomplishments. I'm currently doing Keto and what helps me most is to listen to so me of my favorite doctors on Youtube. I have learned so many helpful tips such as eating 7-10 cups of salad veggies each day and/or 2-4 cups of non salad veggies. (lower end if you eat 2 times a day). And to eat those veggies FIRST, before protein. I'm feeling so much better this time around, thanks to eating more veggies.
ReplyDeleteMy tip is to find a workout that you love! I found a kickboxing gym about a year and a half ago that I fell in love with! I know that if I just sign up for a gym that I can go to whenever I want to and nobody would really know if I went or not I likely would never go. But when I found Farrell's I was in awe of how much it wasn't just a gym, but a family. People would know if I wasn't there and would reach out to make sure all was okay and to encourage me to be there the next day. It has changed my life and I look forward to getting up early to get to the gym 6 days a week!
ReplyDeleteWow!Congratulations! You guys look fantastic! I'm doing ketogenic diet as well, but there's still a long way to go. It gives me more courage to continue my weight loss goal knowing that there's a great healthy life waiting for me! So thankful of the things you do!
ReplyDeleteThis is so inspiring! I have been wanting to try Trim, Healthy Mama but was wanting to wait until I had weaned my last baby. And now I'm ready!
ReplyDeleteMy biggest help when I'm trying to lose weight is to drink LOTS of water. Sometimes I get bored of the regular water flavor, but I have discovered a NATURAL water enhancer that walmart sells, which makes me look forward to my tasty water.
Becky Knutson
My mantra is nothing tastes as good as being thin it has helped me avoid cookies and ice cream.
ReplyDeletei like Thrive products and Young Living Essential Oils. Flavoring water is SO SIMPLE with the oils! :)
ReplyDeleteLiving in Hawaii I eat tone of fruits and vegetables.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on all you have accomplished. I am about to begin my journey and plan to reference your posts for inspiration and motivation.
ReplyDeleteWOW What an accomplishment this is. I have been battling with Thyroid problems for many years and it's been a battle. But Last year I had some major changes in my life I knew I had let myself down, and I started to take better care of myself, with eating better, drinking more water, but the major change was exercise. I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago and planned it around being active and it made such a difference in the way I felt! I have a goal to become a runner and I'm doing my first 5k this weekend actually. And of course the weather has taken a nose dive but I'm still game and I hope that by this time next year I can say I've lost double the 25 lbs that I've lost this year and kept it off. You are such in inspiration with your crafting and in your personal life too. Congrats again to you and your Husband.
I drink water first thing upon waking and also try to do fiber drinks several times a day, which helps me stay satisfied and not ravenous and snacking. Cheers on your success! -Amy Heckart
ReplyDeleteI drink water first thing when I get up and also drink several fiber drinks throughout the day to keep me satisfied and not searching for snacks. Cheers on your success!! -Amy Heckart
ReplyDeleteFirst, congratulations! That is quite the accomplishment. Second, my biggest natural weight loss tip would be to practice yoga. I suffer from chronic pain so it can be hard to exerise but by incorporating a little bit of yoga into my day, literally 10 minutes in the morning and again in the evening, I can really feel the difference in body - my clothes fit better!
ReplyDeleteTry to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, drink lots of water, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables! They're zero points on Weight Watchers. Congrats on your weight loss, you look great! What a huge accomplishment :) ~Nicole
ReplyDeleteTry to exercise 30 minutes a day, five days a week, drink lots of water, and eat lots of fruits and vegetables! They're zero points on Weight Watchers. Congrats on your weight loss, you look great! What a huge accomplishment :) ~Nicole
ReplyDeleteCorissa Kaufmann here. So awesome that you slayed that goal!!!! I had lost 60 (since have gained 15 back) by eating turkey and vegetables. I am ready to get back into a healthy lifestyle. For me summers are hard to keep balance.
ReplyDeleteI eat fruits and vegetables as 3/4 of every meal and snacks. I eat a high protein breakfast Lean meat with lunch and dinner. No foods after 7 unless fruit or veggie. I drink double my body weight in water ounces so 190 lbs is 380 ounces of water a day. I have one large water bottle I fill up then I have a favorite stainless steel cup and straw I drink out of with ice. I just refill my cup from my bottle when bottle is empty I know I’ve drank my water for the day. I will occasionally add fresh fruit or cucumber and mint to my water if i notice I’m struggling to drink my daily amount. It helps to change it up. I have a gym membership at the YMCA and try to go at least 3 times a week. I’ve learned the better my workout clothes fit and look the more apt I am to go. If I don’t have my clothes and shoes out the night before I fail to go too. It’s a mindset for me. I love New Balance and Brooks shoes as I have plantar fasciitis and they feel better on my feet. Meal planning is key for me as well I do 2-3 breakfasts and lunches at a time so I have no excuse time wise. Then dinner is something for the family of 5 we love crockpot meals and sheet pan meals.
ReplyDeleteBest tip...dont go it alone. Even if you have to find an online group have someone who can help hold you accountable on the days you dont want to hold yourself accountable. it for you, not for your SO or anyone else. They can encourage you and its nice to get compliments and encouraging words....but they arent the one in your head when you look in the mirror.
ReplyDeleteHi I am so happy for you. because it is a struggle. I myself have lost over 100lbs and still want to lose 70lbs more. The best tip I can say is to be honest with yourself. Look in the mirror and say your are absolutely worth everything you are working to achieve. I follow the Keto Diet and love it. It is super easy to follow and everything I eat is natural. My main source of food is protien and veggies. That doesnt mean I never have carbs but I limit what I put into my body. my name is actually Dawne Sobocinski Christensen was my ex-husbands name :)
ReplyDeleteHi! My name is Ryley Daniels from PA. I sometimes struggle to get breakfast down, but know it is good for my body to fuel when I wake up so I make a smoothie in the morning! The tip I would share is to freeze your banana in place of ice so it gets super thick and creamy..YUM! I love to workout in the morning and then have my smoothie to refuel with protein. Since adding both exercise and my smoothie/breakfast I have gained a good amount of muscle (and confidence) back after having our beautiful baby boy!
ReplyDeleteI love that you centered vacations around walking and touring bridges! I cant wait to incorporate that on my next trip as I have always loved architecture and bridge photography. My favorite health tip that I was given is to drink a glass of water before a meal.
ReplyDeleteYou look amazing! I've been on the same journey, with making little progress, I need to read THM again! My tip is a fun water bottle/cup with a straw, it always seems to help me drink more water!
ReplyDeleteHi, my weight loss tip is to limit your snacks to 15 carbs or less per serving. Also, try to add extra steps in your day by parking further away or by taking the stairs. Congratulations on your amazing weight loss journey. It is truly inspiring and very helpful to me. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteHi, my weight loss tip is to limit your snacks to 15 carbs or less per serving. Also, try to add extra steps in your day by parking further away or by taking the stairs. Congratulations on your amazing weight loss journey. It is truly inspiring and very helpful to me. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSuper proud of you, and how great you must feel now. I too am a Trim Healthy Mama for the past 5 years, and have shed 80 pounds. I can't believe how much better and healthier I feel. Dont enter me, but let me encourage you to start today on the road to a healthier life. I never thought I would be successful when I started, but I proved myself wrong!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite tip from your GREAT post: Don't Use Vacations or Holidays as an Excuse for Cheating! Congratulations to you and your husband for sticking with it. Thank you for everything you do Kristi!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a story, Kristi! Three years and still going. I need to do that. I am diabetic and love to cook and entertain and I love to eat. I like healthy food but the desserts get me in trouble. You are amazing. I know my husband would join me, so I am the issue - no one else but me to begin the journey. Thanks for the inspiration. I'd love to win the cookbooks.
ReplyDeleteHello! My name is Denise. My best weight loss tip is to eat 6 small meals a day and drink at least 60 ounces of water per day. Each meal is small and has a lean protien and low carb veggies. I love your idea of the Audible subscription!
ReplyDeleteI eat a handful of walnuts and 3 Brazil nuts daily. Great for fiber and good minerals.
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE AN INSPIRATION!!! Too many times I've tried and quit before even giving a healthier lifestyle a chance to make a difference. The fact that you have stuck with your plan AND WORKED IT, with tweaks as needed, resonates with me!! Perhaps the best thing I've taken away from reading your story is your commitment to exercising EVERY DAY and more hydration EVERY DAY.