In Our Lunch Box This Week {No. 7} | i should be mopping the floor
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In Our Lunch Box This Week {No. 7}

It's been a while since I've done the "In Our Lunch Boxes" on a regular basis. But now that school's back in, I'm in full bento-mode again. Here's a few of the lunches the boys have had this week:

The above was the first day of school lunch for my oldest son. 
Includes: ham & cheese sandwich {with letters from cheese, glued on with mustard}, grape tomatoes, cantaloupe, gf crackers and a Trader Joe's fruit bar {his fave}

An easy to prepare lunch:
Includes: ham & cheese sandwich on bread round {cut in quarters and the quarters are stacked}, carrot slices, orange slices, cucumber slices {with an adorable mini bottle of Ranch dressing...I found those in the Japanese district in LA, he loved it} and letter Cheez-Its {not in love with the processed factor of this item, but, sometimes I cave}

Includes: PB&J Mickey sandwich {I used the below items to create this}, cucumber slices, grapes, those cool all-natural fruit things I found at our local grocery store and {yucky processed} letter Cheez-Its 

I bought these Mickey Mouse items at Disneyland when we were there in the spring. And the edible markers were at my grocery store in the cake decorating area. The template-looking thing is actually a  toast-indention thing {don't you love how technical I'm getting here? Ha!}. I pressed it on the bread and then outlined the impression with the markers.

Easy & Fun
Includes: Simple PB& J Roll-Ups {I gave the how-to on those HERE}, grapes and string cheese. 
There was also a cup of Greek yogurt in his lunch box, too.  

 Another Simple Lunch
Includes: PB&J on a bread round, string cheese, grape tomatoes, Cheez-It letters and cantaloupe


  1. these are great. I'm just not that in to making school lunches. I want to be, but I'm just happy to get everyone fed :P And my kindie has decided that she wants school lunch because there's ice cream sometimes. I want to be a cool lunch mom and the kids won't let me LOL

  2. hi! I made my little guy the roll ups (just used jelly this time) and they came out great! what containers do you use? I need some inexpensive ones that are better than the ones I have! :)

  3. Some great ideas there Kristi!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  4. I like the containers you use because of how you can present the food. Maybe I could try freezing some rollup sandwiches for a different presentation. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow so many great lunches! I love the Mickey supplies. My three year old would be delighted with that lunch. Thanks for linking up to The Sunday Showcase.
