11 Free Classroom Printables for Back to School | i should be mopping the floor
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11 Free Classroom Printables for Back to School

This post for Classroom Printables contains affiliate links. I make a small portion when these links are used, at no additional cost to you.

It's early for back to school designs, but I know a few of you have already gone back (wha?!?). Today's freebies are perfect for all the teachers and educators preparing their classrooms. These 11 Free Classroom Printables are wonderful for welcoming new students for the school year. They are available in Pre-K through 8th grade, with a "Welcome to Your School" version thrown in, too. Download yours below.

Classroom Printables
Personally, I think one of these classroom printables would be cute framed just outside your room's doorway...welcoming kids as they enter their new grade for the year. These are sized in an 8x10" format (they print onto letter-sized paper for easy, at-home printing). Just print yours out, frame it up, and you've got some instant classroom decor that is cheerful and welcoming. See all of the grades and design formats available below.

Classroom Printables

While I normally do printables of this nature all the way through the high school levels, my high school principal husband reminded me that, well, it gets complicated (in terms of grade level) in high school. It's more of a "Welcome to Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Part One". And, of course, that's just one of hundreds of options. Complicated. So, to simplify (I'm sure you understand my reasoning here), we're going from Pre-K through eighth grade. Plus, I did make one that works for a multitude of situations: "Welcome to Your School". See examples of all of these designs and orientations in the next few images.

First Grade Printable
All of the numerical grade level designs, (like the first grade one pictured above), are vertical designs. Again, they're all 8x10" designs that can be printed out onto letter-sized paper, trimmed, and then framed up for display. The designs for today's classroom printables include a fun background full of "schoolish things".

Kindergarten Printable
Both the Pre-K and Kindergarten versions of these classroom back to school printables were created in a horizontal format, due to the nature of the longer words used on them. You can see the Kindergarten one above. The Pre-K one is the same design.

Welcome Back to School Printable
The "Welcome to Your School" designs actually have both horizontal and vertical orientation options. I wanted to use the word "your" in this design to give little ones a sense of ownership and pride that this is, indeed, their school. 

How to Print and Use these Classroom Printables

  • Download links for your classroom printables are listed out below. 
  • If you need downloading assistance, check out my post on How to Download and Print Printables. Or see its companion video at the end of this post, below. 
  • Be sure to use letter-sized white cardstock paper for the best results. Regular paper is thin and whenever your design is framed, the cardboard backing of the frame can show through the opacity of regular paper...giving it an off-color look to it. 
  • Set your printer to its Normal or Best print setting for these particular designs.
  • As I mentioned, these are all 8x10" or 10"x8" designs. However, all designs have been laid out onto letter-sized formats for super simple at-home (or at school) printing. Just print onto that letter-sized (8.5"x11") white cardstock. Then you can trim the edges and frame. In some frame cases, you may not even need to trim the design. 
Free Classroom Printables

Download Your Classroom Printables:

Click on the links below to download your prints. These are for personal use in your classroom or school (please do not resell them). If the initial download links don't work properly for you, there are also a Dropbox and Google Drive options available at the very bottom of the following list.

If you have any issues, be sure to drop me an email (my contact info is in the sidebar). I'm happy to help in any way. At this time, however, I do not do custom design work. I appreciate your understanding. It allows me to keep most of my printables complimentary to my readers.

Second Grade Printables

Looking for More Back to School Printables?

Need Help with Downloading or Printing?

Be sure to watch my simple video tutorial below. It  covers how to download and print printables on either a Mac or a PC...on your home printer or even uploaded to your local print shop. If you have additional questions, please refer to my thorough, step-by-step post here on printing your printables. It includes budget-friendly, at-home printer recommendations, too.

1 comment:

  1. I love these, could there be signs for high school. My daughter is going to be a senior and I'd love to have a Welcome to Senior Year sign.
