DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking | i should be mopping the floor
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DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking

This DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking and its shop have been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc., and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #StockedWithLove #CollectiveBias

Just a few more days until those stockings get hung (by that chimney with care, y'all!). This DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking is a simple one to sew up in time for Santa's big visit. 

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
For someone in a fairly warm climate, I have quite the collection of blanket scarves. Whenever I travel to a cold climate, it occurs to me why folks actually wear scarves, and I inevitably have to purchase one on the fly to avoid freezing to death. And then, back in Texas, that poor scarf gets stuffed in a bin...destined to rarely be seen on our mild winter days. I made a couple of the scarves I had on hand into darling little was such a fun way to use them! Check out my entire tutorial below.

I'm also sharing some fun things to stuff those stockings with this Christmas season. These BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages holiday collection make the perfect little stocking stuffer...especially in the fun prints available for the season at Target. Click on the above image to purchase them directly.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
I mean...who doesn't love a classic plaid blanket scarf? It was becoming a pity to have such a collection of them and not be able to actually wear them (it seems silly to try in 80 degree weather...not that I didn't give it a go every now and again). While I used one of my extras as a tree skirt on a skinny tree, I made the other one into a Blanket Scarf Stocking. The fun plaid is perfect with holiday decor. 

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
It took me a couple of tries to get this tutorial the way I wanted it. A blanket scarf is actually very thin and fibrous...making it slightly challenging to sew into a shape. I made it work really well using fusible fleece interfacing to stabilize the blanket scarf material (it acts as a great lining, too).
I also wanted my blanket scarf stocking to have that traditional white furry top on it. I found it was less expensive to buy the classic $1 red and white stocking and use the cuff in the new stocking (to buy actual fabric for this would have cost considerably more). The old stocking then served as the perfect template instead of using an actual pattern. 

To make your own Blanket Scarf Stocking, you'll need:
-- a classic inexpensive stocking (for the cuff and template)
-- a blanket scarf (you can get up to six stockings out of one scarf, depending on its size)
-- iron-on fusible fleece interfacing
-- posterboard or scrap cardboard (to cut your template)
-- pins, clips, thread, and other sewing notions

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Remove the cuff from your inexpensive stocking by cutting it off the top, leaving about an inch of the red on the bottom of it, for sewing purposes. Set aside. Trace the shape of the stocking onto your posterboard and cut it out.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Trace or pin your posterboard onto the fusible fleece webbing. Cut out two of the stocking shapes (both the opposite facing from the other one).

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Following the directions on your fusible fleece's package, iron your fleece pieces onto your blanket scarf (the beauty of a blanket scarf is that there isn't a wrong side of fabric). 

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Since the blanket scarf material is so fibrous, give yourself a fairly generous seam allowance. Using your ironed-on fleece as a template, cut around the stocking with about a one-inch allowance. Since the scarf material is so thin, the extra seam fabric won't affect its shape once it's turned right side out.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Place your two pieces of fabric together with the fusible fleece on the outside (as pictured above). Pin this in place.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Head to your sewing machine and use the fleece as a guide for a basic stitch all around the stocking to secure the pieces together. Be sure to leave the top OPEN (how else will Santa fill 'er up?). I adjusted the settings on my machine to give myself a tighter stitch since the blanket scarf's material is so thin. You'll also need to do a small backstitch at both the beginning and the end.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
The beauty of using the cuff from the pre-made stocking is that a hanging tab is already in place. At this point, turn the entire stocking right side out.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Turn the cuff inside out and match it to the top of the stocking, with the hanging tab in the correct spot.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
This is definitely not the prettiest way to attach a cuff...but with such a thin and fibrous material, this gets the job done the best, in my opinion. And the untidy factor won't even show. Remove the drawer from your sewing machine so you can place the stocking on its arm to sew all around the cuff. Just use the basic stitch and sew the entire thing in place, all the way around.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Fold your cuff down and you're good to go. I love that the fusible fleece has formed an easy lining for this fun blanket scarf stocking..

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Now for the fun part...stuff that stocking! My kids love BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages holiday collection. These patterns are perfect for their stockings (having your very own package of bandages is always a nice treat as a kiddo!). We're expecting overnight guests for New Year's weekend, too...I'm sticking a couple of boxes of the BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages holiday collection in the guest bathroom for their use, too. Who doesn't love a cute patterned bandage?

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
I grabbed lots of stocking stuffers, including the BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages holiday collection at my Target. I also grabbed bath bombs, pencils, and more (like mandarins and oranges...a must for Santa to stuff our stockings with). The orange is always found in the toe of the stocking, too. Does Santa do this at your house, as well?

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
The patterns on the BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages holiday collection are adorable, too. These are just some of the patterns from one box. The variety is fantastic. I love all of the reds, greens, and traditional holiday patterns they feature. BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages heal hurts faster and are the #1 doctor-recommended brand. There are also Paw Patrol and Star Wars BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages available at Target that would be equally fun as stocking stuffers. The BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages holiday collection variety is a part of an in-ad special this week at Target (2 for $5!).

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Be sure to include Band-Aid® Brand Adhesive Bandages holiday collection in your stockings this year. And stick them into an adorable blanket scarf stocking.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
Find Band-Aid® Brand Adhesive Bandages holiday collection at your local Target, in the bandages aisle. Or look for them in a special spot, with all of the stocking stuffers.

DIY Blanket Scarf Stocking made from an actual blanket scarf (get up to 6 stockings from a single scarf!). Easy-to-follow photo tutorial.
What do you like to stuff in your stockings?


  1. I love this DIY stocking idea using a scarf! Such a fun way to create a special stocking! {client}

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  3. Hi what a great idea! My Dollar tree sells scarfs not sure if they're blanket scarfs though. I don't have a sewing machine so I wonder if I could make this stalking with thre iron on seam stitch stuff. Lol sorry I can't remember the correct name for it. What are your thoughts?
    Also I want to thank you! I've been subscribed to you for years now and I love your free printables! I have so many printed and out for display! Happy Holidays!

    1. Hi Stacie! I'm sorry this response is so late! I think you could absolutely make these without sewing! Thank you bunches for being a loyal reader and follower for so many years now. I truly appreciate you! xoxo
