Free Notes Printables | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Notes Printables

These Free Notes Printables are a fun, stylish, way to stay organized or well...take notes! 
And, of course...I'm still on the funky arrow obsession. 

Free Notes Printables | Instant Downloads | Funky hand-drawn arrow designs.
These free notes printables were born out of my OCD need to have everything look a certain way. I am currently in a FB group of friends chatting about goals and stuff along those lines. One of our assignments is to show everyone a written copy of our goals. And of course, I became a weirdo about having mine look a certain way. I just can't leave well enough alone. 

But, then I realized these were fun for all sorts of other stuff, too. Keep a copy by your phone with a fun pen...use them in your classes or at church for notes. They're super fun and you know I dig those arrows.

Download your own fun notes pages below.

Free Notes Printables | Instant Downloads | Funky hand-drawn arrow designs.
 These print onto letter-sized pieces of paper.
Happy note-taking! 

Free Notes Printables | Instant Downloads | Funky hand-drawn arrow designs.

Free Notes Printables | Instant Downloads | Funky hand-drawn arrow designs.


  1. I am a visual person, so if I don't see it in writing - It doesn't get done. These are awesome.

    1. Yes! I completely understand that! I like to have a digital AND paper copy of most things!

  2. I love to make my list making a bit more entertaining. This would be perfect for my shopping list!

    1. Lists are always more fun when they are a little fancy! ;) Thank you for stopping by, Kelly!

  3. I don't make too many lists. I do have a client who LOVES making notes to herself. I will print out and give to her!! She thanks you in advance lol.

    1. Lol! You are too funny! I hope she enjoys them! ;)

  4. What super cute printables. I am looking for new ways to organize myself this new year and these will help!

  5. These are adorable! I love the arrows especially!

    1. Thank you, Caitlin! I'm arrow obsessed...Just a little! ;)

  6. These are great! I love the design! Thanks!

  7. No wonder you love arrows. I think I'm going to have to print some out for me!

    1. You won't be sorry, Liz! Thank you bunches for stopping by! :)

  8. Nice and simple printable. Good for writing down goals down on.

  9. I love the simplicity of these thank you so much Kristi.

  10. My daughter is obsessed with this note paper. Thanks!

  11. Newbie here. I loved this notes printable. It's cute and easy to use for any kind of notes.

  12. These are so pretty. I love to use them to make notes for work and make shopping lists. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE these to do poems and stuff like that on to hang up and make it look prettier than other regular paper

    1. Hi there! I am so glad you are enjoying these printables! I love the idea of writing your poetry on them for display! xoxo
