Rosemary Lemon Cake Mix Cookies | i should be mopping the floor
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Rosemary Lemon Cake Mix Cookies

These simple, summery Rosemary Lemon Cake Mix Cookies
are easy to put together, but taste amazing!

So, I definitely didn't invent the cake mix cookie. Some other genius was behind that. I have, however, been making, eating, and beating myself up with guilt over them for over 12 years now {it's been a long relationship}. 

Back in the day, I was a Southern Living at Home consultant. In my hostess kits, I would tuck a box of cake mix with the fail-proof recipe for cake mix cookies on them. They were perfect for a par-tay {and were featured in one of our cookbooks}. Check out this delicious variation on them below>>>

Just to be up front, yes, I am still on Weight Watchers. Thirty six pounds and counting!

I recently got an email from a presh reader asking how I could prepare so much ooey-goodness and still manage to shed a few pounds every now and then. I have a very good answer and would like very much to be up front with all of you.

It's known to my peeps as CDBFPD {it rolls off the tongue easily, no?}. 

Cheat Day/ Blog Food Prep Day

This is no accident that these two events occur on the same diggity day every week. On Thursdays, I go to my meetings {"Hello, my name is Kristi and I lurrrrrve food"}, weigh in {and either do a happy or ho-hum dance}, drive to HEB for a few groceries, possibly through a Taqueria for lunch {I did say cheat day}, and then go home and feverishly bake, cook, and taste test. All. Day. Long. 

Then I photograph all of my creations, take one last nibble, and then pass out the rest of the goodies to friends, neighbors and my husband's co-workers {people are really nice to me on Thursdays}. 

If it stays in the house until Friday, you'll find me hiding in a dark pantry with a big slice of sumpin' and a fork. And probably not even a fork. 

I digress.
So on my last CDBFPD, I whipped up these babies. And they were FANTASTIC! I had used rosemary in a shortbread cookie around the holidays {you can find that recipe here}, so I was looking for some good flavor combos to add them to another sweet treat. Eureka...lemon and rosemary are total besties!

- 1 box of lemon-flavored cake mix
- 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon vanilla {not pictured...I was busy smelling it}
- 2 large eggs
- 1/3 cup coconut oil
- 2-3 tablespoons chopped rosemary
- powdered sugar
- rosemary for garnish

Just to give you an idea, this is the size of my chopped rosemary. I essentially cut each little piece into thirds. And I make sure there are no woody pieces in there. I promise, this is the most difficult part of the recipe: rosemary chopping.

Combine cake mix, lemon juice, vanilla {after you've adequately sniffed it}, eggs and coconut oil. Beat with a mixer until combined. If the mixture is too wet, add about a tablespoon of powdered sugar at a time until you get that perfect cookie dough consistency. Fold in your chopped rosemary.
Roll tablespoons of dough into balls and then roll those in powdered sugar. Place on prepped cookie sheet a couple of inches apart {parchment paper works well for these}. If desired, lay a couple of small pieces of rosemary on top {for pretty}. 
Bake at 375 for 8-10 minutes. Cool on cookie sheet for 10 minutes and then transfer to racks.

Like little puffs of heaven, I tell ya.

And pop back by on Friday to download this free printable Mason Jar Recipe Card. Perfect to attach to a jar full of your Rosemary Lemon Cake Mix Cookies. And then get them the heehaw out of your house so you don't end up in a dark pantry with half a batch nowhere to be found.

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. I really love rosemary but have never tried using it in baked sweets! I'm going to have to try this recipe!

  2. These look and sound so good!!! Love your pictures!!! #salivating

  3. You're a hoot! I adore your writing style...thanks for sharing

  4. Hi, your idea is awesome, that more inspiring me to do somthing new. bytheway, im a new DIY blogger, can you review my blog and give me some advice to make improvement?? Thankyou :)

  5. Oh my gosh! These cookies sound so delicious, Kristi!

  6. I love the sound of these cookies! I have plenty of rosemary in my yard so this cookie is next on my bake list. I am also going to check out your rosemary shortbread cookies too. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Whatsits.

  7. Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs and lemon is one pf my favorite things to cook with. I've never seen the two paired in a cookie! Thank you for sharing with See Ya in the Gumbo!
