Collecting Vintage Books | i should be mopping the floor
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Collecting Vintage Books

DIY Projects and High End Free Printables
Collecting vintage books is pretty much my jam. 
But I'm pretty specific on the color, y'all...

Collecting vintage books is a fun way to decorate on the cheap! Find all sorts of these at thrift by color for a great look!

 I like blue books and I can not lie.
You other thrifters can't deny...
That when a book is blue, in that certain hue
And it fits well in your space,

Okay, so that last part really didn't work out with the original lyrics, but it's probably not the best song to be quoting...I just couldn't help myself. I love blue books, but more specifically...aqua blue books. It's the easiest, cheapest thing to grab at a thrift store...and great to build on over time. See how collecting vintage books is helping me fill in my living room built-ins below.
And this fun post is a part of the Thrifty Style Team series. Be sure to check out all of my friends' thrifty projects at the bottom of this post.

Collecting vintage books is a fun way to decorate on the cheap! Find all sorts of these at thrift by color for a great look!
So, to be totally up collection isn't where I want it to be, yet. But, I am working on it here in the living room built-ins. Right now, this space is pretty crowded, but I'm one of those people that is way too into chotchkies. My plan is to eventually move the snow globes to another spot and thin out the frames a bit to have a lot more books.

Collecting vintage books is a fun way to decorate on the cheap! Find all sorts of these at thrift by color for a great look!
But aqua books are seriously my favorite thing to look for in a thrift store (alongside my vintage church plates). I've grabbed some as cheap as ten cents a piece. My prized possession is the Wuthering Heights one you can see in the above photo. It was probably my spendiest at $4 (which I still see as a bargain for that). But if I'm not finding anything else good in a thrift store, I can always count on an aqua book or two popping up in the book section. Truly, I find the most at Goodwill...they have good prices on these, too. Our Salvation Army has them for a quarter a piece, which is wonderful, as well.

Collecting vintage books is a fun way to decorate on the cheap! Find all sorts of these at thrift by color for a great look!
In the above photo, I played around with my arrangement a bit...this is the type of look I eventually want on the entire built-in space. I also took out the snow globes for the above photo...and I like how it looks a bit more cohesive. Time to thrift for more aqua books, right? 

Collecting vintage books is a fun way to decorate on the cheap! Find all sorts of these at thrift by color for a great look!
I think the aqua on the back of the built-ins kind of brings the entire space together even more. And my husband's aqua Victrola goes well with all of the fun! 
You can grab the free Welcome, Fall triptych printable HERE (I designed it for a series last month). And the tutorial for my frayed seam pumpkins can be found HERE.

Collecting vintage books is a fun way to decorate on the cheap! Find all sorts of these at thrift by color for a great look!
And be sure to check out all of my friends' fun and thrifty posts below:

Collecting vintage books is a fun way to decorate on the cheap! Find all sorts of these at thrift by color for a great look!
Do you enjoy collecting vintage books?


  1. Very well crafted, looks a bit vintage, but not your granny's house.

  2. Kristi, this is another inspiration for me! My bookcase is boring, as our bedroom is, unfortunately, the last room to get styled. Right now we have boxes lining one side while I wait for my husband to go through and eliminate his stuff! I am going to style my bookcase so I can brighten up that side of the room, anyway! Thanks so much, and now instead of just looking at the books as books, I am looking at them for style! Fun!

  3. Wow - your collection is impressive. It goes to show too that one color is so impactful when displayed so well like yours! Love your style.
    Vicki and Jenn
    2 Bees in a Pod

  4. What a great idea... not like I need another collection!

  5. While your blue books are nice, I am sort of eyeing up that little Victrola. I'd make a song for 'ya but I haven't had enough coffee to compose lyrics yet.

  6. I have some red and green ones I pull out for Christmas, but I never thought to start doing a color. Great idea. Loving that aqua record player also!!!

  7. I don't think I've read that Trixie Beldon book! I used to love reading her books. Did she ever get together with Jim? My childhood was spent wondering.

  8. Well you had me with the song!! That is totally what I do! And the books are gorgeous. Now I have a new item to look for on my thrift store list :)

  9. I never ever thought of doing something like this. Your aqua book collection is beautiful! I have no room left in my house so I can't even consider something like this but if I had the space, I would so "steal" this idea!

  10. Opening up those cabinets was so smart and using them as a display for photos and books. rock as usual.. You are the aqua queen! Aqua & RED of course ;) XOXO

  11. Thrifted books are one of my favorite things to collect too. I adore that color and they look so great in that cabinet. I love them!

  12. Your song! LOL!! You crack me up my friend and this collection is fabulous!

  13. kristi- ha. love the rap....and the aqua books.
