For the Record, I Do Mop... but I make it easy! | i should be mopping the floor
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For the Record, I Do Mop... but I make it easy!

As you may know, last month these aMaZiNg floors from Metroflor were installed in our home. {To see our flooring in all of its glory, click here}.  I have to say, they've made my life a BREEZE! They're super durable, look outstanding, and are easy to keep clean.

I've had a few comments & emails with questions regarding cleaning this type of flooring. One comment focused on the color of the flooring we chose and regarding how dirt would "show more" on it. I will say, it hasn't been bad at all {and we haven't taken any extra precautions...we still wear shoes inside, etc.}. If I do see debris, I can quickly attend to it...which I enjoy much more than not seeing it in carpet and having to live with more debris than I cared to.

The guide below can be used to clean any type of hard flooring. It's what works best for me & my schedule.

Everyday Quick Care for Hard Floors {or every other day the way summer treats us}:

I try to go over the floors with a dry duster daily. It's so easy and picks up everything on the floors. There's a wide variety of dry dusters out there...I read several reviews and decided on the Rubbermaid Reveal Dry Duster Head...simply because I already had their mopping system and the pad worked with it.

If I need to, I can do a simple spot clean on my daily routine with my Mrs. Meyer's All-Purpose Cleaner {which has the neutral PH of 7 or less that my floors adore!!}.

I love that the dry duster can go under everything...even the couch! 

I'm certainly not advocating one brand of mop over another, but these are the two pads for the Rubbermaid Reveal mop...the top one is the dry duster, the bottom is for the wet mopping. Both can be washed up to 100 times.

The daily dry dusting and spot cleaning do an amazing job of keeping my floors looking great {seriously, these floors are a stinkin' dream!! I LOVE them!}...they constantly look "fresh".

But once a week {errr....every 10 days}, I do heavy duty cleaning and give them a big once-over!

Weekly Cleaning for Hard Floors:

After doing all of my regular cleaning, my floor care comes last, after everything else is clean. It's best to work from the top down {as in, I start by dusting my ceiling fans}, that way as you progress down, the dust/dirt/grime progresses down with you. When you're done with your cleaning, all the dust should be either on your floor or your cloth {BTW, I highly recommend cleaning with microfiber cloths like the one above...I also use it for my daily spot cleaning of my floors and it's fabulous and easily washed}.

After everything {except the floor} is cleaned, I do a major pile-up and get the smallish stuff up & out of my way. This is how my mom cleaned and that's where I learned it from....surely we aren't the only crazies that do this?!? Right?

This is sooo much easier than moving chairs or attempting to clean around them. A fond memory from my childhood was to play "choo-choo" on the breakfast room chairs my mom would line up in the den while she mopped her kitchen. Cleaning day= Choo Choo day.

Then I go around and pull all of the dust/debris from the corners {and baseboards} into the central areas of the rooms/hall so they can easily be picked up with a quick run of the vacuum. I use the Swiffer 360 dusters {even though they're technically not their flooring me this works better since I can catch baseboard dirt/dust, too. Two birds. One stone.}

After all dust is pulled away from the walls {which also eliminates having to use my vacuum tools...which is kind of a pain with all the varied attachments}, I vacuum...really well. I keep my Swiffer duster with me to go under tables and couches and over air returns. It makes this job go very quickly....I basically combine about three steps into one. Three birds. One stone.'s time to MOP! For my daily spot cleaning, I use the Mrs. Meyer's stuff in the spray bottle. For my weekly cleaning, I use the Prevail 1-Step Neutral Cleaner. It's fAbUlOuS and earth-friendly, too! It makes my floors shine and look AmAzInG! This can be purchased at most major flooring dealers or through the Metroflor company. And it lasts forever.

I fill up my mop's reusable solution bottle with water to the water line and solution to the solution line...seriously, I couldn't mess this up if I tried. I screw the cap back on and gently shake it to incorporate the product with the water.

Now, I gave up a traditional mop years ago {or as I like to call her...Sloppy Moppy}. The whole bucket/dirty water/wringing thing just grosses me out. In order for my germ-a-phobe tendencies to stay under wraps, I end up changing out my water a dozen times before I'm done. It was beyond annoying. And I hate the idea of mopping and swishing water up against my furniture...the kitchen is one thing, but in living areas with couches and nice wood pieces, I just can't be friends with Sloppy Moppy anymore.

It's also not advised to use a steam mop on the type of floating floor that we have. That's find with me...I was tired of dealing with that thing! :)

I go through and spot clean any dirtier spots that I notice. I don't wipe this up, I simply spray and allow it to penetrate the spot. When I'm mopping that area, the mop simply picks it all up in one fell swoop.

I will say this particular mopper is WAY better than my old battery-operated Swiffer one {that had to remain plugged into the charger to retain any type of power}. This one has a powerful spray that is powered by a manual doesn't even require batteries! I soak the floor with the solution and drag the mop across it.

Again, SUPER easy to get into tight spots....and places I would never bring Sloppy Moppy.

It's also easy to get up against the baseboards, too. And the cleaner lasts me for two whole mops. And the awesome Prevail cleaner requires no rinsing. I'll usually mop twice just because it's so awesome to see the floors so sparkly! {Yes, I mop twice}.

Is there anything better than a fresh mopped floor? Love it.

To find out more about my Metroflor Flooring journey {with their Konecto line of flooring}, please click here. 

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  1. Kristi, this looks like a great mop, I know I'm going to need one! I have lots of hardwood and tile, and the swifter is just not adequate, plus so many disposable pads, and a regular mop is like you say, sloppy! Great post!

  2. I will have to try those cleaners! I have the same mop and very similar floors, but every cleaner I have tried leaves a streaky film! I now just use hot soapy water, and have my husband follow me with a towel to dry up the water right away so I don't get streaks!! Ahhh such an annoyance! I wish I could just clean the floors by myself (as I am sure does he)! :)

  3. I love your idea of stacking furniture on furniture. When I clean I move EVERY piece of furniture in the room. I clean the area w/o furniture and then moved it all to that area and clean the other part. I think I'll try your method! Thanks!

  4. I so wish my floors looked as nice as yours!!
    but with all my 4 legged friends, my floors always look 'hairy' lol


  5. I have three boys and a big dog and am constantly fighting to keep my floors clean-thanks for the tips, I especially like your idea about the swiffer 360-I'm adding that to my shopping list right now! Here from TT&J!

  6. Hi Kristi: This is super helpful--thank you so much for posting! My hardwood floors thank you as well!

  7. Great tips!

    Mrs. Delightful

  8. I need to try that mop and cleaner brand. Your floors look wonderful. Thanks for sharing,

  9. So you do mop! LOL! Your floors look fantastic, love all the tips!

  10. I had the Swiffer too - it no longer works :( I've been using Bona for awhile and then I just got the Hoover Steam Mop and it's working well. I installed our wood flooring almost a year ago and it has CHANGED MY LIFE! Having two little boys and white carpet was a daily nightmare. Such great information Kristi - you're being featured tonight at Mom On Timeout. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Love all your tips!! I LOVE our hardwood floors but am always cleaning them! I have to try the swifter 360 thou! I love vinegar on my floors...makes them sparkle!

  12. I use that same rubbermaid "mop". Love it. Never saw the dry duster...definitely going to buy that addition to the system! Thanks for the tips. I hate mopping and I agree, ole sloppy moppy was the worst!

  13. It will no more be problematic to get rid of the dirty stains in the bathroom and kitchen, as you may Google for the locally based cleaning service provider that can provide affordable solutions instantly.

  14. I generally follow the advices of my grandmom and parents about cleaning the greasy marks on the wall and floor tiles.

  15. Thanks for your tips, I will work on it soon but have you tried using olive oil in these hard floors to make it look shine? I am not sure might be possible it will make the floor slippery but I tried it on wooden tables and it makes a shiny look which just looks perfect.

    1. Hi Ashley! I haven't tried olive oil! This has worked out so well for us, I haven't had to look for other options. Thanks for stopping by! xoxo
