How to Hang Plates Wirelessly | i should be mopping the floor
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How to Hang Plates Wirelessly

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So many of you have asked about how to hang plates wirelessly, like I did in my bathroom and bedroom areas. I'm sharing the complete tutorial with you today...including a detailed video to get you great results. See all of my steps on how to hang plates wirelessly below.

How to Hang Plates Wirelessly
If you caught my bathroom reveal last week, you may have noticed the gigantic antique plate wall that spans two of the walls in there. I hesitated (for like, two seconds) on whether it was too off-kilter to have plates in a bathroom. But, we ended up loving the outcome. Many of you have asked the trick to how I hang plates with no wire hangers. There's a little trick to it...and I'm sharing it in my complete video tutorial.

Oh, and's also Thrifty Style Team day! So, lots of my friends have some fun thrifty ideas they're sharing, as well. Check it all out below.

How to Hang Plates Wirelessly

My husband was showing the blog post for our bathroom reveal to one of his co-workers last week. She asked if I had moved all of the plates I had hanging in the bedroom into the bathroom. He kind of had to chuckle. "Nope. She had that many more plates." No lie, collecting plates is a bit of a hobby (obsession). I mean there are 44 antique plates hanging in our bathroom now. Forty-four. And now that I have multiple plate walls in the house...I *may* have to put the brakes on collecting more. 
Corner Plate Wall
I wanted to make this particular plate display wrap the corner of my bathroom wall. I'll show you below how I laid out its design.

Decorative Plates
Plate obsessed. Some of these were my mother's. Some belonged to her brother. A few I picked up at thrift stores here and there. Plates are just my weakness, y'all. They're such an easy thing to collect, too, since they're quite reasonable. I try to stick to a rule of not more than $5 a plate...but I do make exceptions if I just love a particular plate. 

Plate Wall Design

Creating A Plate Design

  • I started by measuring the wall space for my plates.
  • I laid out a drop cloth on the floor and folded it to fit the dimensions of my wall space. I used the blue piece of painter's tape (pictured above) to mark where the corner would be. 
  • I start a plate design with larger platters and plates. Just starting to lay them out is can be overwhelming when looking at a big stack of plates. Just start laying them out and then you can always move them around.
  • After the larger platters and plates are in good spots for the design I have in mind, I fill in the gaps with my smaller saucers and bread plates. 
  • I try not to place duplicate plates next to one another. If you look closely, I have four Forget-Me-Not Bread Plates and two large Magnolia Dinner Plates. I made sure they all ended up in different areas of the design.
  • I then took the photo you see above (I had to go on Panorama mode to get the entire design to fit...hence the choppiness of some of the plates). I used this photo to refer to later when the plates went up onto the wall. 
  • Once I was actually hanging the plates, I made a few slight adjustments here and there, but still used the basic design.

No Wire Plate Hangers

Ready to Hang Your Plates Wirelessly?

  • The big trick? I use the classic yellow adhesive plate hangers (I'm showing you how to use these in my video below).
  • There are several brands of these hangers around, but I've always purchased the ones from The Flat Irons Disc Company. I often get them HERE on Amazon (I also have links below for specific sizes). 
  • Around the holidays, my mother-in-law called to let me know that her Cracker Barrel had these hangers on clearance. She and I managed to clean out a *few* Cracker Barrel clearance sections full of plate hangers. So, keep on the lookout, these plate hangers pop up in lots of places! But, again, Amazon also has them for a great price, too:
  • I have used these plate hangers for years without any issue. I even have my great grandmother's 100+ year old platter hanging on one of these in my bedroom.
  • I did find out (the hard way) that they do not work on silver platters. But they're fantastic on all kinds of plates!
  • See how I use them in this video I made for you below.

Attaching the Hangers (VIDEO):

Goo Gone
As I mentioned in the video, it's super important to have a clean plate to adhere your disc hangers onto. My thrift store plates all seemed to have tough-to-remove price tags.

Yellow Plate Hangers
Like I mentioned in the video, be sure to let your disc hangers dry/cure overnight before hanging them on the wall. I honestly let mine dry a couple of days to make sure they're good to go.

If you ever decide to remove the disc hanger, simply soak the plate in warm water and peel the disc off.

Flatiron Disc Hangers

Hanging Your Plates

Once your hangers have cured overnight, you're ready to hang your plates. 

  • With larger plate wall designs like ours, it's better for the actual hanging to be a two person job.
  • The person on the ladder (that was me!) has the photo image of the design in hand (I just opened it up on my phone). The other person is kind of the runner...handing the ladder person the appropriate plate, hammer, and nail (over and over).
Hanging Antique Plates
  • If you are doing a quirky corner design like ours, starting in the actual corner is the key (pictured above).
  • That corner serves as the anchor to your entire design. 
  • Just build out from there...plate by plate.

Unique Towel Bar
All of these plates displayed together make me so happy. So many are family treasures. I have to share a funny little secret. The large plate with the intricate lattice-work edges had a lil' surprise for us. That plate sat at the top of a display case in my parents' home for years. When we cleaned out their home after my mom's passing, my dad gave the plate to me (since he knew of my plate obsession). It wasn't until I was applying the disc hanger on the back of it that I realized one of the female figures depicted in the plate's painting is actually topless (or, rather, her toga seems to be falling off a lot). I'm quite sure my mom must not have looked too closely at it (ever)...that sort of art wasn't exactly her thing. But, it sure gave us a chuckle. 

My dad and I made the vintage door knob towel rack using knobs from my great grandparents' home. You can see its complete tutorial here.

Bedroom Plate Wall
I also have another plate wall I mentioned in our master bedroom. I actually duplicated the wall from our previous home where it hung in that master bedroom, too (see that here). I hung these plates with the yellow wireless disc plate hangers, too, and even left them on the plates when we moved and stuck them right back up on the wall in this room.

Plate Wall
What say you? Are you a fan of plates on walls?

And don't forget! It's Thrifty Style Team day! See all of my friends' posts below. They're such talented folks. 


  1. I say plates can go anywhere. I use to have a wall of rolling pins in my entry way 30 years ago, and I wondered too if it was ok to hang them out of the kitchen. I'm sure I have told you before I smash plates for mosaics. I have a garage closet full of them, so if you even need just one more..... give me a holler!

    1. Loving the rolling pin idea! Sounds adorable!! xoxo

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Chelle! I really appreciate it.

  3. I loved the story about the toga lady. We have a similar one in my family. My great-grandmother made flower arrangements for the altar at church and used "frogs" (vases with holes to place flowers) for them. One of her favorite ones was a lady with outstretched arms. Upon close inspection when my grandmother passed, it was a VERY naked lady that had stood on the church altar many times!
    The plate wall is awesome. Do the hangers work well on plaster walls?

    1. Now THAT is hilarious...naked ladies in church (heehee!). As far as I know, they would work on plaster. Once they are applied to the plate they hang like any normal hook/nail scenario. Thanks so much for stopping by! xoxo

  4. Love your plate wall Kristi!! I have plates on my walls too, but not this many 😉

    1. Thank you so much, Cindy. Yes, I'm a bit of a plate! ;)

  5. That wall is gorgeous! I've used those plate hangers before and they work great!

    1. Thank you so much, Susan! Aren't they the best?! xoxo

  6. I am inspired to create a plate wall! I have seen the photo of the plates in your bedroom on Pinterest but I didn't know it was yours! And I am loving the wall color in your bathroom, too!

    1. Thank you so much, Jane! I really appreciate that. We stepped out there with the color, but are super happy with it. xoxo

  7. Your plate gallery is incredible! Every color and pattern is perfection! I have a small plate collection that I am looking forward to displaying in our new place. Thanks for inspiring me.

    1. Thank you so much, Meegan! I can't wait to see what you do with your new space!

  8. beautiful plate wall inspiration I must be living under a rock and have never heard of the disc hanger!

    1. Thank you so much, Laura! They're awesome if you ever get to try them out. xoxo

  9. I started a plate wall but the things I got to stick on didn't work...yikes. Crash and boom in the middle of the night. I heard about these and need to try them instead. Your wall is gorgeous

    1. Thank you so much, Deborah. Yes, try these for sure...middle of the night booms are always a bit jarring, huh? xoxo

  10. Yes! We love plate walls too! Both of your rooms look stunning with your gorgeous collection. We have a small plate wall in one of dining rooms and used these disc hangers. They are fabulous!

    1. Thank you so much, friends! Appreciate that. Aren't these hanger just the best? xoxo

  11. So beautiful!
    I just had to comment on the magnolia plates. My mother owned that exact set of china, but never used it because it was "the company plates." Since everyone who ate in the house was considered family and not company, we never used it. Now that I have it after her passing, we DO use it and smile every time. Powerful memory.

    1. Awww...that is a precious memory. I, too, have my mother's old china that she rarely used. I try to use it every Sunday her memory! Thank you so much for stopping by. I actually bought those magnolia plates at the neatest shop in NYC called Fishes Eddy...they have bins of old plates for sale! Their colors were just so pretty to me.

  12. I can't view the video. Would love to see it. I have some oval plates I would love to hang that I have had for ages and neglected to buy the plate frames for them. Recently hung a pic that they would go with and now the frames are not available.

    1. Hi Bonnie-- Are you using the most updated version of your browser? I'm not showing issues on my end. Sorry for the issues.
