My Boys' Rooms | i should be mopping the floor
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My Boys' Rooms

Today, I'm a part of a really fun blog hop that's all about the BOYS! This week, we're celebrating "Boy Mom Madness" in all sorts of ways. Today, we're sharing our boys' bedrooms. I'm literally smack dab in the middle of a makeover of my older son's room (I was truly hoping to have it finished by today...however, it's been a doozy of a month). But, below is just a little look at the spaces they call their own. And of course, check out these GORGEOUS rooms from my boy mom bloggy friends, too. 
My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
This week's series is so much fun! While my boys' rooms are somewhat simple, they're very special places in our homes. They're their havens. Their own little pieces of the world. While my older son's room hadn't been touched in six years (have mercy), I'm still showing the photos of the way it looked (before this month, when I started ripping into it. Literally.). Check out the fun below.

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
I just showed you all this room last month, but I can't let a boy's bedroom post go without including a few photos of my younger son's room. This is his Star Wars room that we finished a couple of years ago. The bedding is fun, huh? It zips up so they can easily make the beds every morning (honestly, while they both have their own rooms, but they usually both sleep in this room). 

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
This is how it looks when guests sleepover (as this room doubles as our guest room). While we love our zip-up bedding, our adult guests may not want to be burrito-ed all night long! ;) These are some simple duvets. My kids weren't great at making their beds with these in place, so we were excited to use the others. I painted the Star Wars canvases above the beds. You can see that tutorial here. The lamp was also a Goodwill find that I redid here

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
I made the drapes out of twin-sized sheets. 
And the roller basket is such a fun light-saber catcher (it holds all things dress-up). 

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
This is the other side of the room. The board and batten only cost us $30! 
Here's our complete tutorial for it here

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
Perfect for my little Jedi-in-training.

Again, this room is painfully old. But, I still love it. I did a paper bag wall treatment in here (Lord, help me...never again). This is what my older son's room looked like before paper-bag-stripping-mageddon started this month. I used tin tubs from the tractor store for toys. And rain gutters for books. It was super cute for my five-year-old that he's a ten-year-old preteen, he's kind of (completely) over it. Sniff.

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
We recently reorganized the Legos in this room with this big system.
Check out the whole thing here (with links to the free printables). 

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
The rain gutter/bookshelf tutorial is here

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
To prove my complete hatred for the wall treatment that I adored so much years ago when I applied's the madness of my own that I'm still in the midst of. 
Don't ever do this. Just paint walls. Seriously.

My Boys' Rooms | Easy Ideas for boy bedrooms.
Check out all of the beautiful boy rooms above, featured at the following blogs below:

And pop back in this week for more boy mom madness, as well!


  1. What great spaces for your little guys! Have a great week, Kristi!

    ~Abby =)

  2. You had me at zip up bedding. How have I never heard of that?!? Love their bedrooms!! xo

  3. Zip up bedding - so smart! I love the rolling cart for the light sabers - great idea! And the lego organization - awesome way to avoid stepping on those little boogers! Happy boy week, Kristi! xx, b @

  4. Bwahaha, thanks for the warning about the walls - isn't it amazing how we can absolutely LOVE something one year and then fast forward say, six, years and we can't stand it!! I worry about that with all the paneling (and board and batten) we have put in - sometimes I just think we should just sell our house before I get sick of it so we don't have to take it down!! lol. I love the crisp white board and batten with the navy - such a beautiful classic combo. You'll never get sick of that, right?

  5. Double pinkie swear never to put brown paper bags on my walls! ;)

    Love your boys' rooms! I've got two of my own and they would love these spaces. Especially the lego storage!
