How to Give Mom the Gift of Clean | i should be mopping the floor
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How to Give Mom the Gift of Clean

Today's post is brought to you by Scotch-Brite. Even though I'm being compensated, I have to say that I really do love all of these fantastic products sent my way. Fantastic stuff!

While Mother's Day is now behind us, my family has continued their new love of cleanliness. And now, I'm not the only one getting the house that way.
If you remember, we had The Great Dish Stand Off of 2014 happening in the not so distant past in my house. I'm happy to report that the below dishes are no longer sitting on the counter.

My guys have more than redeemed themselves. 
They've become the Kings of Clean:
I can't tell you how much it makes a mama's heart happy to have her home cleaned...not only on Mother's Day but other busy days for her as well. My boys know how to treat me right. Check out their handy-work below, featuring some of our favorite Scotch-Brite products.

We've also loved incorporating some of these awesome 3M Scotch-Brite products into daily cleaning routines. My husband can't quit talking about that toilet wand {I wasn't even sure he knew how to use a toilet wand until we shot that above video}. It is pretty had him at the disposable head. 

Here's a few of our favorite products that we were able to try out:

All in all...this mama is loving the gift of clean.

How does your family help you around the house?


  1. Oh my goodness, you indeed have the Kings of Clean crew! I wish I have them. Great moves btw :) Love the video!

  2. Can I borrow your crew for cleaning?? ;-) LOVE Scotch and all of their cleaning supplies!

  3. Awww....such a cute video and I love all the Scotch cleaning products. I actually have a thing for cleaning products ~ that aisle in the store is always a favorite of mine.

  4. I think I'm motivated to clean now!


  5. Omg I love everything about this!

  6. Send them to my house! Love the karate chop pillow scene!

  7. T.D.C..... too darn cute!!! All men should be known by their ability to work the toilet scrubber.
