DIY Mason Jar Succulents | i should be mopping the floor
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DIY Mason Jar Succulents

These DIY Mason Jar Succulents and their shop have been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MakeHerMothersDay #CollectiveBias

Mother's Day is just around the corner, y'all. Make these lovely lil' polka dot painted DIY Mason Jar Succulents for all of the special moms in your life...they're simple, sweet, and always a hit with their recipients.

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
So, technically, these aren't all succulents...several are air plants. And while I know that *technically* one doesn't plant an air plant into soil, these are all of the faux variety...because I can't even keep a succulent alive, y'all. Check out the tutorial for these DIY Mason Jar Succulents below.

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
I actually made these DIY Mason Jar Succulents for some very special moms in my life. My moms' prayer group meets every Thursday morning in my home. These women mean so much to me. We share about our kiddos. Pray over our kiddos. And even cry over our kiddos. This group has developed a really special bond and I truly love each one of these sweet ladies. 

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
These are a few of the moms in our group...who were sweet enough to pose for a photo last week for me (we had a couple of friends who couldn't make it that day). Since we are about to come to a close for our meetings (we break during summers when kids are home), I thought it was a great time for gifts for my sweet friends. I want these ladies to know how much they've blessed my year. And right before Mother's Day? It's definitely the time to celebrate these moms who mean so much to me!

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
I grabbed every single thing for these DIY Mason Jar Succulents at my local Walmart...including some lovely Mother's Day cards, tissue paper, and gift bags from American Greetings. Walmart is a great place to go for Mother’s Day cards, gift packing, and gifts, too.

Here is the supply list for the DIY Mason Jar Succulents:
  • Mason Jars (I love how the colored ones look when the paint is slightly sanded off)
  • two contrasting colors of chalk-style paint
  • foam paint brush
  • pencil (you'll need a non-used eraser)
  • sandpaper (I prefer a sanding sponge)
  • floral foam (the cylinder shape is perfect for this)
  • sheet moss
  • faux succulent or air plant picks
  • American Greetings gift wrapping and tissue paper
DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
When using a chalk-style paint, it isn't necessary to prep the glass before applying the paint. I did two coats of my first color of the paint.  

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
Once the first color of paint is dry, use the eraser end of your pencil and dip it into your second color of paint, sparingly. Make dots in a random pattern all over the Mason Jar. Once the dots are dry, sand off as much or as little paint as you give it a fun, weathered look (or don't...this is total preference). 

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
Once you've painted and sanded, you can add in your plant pieces. Add a dab of glue (all-purpose or craft...really, whatever you have on hand) to the bottom of your foam and stick it into the bottom of your jar.  

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
Pull off a little sheet moss and lay it on the foam. Add your ring back onto your Mason Jar (this holds the sheet moss in place and gives these a more finished look). Insert your succulent or air plant pick straight into the middle of the moss and foam and press down until it is in place.

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
I grabbed a bunch of these super cute American Greetings gift bags to place these in...
I grabbed enough that I used one of my bags for some cute tags, too. 

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
I just used my heart punch to pop little tags for each of the succulent Mason Jars. 
I used a hole punch to attach them to each jar with twine.

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
Aren't they super sweet, y'all?
What mom wouldn't love to be celebrated with a fun gift like this?
My friends will receive theirs in the morning at our weekly prayer group time.
Unless some are reading this post. Ummm...surprise?

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
Since the plant is secure in the jar, it will hold up easily in the gift packaging.

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
I made one of these DIY Mason Jar Succulents for my mom, too! 
And grabbed her a sweet card to pair with hers (also from American Greetings). 

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
It's the perfect way to make her day!

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!

 Grab all of your American Greeting and Mother's Day goodies at Walmart. 

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!
How will you make HER day?
Mother's Day is all about family and American Greetings can help you celebrate.
For more Mother's Day inspiration, click here to visit

DIY Mason Jar Succulents | Make these sweet, budget friendly mason jar succulents for a simple and lovely gift!


  1. This is great timing. I just bought a bunch of faux succulents too, and they will be so cute in jars like this. Thanks!

  2. So cute! Pinned & sharing Thanks for joining the Inspiration Spotlight party.

  3. I absolutely love these and your polka dot favorite!

  4. These are so adorable....your friends will love them and you for these sweet and thoughtful gifts.
