Easy Quilted Coasters | i should be mopping the floor
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Easy Quilted Coasters

This post for Easy Quilted Coasters has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WorryFreeMessFree #CollectiveBias

These Easy Quilted Coasters are my new favorite gift to give. They're definitely a beginner sewing project that anyone can tackle. And I have a simple trick to make sure they last forever, in spite of spills and daily use.
Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
A few years ago, we had another family over to our house for dinner. They brought me the sweetest set of handmade, quilted coasters as a hostess gift. They were so pretty...cream colored and monogrammed, too. I absolutely loved them and how they looked in my living room. I truly used the heehaw out of them. Much to my sadness, they became stained over the years with our endless cups of tea and coffee. Now that I've learned to make my own easy quilted coasters, I've also learned how to make them hold up over time a bit better. Check out their tutorial below.

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
The answer to all of my sewing creations for the home (like my cheery new quilted coasters): Scotchgard™ Fabric & Upholstery Protector. Actually, I use my trusty can of Scotchgard™ Fabric Protector for a lot more than sewing items...I grew up seeing my mom use it on all kinds of fabric items in our home and car. And now, I do, too! I've got active kiddos, but I still like pretty fabric things in our home. White couch? You bet. Linen Drapes? Absolutely. Burlap chairs that I couldn't resist? Got 'em...only because I knew they would take a coat of Scotchgard™ Fabric Protector and keep on keepin' on! Scotchgard™ Fabric & Upholstery Protector can be used on cotton, polyester, silk, wool, acrylic, nylon, and most other washable fabrics.
Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
Click on the above coupon for $1 savings on Scotchgard™ Fabric & Upholstery Protector. I love that I can use this trusty can to repel liquids and block stains from all of my handmade creations (and then some). The Scotchgard™ Fabric & Upholstery Protector pushes stains away from fabric fibers so they can release easily. The product won't change the look, feel, or breathability of fabrics. I love that it is invisible protection and it provides that WOW factor...keeping my creations and fabric home items looking great for years.

So, who is ready to make some Easy Quilted Coasters?

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
I used two fabrics per coaster, but you could easily just do one fabric on both sides (and all of your coasters in the same fabric, too, if you prefer). I also used the inexpensive felt rectangles from the craft department at Walmart, instead of traditional quilt batting. I think this is a bit easier to work with...especially since this is a really small project. You can use quilt batting, if you prefer, though.

  • fat quarters for fabrics (I can get 3-6 coasters per piece of fat quarter, depending upon the number of fabrics I use per coaster).
  • felt rectangles for batting (I can get 4 coasters out of one piece)
  • thread (I use fun colors since it's for quilting)
I also used my sewing machine, scissors, a self-healing cutting mat, a rotary cutter, and a quilting ruler. Many of these items can be substituted with common household supplies (you can certainly make this work for the level of sewing supplies you have).
Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
You will cut your fabric into (almost perfect) squares measuring 5 1/2" x 6".
You will cut your felt into 4 1/2" squares.

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
Place two cut pieces of your fabric right sides together.
Head to your sewing machine and sew a 1/4" seam around three sides with a basic stitch, (sew two of the longer sides and one of the shorter sides...leave the other shorter side open, as pictured below).

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
As you can see above, three sides were sewn closed and one shorter one was left open.
Snip off your corners on the end that is sewn closed (this will make it easier when you turn it inside out in a bit to push out your corners).

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
Go ahead and turn the coaster right sides out and push out those corners with a dull pointed object (I use the kind in manicure kits). Then insert your felt square into the coaster.

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
Once you have worked your felt square smoothly into the coaster, fold the open seam inward, almost an inch, until the entire coaster is a perfect square. 

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
I like to give it a good press to make sure it's folded in nicely.

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
Head back to the sewing machine. Using the same basic stitch, start by stitching the opening you just folded in closed (about 1/4" from the edge). You will continue this seam around the entire perimeter (as pictured below). I do not do a backstitch on these quilted stitches...see the below photo on how I finish off the start and finish of the stitches below.

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
You will join your two threads from the start and end of your stitch with a simple tied knot. Then clip your ends close to the knot. Continue on your coaster by doing the same stitch, just another quarter of an inch inward (tying the ends again to avoid an untidy backstitch). 

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
Isn't it fun? I think the two stitches make for a nice, quilted border on these.
Using a fun thread color can really change up their look, too.

Now, be sure to protect your hard work with Scotchgard™ Fabric & Upholstery Protector.

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
Curious about how to apply the Scotchgard™ Fabric & Upholstery Protector? Start by preparing! Protect your surrounding non-fabric materials from overspray. If overspray occurs, quickly wipe it up. Start by shaking the can well. Test for colorfastness by spraying a hidden area. Wipe with an absorbent cloth...if color wipes off, do not use. Hold your can about a half a foot from your fabric's surface. Use slow, sweeping motions. Do lighter coats rather than one heavy coat (allow to dry in between coats). Reapply after every cleaning or once a year to maintain protection. 

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
I grabbed my Scotchgard™ Fabric & Upholstery Protector at my local Walmart, in the cleaning aisle.

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
Again, these make fantastic hostess gifts. I also gave some to my secret sister and one of my close Utah friends at the conference I attended last month. They're great to keep on hand whenever the gifting needs arise.  

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
I'm pretty sure I'm keeping this batch for myself though...
those summer fabrics make my heart go pitter patter.

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
My endless cups of tea and coffee are now no match for pretty coasters!

Easy Quilted Coasters | Create this beginning sewing project without any in-depth quilting skills and minimal supplies. These make a perfect gift.
For more fun ideas with Scotchgard™ Fabric & Upholstery Protector, click here.


  1. Thanks for the tutorial. I used scotch guard years ago and thanks for the reminder.

  2. We never have enough coasters in this house! Thank you so much for the instructions on how to do this!! I also LOVE the colors you chose for yours! You know I actually need to get some Scotch Guard - not just for this project but for other uses as well. Thanks for the coupon!

  3. What cute coasters you've made. I am not crafty at all but I think I might be able to tackle this. I might even make some for my momma.

  4. Okay now this is my kind of craft! Simple, minimal materials needed and lovely idea! I will be adding this to my DIY list. I think they would make the perfect gifts!

  5. ok this look like something even I can make. I consider myself anything but crafty, but your tutorial make it look so easy. Maybe I can plan this activity with the kids once they are out of school. I know we will all have fun and we can even have something for Grandma for her birthday that is coming soon. Perfect gift, and we can choose a fabric she would love.

  6. These are so pretty and would make great housewarming or hostess gifts. You can totally personalize these by getting coordinating fabrics at the craft store. You don't need a lot of fabric to make these and can even use colorful remnants.

  7. I love those floral quilted coasters. The colors are so pretty and light in the eyes. Thanks for walking us through the steps with detailed instructions and photos.

  8. This is so fun to make and the rewarding side is the colorful and artistic quilted coaster. I'm into diy project recently I do really enjoy it. Aside from you save money if you do it yourself it is sort of my stress reliever as well. Aside from I can use my my time in a good way and I become creative.

  9. These are downright adorable!! I love the fabrics you used and how easy they look to make! #client

  10. These are so lovely! They remind me of projects I used to do with my mom when I was a kid, and it was because of things like this that I learned to sew. In fact, I may just have to make a few. I could replace the paper towels I put under my water glass at night!

  11. Oh my goodness, those are such adorable coasters!! I actually need some for my new apartment and you just reminded me taht i can make some for myself instead of buying. ;) Thank you!

  12. I love the tutorial they're beautiful note taken new DIY idea for me to try this weekend

  13. These are seriously so adorable!! I never would have thought of making something like this! They look great!
