Stomach Bug Prevention Trick (Every mom should know this!) | i should be mopping the floor
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Stomach Bug Prevention Trick (Every mom should know this!)

Do you hate the stomach bug as much as I do? Emetophobia running high? The following is a trick to keep the tummy bug at bay. Grape juice to the rescue. Emetophobes unite.

Just to be upfront: this little trick is a PREVENTATIVE. Once you actually have a stomach bug in your system, it will not work. You will probably be throwing up grape juice...and could ruin some carpet! ; )

I know this isn't what I typically post about. When you get to the bottom of this post, you'll see why. But, I am known (in my "real" world) as the grape juice mom...thought I'd share it with all my bloggy friends, too. 

I first heard about this from a coach who works at my husband's high school. He carried grape juice with him all the time. And he was never sick and always attributing his stellar immune system to the good people at Welch's. About three years ago, I noticed a friends' Facebook status announcing that her family caught the dreaded tummy bug. A friend of hers wrote in the comments suggesting preventing it the next time with grape juice. So, then, I started researching...and came across Granny Sue's Blog who mentions the same method for prevention of this nasty creature. Apparently, this is a pretty popular preventative!

I hate cleaning up/smelling/hearing/thinking about throw up more than anyone. I seriously have panic attacks when someone pukes...just can't handle it. My friends giggle about my phobia...but,'s bad. So when we were all struck down by one of those bugs in 2009, I resolved from then and there, never again! We actually drink grape juice everyday. Each kid has a glass with his breakfast. AND, when I hear the bug is going around, we bump it up to a couple of servings a day. I do have one child who isn't as into grape juice as the rest of us...and he, inevitably will catch the bug every now and then. Which means the rest of us go on full alert...three servings of grape juice a day and the adults add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to theirs. It's the acidity in the juice that's supposed to help the bug from settling in your digestive tract. I'm no GI, but a good friend of mine is married to one and I know she does this as a preventative, it can't be all malarkey, right? 

One BIG rule is that it MUST be 100% grape juice...and y'all....just buy Welch's to be sure. Lately, Welch's has been coming out with all sorts of new grape juices...avoid them if you can. No light or white, no "Essentials", no grape juice cocktail....just plain old 100%. I even avoid the ones with calcium. There are so many varieties...look very carefully when shopping for grape juice.

If you're just using it as a preventative when you've been exposed to the bug, try 3 glasses a day. If you want to add a bit of apple cider vinegar (no more than 1 tsp.) to it, it's one more measure to take. If you want to add it to your diet regularly (again, I'm not a doctor, this is just from my own experience), just a glass with breakfast is a good way to do it (I think 3 glasses of this every day all the time might hurt your stomach in other ways...LOL).

And of course, the reason I'm sharing this with you? I'm getting over a bug. YEP. Since the new year, I cut out my grape juice because of calories. And here I am....bleh. Just thought I'd spread the info out there. Let me know if you have any questions. Again, it's a PREVENTATIVE. Do not drink this if you already have the bug...that would be bad! ; )

Thanks to Coach John Christian for this info, the friend of Kate Martin's on FB and Granny Sue. Our mantra (until two days ago...heehee), was "feeling fine since 2009" because that's the last time one of these bugs really took us all out. (Can you tell we're big HIMYM fans? "Vomit free since '93?" LOL)


  1. Oh my family is so going to start this. My phobia of vomit is a joke here too, but seriously it feels terrible to run away from my kids when they"re sick and not to them. I'm THAT afraid of it. - Cath from Home is Where my Heart is @

    1. I'm the same way! It's just such an awful thing!! Hope this helps your family as much as it has helped mine. It's been a GEM! ; )

    2. I am on my way to the grocery store! I teach preschool and my precious little ones are so sweet to share all of their germs. I think I will start serving it to all of thme at snack time every day. Thank you!!!

    3. My vomitphobia was my dirty little secret for years! As a kid I used to plug my ears when someone in the family was vomiting. And, this is no lie, I have been a non-drinker ALL my life because when I was in my teens and my friends were starting to experiment with underage drinking, someone vomited in a car I was riding in and that steered me away from drinking anything EVER ! Needless to say, I never volunteer to be a designated driver, either! My two daughters survived my stupidity - actually, I was able to pull it together when they had a stomach bug but I did everything in my power to avoid their getting sick. I'm starting this grape juice thing with my grandchildren !

    4. This is AMAZING! I have had emetophobia for 10 years now and I was wondering what any of you were doing to keep it from controlling your life as it has done mine. If anyone would like to chat with me about this please feel free to email me!!! HELP!! lol

    5. Fellow emetophob here... will definitely be remembering this tip! How did yall have kids without freaking out about morning sickness? Does this help with that too?

    6. I'm glad to know there are so many people who have the same phobia as me! I used to run and hide, plug my ears, and hum very loudly to myself if someone was puking. I almost have a 6th sense for it and can usually leave a room just before the vomiting begins.

    7. I am so going to buy this & try it. I too am the Mom who runs from a puker & completely disses my children if they have the stomach bug. Deathly afraid of it.

    8. I know this is an older post, but I was searching for solutions, our 10 year old daughter is an emetophobic and it controls her life completely and if anyone catches a bug withing a 10 mile radius of her, she panics bad. Going to buy grape juice tonight. Thank you so much for the advice!

    9. OMG..Its so nice to see other women with the vomiting phobia I get so anxious about it all the time. I hate it!! I will be trying this asap

    10. OMG!!! Me too Robyn. I just don't know what to do about it, I hate it. I worry about projecting my fears onto my children, I certainly don't want them to have to deal with it.

    11. glad i'm not alone with this!! hubby gets up in middle of the night sometimes and i jump ready to run constantly asking where he is going and if he is going to be sick. always thought i was alone & over-reacting!

    12. WOW so super glad I'm not the only one. I feel like a terrible mom when I'm doing anything to run away from sick kids. Buying this stuff TOMORROW and keeping it on hand forever. The comments though, really, so good to know. I wish there were something I could do to not be such a freak about puke, but at least I'm in good company. =) =)

    13. I know everyone has said this, but I never knew that there were other people out there that had this big a phobia of vomiting as I do!!! I was tutoring someone last night and he breathed me and kissed my cheek even, and this morning he said he went home and starting throwing up and has been sick with the bug all day.. I have been FREAKING out.. I couldn't even make myself eat lunch, I'm terrified!


    14. i never thought possible that dr.marnish can do miracles, like restoring broken relationship! At first everything felt dreamy and unbelievable, I was scared a little cos I heard read and heard lots of stories of fake spell casters,scams and i never really believed in magic but I played along with a little hope and and faith and after everything, the love spell worked like a magic This love spells casted by dr.marnish@yahoo com made my man who broke my heart 4 months ago to come back to me, this is unbelievable, Only 3 days after the love spell was casted, my lover said that he wants us to come back together. to my surprise, he came back the next morning he was all on me kissing and rubbing me telling me how much he missed me and how much he loves me , that he wants me back. i was happy and i gladly took him back, thanks to dr.marnish for helping me to bring my lover back
      Jewels Allegro from USA

    15. Here is a blog post with some great advice from a mom who struggles with this fear as well. It's good, practical advice!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks to this great man of spirit called Dr Samura which I don't know how to thank him for the good work he has Don for me and family which I want to share my testimony with to you all so I was married to Hassan Moel and my name is Julie deshields for six years now he left me with two kids with know reason which I don't know what to one day i was in my friends place when I exposed my pain to her about my depression which I have be looking for who to help me out of it then my friend called me closer to her self telling me on how she got this great man of spirit who helped her found her way to get her husband back then I ask of his contact she quickly go and get her computer and gave me his Email ID and his number so,that is how I contacted him for a help. And now am so happy with my family and with a happy home if you are in such pain kindly Via Email SAMURATELLERSPELL100@YAHOO.COM or call +2347030410643 have faith in him and he will help you
      Julie Deshields.

  3. intersting at the least..but worth a try! I am putting it on my list.
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can!

  4. this is great I hope you'll link this up at my What We Wore and Made Party over at

  5. WOW, You know, hey, worth a try! I am so nervous we are going to get it bad like we did last year...all three kids puking at the same time! awesome. Going to get the grape juice this weekend! Thanks!!!

    1. Oh yes, been there done that! Hope it works great for you as well! Thanks so much for stopping by!
      ; )

  6. That's really interesting! My son drinks 100% grape juice CONSTANTLY; maybe that's why our family hasn't gotten hit with the bug like so many of our friends have this month. Would you consider sharing this here?

  7. Interesting, Kristi! I have just linked this to our blog FB page. Thanks so must be worth a try! ;0)

    1. Thank you so much, Tanya!! I really appreciate the link! Have a great weekend!
      ; )

  8. We rarely get sick here, but last week the stomach flu went through 6 out of 7 members of our family. I usually don't buy juice because of the sugar, it's water or milk in this house, but am now motivated to start..and with my favorite juice as well!

    Your emphasis on "prentative" made me giggle, I have a vivid memory of trowing up purple grape juice on my Mom's beige carpet.

    1. Ugh me too. I threw up right after drinking grape juice in the car when I was 4 years old and haven't touched the stuff since. It's one of the most vivid memories of my childhood. I'm a teacher in constant battle with these stomach bugs, so maybe I'll give it another whirl 24 years later...

      ❤ Karen
      Flamingo Fabulous in Second Grade

  9. I can vouch for this one! I learned this one from Kristi a year or so ago and we've been using it ever since...and it really works!

  10. This is good to know! We already use apple cider vinegar when needed, I'm sure my kids would much rather prefer Welch's!

    Becca @ Crumbs and Chaos

  11. Very interesting! I'd honestly never heard that before, but I'm going to try it if we're ever {knowingly} exposed. Thanks for linking up to Refresh Your Nest Friday over at Making Lemonade, and hope to see you back tomorrow!

  12. Oh wow, I never heard of this before! My husband drinks apple cider vinegar, but I'm sure he'd prefer the taste of grape juice. Thanks so much for sharing! Enjoy your weekend.

  13. What's even better than Welch's is if you are able to can your own! I have borrowed a steam juicer from friends and canned my own grape juice. Wow! That is delicious and powerful stuff. VERY high in anti-oxidants. (btw, my husband is vomit-free since 1980!)

    1. funny that I found you on this website cristi, We always seen to surpas the stomach flu, and I wonder why when it goes through our neighborhood, but now I know! I have been canning my own grape juice since i was married 18 years ago, We drink it almost every Sunday. We don't get alot other illness either. hmmmm interesting. We like to call grape juice in our family "Liquid Gold" :)

  14. This would be a lifesaver. I too, shamefully, have panic attacks at the sight and sound and the thought is enough to paralize me, literally! Thank you for posting, this could be an answer to prayer!! :)

    1. So excited to have found your blog! I thought I was the only one with an irrational fear of vomit!

  15. A friend just ran out in a haste tonight to try this out since her kid started I think I'll be stocking up on the stuff. We always have some in the house where I mix it with prune for my son, but I think since it's all through my church (actually my friend's daughter threw up all over the cafe floor at church tonight), I'll be drinking some myself! I had it 5 times last year. Yes; FIVE TIMES! FOUR of those were in the span of a month and a half! I know. Doesn't seem possible, does it? I'd have never believed it. It was the month & a half of perpetual puking/hershey squirts/laundry doing.

    1. Do not touch your mouth. You must have infected yourself again and again with the same virus. Stomach flu can reinfect you even though you had it already. Bleach everything!!!! Do not touch your face without fully washed hands for minimum of 20 seconds. Only certain sanitzers can help. Google germ star Noro"

    2. It absolutely IS possible to have it several times in succession. Actually, it is only ONE attack of the virus but you keep reinfecting yourself over and over just as it's starting to clear up. Kids are especially bad for this because they just don't remember to wash their hands or use wipies at school and they share drinks, food, etc without thinking of the consequences. What we call the "stomach flu" or "stomach bug" is generally Norovirus - an especially virulent, active, easily spread nasty bug, also known as "cruise ship revenge" because of its common attacks in crowded living conditions like cruise ships, nursing homes, etc. The best prevention is cleanliness, but children just aren't reliable in that department, especially once they've started school and are mingling with a few hundred other kids some of who are from homes with questionable sanitation. It only takes one kid to infect an entire school. Once your family home is invaded by this nasty little bug, bleach, bleach, bleach......everything the kids wear, sleep in, touch (faucets, countertops, table tops, TOYS), sit on (toilets, kitchen chairs, etc.). If you don't use a gallon of bleach every day when you have Noro in your home, then you aren't cleaning enough.

  16. I always give my 4 year old 1 large suppy cup full a day during the winter months as a preventative too....usually at lunch time, but unfortunately this morning he woke with vomit in his bed! He then informs me that some kids in his class had it! Not sure if one sippy cup full does the trick....I will be drinking it 3 times a day to be sure. I was REALLY hoping this would work. We didn't get it last year though...not sure if it was because I was giving him grape juice more than once a day then since I had a new baby and was extra paranoid. Oh well...lets hope at least a larger quantity of it works!

    1. I am collecting personal stories from people who have tried drinking grape juice to prevent stomach bugs for my website I would appreciate if you would share your story with me. Phd.annie at

  17. What did you guys do with the recent arsenic scare in bottled juices? I worry about arsenic building up in the kids' systems more than the stomach bug...

  18. OMG i have a freakish fear of vomit, too! Everyone makes fun of me for it.

    I've heard of this before, but I think I'll actually try it. Seems like this bug is always going around somewhere!

    1. Right there with you on the freakish fear!! :)

    2. It's called emetophobia very common. I have had it for over 25 years:) I am fully medicated! I research everything under the sun that may prevent this from hitting my kiddo's. Constant sanitizing, bleaching everything washing hands till my skin cracks!! It's a battle. But I do know a lot about prevention and teaching my kids to not touch their face at school and wash!!!!!! This drink is exciting on top of all my rituals. Good luck to all!

    3. I need help! I have had the fear of throwing up forever! It is really bad now that I have a 2.5 year old daughter! It makes me feel like such a bad mom bc I want to run out of the house if she gets the stomach bug. This year she is starting at a preschool play group and my anxiety is in overload right now! Not to mention I always start to get anxious this time of year bc winter is coming and so is the stomach virus :( I am definitely going to try the grape juice but I am worried about the sugar and calories. I feel like not a lot of people understand this fear and it makes me feel immature!! Any tips would be appreciated! Thanks! :)

    4. I have vomitphobia too (emetophobia, as I learned from a post above). I can't stand being around vomit or people who are vomiting. I feel immature with this fear as well, and I never talked about it with anybody in my life. Even as a young girl/teenager I knew I wanted kids more than anything, but even then I was thinking about what would I do if/when they vomited? The good thing about my phobia was that it kept me alcohol-free - to this day (I'm 60 now) I do not drink alcohol EVER. As a teen I saw my friends getting underage drunk and throwing up in cars on the way home - that was enough to make me a teatotaller for life (and I also jumped out of a lot of cars and walked home in the dark by myself those years !!). So, I get what you're feeling. And from the other posts here, I realize that we aren't alone! I thought I was the only person in the world with such a foolish phobia, but (sigh of relief) I'm obviously not! We should have our own little support group.

    5. I am so relieved to hear that other people suffer from this awful phobia too! I thought I was the only one. As a college student it is so hard to go out and have fun when I am constantly worrying about seeing throwup! I have tried medication and that didn't help! If anybody has more advice please email me at :)

  19. Found this on Pinterest and I'm going to try this. My family is terrible about getting the stomach virus, even though we wash hands and wipe down shopping carts, and everything else we can think of to avoid it. Thanks for the tip!

  20. My brothers and dad makes fun of me for my fear of vomit. They even make sounds to get my goat. Since glass sizes are differfet, how many ounces do you use in a serving?

    1. I always think of a serving as 8 ounces or a cup. That's what we use. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  21. Amazing! We bottle our own grape juice each autumn. I'll be sure to stock up even more this year!!

  22. I'm feeling a bond with you and all the other commenters who have a crazy vomit phobia. We're not alone! Thanks for sharing this--I hope it works. Mmmmm, grape juice.

  23. I'm another person with an unreasonable fear of vomiting! But I also have diabetes . . . and all fruit juices are off limits for me! I just might have to try just one cup a day though, and keep up with how it's affecting my blood sugar levels.

    1. try grapeseed extract! no juice for me either (or my kids) too much sugar and calories. A teaching friend told me years ago that was her secret weapon on staying healthy while working at a school with little kids. It comes in a pill form, MUCH healthier than juice!

  24. When someone at my house pukes I take klonopin! Will have to try this. Love grape juice!

    1. Love it! I'm glad I'm not the only one who can't handle it!! Thanks for stopping by! ;)

  25. I have found a sisterhood! I thought I was the only one that completely freaked out when one of my kids vomited. I honestly thought I was the only mom on earth that was mortally afraid of it. If one of my kids gets sick, I shut down. I disinfect EVERYTHING constantly. I think my hands are permanently ruined, ha, ha. Thanks for this post Kristi. I'm going to the store as soon as it is safe...snow on the ground. The lady who takes klonopin cracked me up.

    1. Sisterhood, indeed!! Never realized so many others were just like me!! Thanks so much for stopping by!

    2. You girls have my sympathies on such an awful phobia. I hate it when *I* am the one puking, but I've never freaked when someone else is. I can't imagine running from one of my kiddos when they're sick. We're definitely gonna try this at my house, & I hope it works for all of you too!
      Best wishes for a puke free 2013! ((Hugs))

    3. You girls have my sympathies on such an awful phobia. I hate it when *I* am the one puking, but I've never freaked when someone else is. I can't imagine running from one of my kiddos when they're sick. We're definitely gonna try this at my house, & I hope it works for all of you too!
      Best wishes for a puke free 2013! ((Hugs))

  26. I have the same phobia... can't STAND to throw up! And if I find out someone close to me has a bug.... I stay away from them! lol! Drinking grape juice will be a every day event in my house! Thanks!

    1. Oh I totally avoid puking people, too. I won't even breathe in their direction!! ;) Thanks for stopping by!

  27. Oh I love this! I will try it. We in fact were down and out with the stomach bug in '10. While I was pregnant, while I was visiting friends with my two kids. We all three got it BAD, BAD, BAD especially at someone else's house! YUCK! It got so bad my hubby caught the next flight out to come rescue us and bring us home! I will be using this and might I suggest you up the intake when traveling and add elderberry syrup if you can! Great post! I can't wait to start reading more of your blog! I found you on pinterest! :) ~Mae

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Mae! I may look into the elderberry for sure. We're traveling next week and we have definitely upped the drinking...I spent over $50 on grape juice the other day!! GEEZ!! But, security of not throwing up while traveling can not have a price put on it!!

    2. I think we would be good friends. I swear emetaphobics attract each other, two of my best friends are emetaphobics as well, and we al feel safe around each other since none of us are "pukers"

  28. Does it only work with purple grape juice or does white grape juice work too?

  29. I AM NOT ALONE!!! Vomit phobia is for real. This is the most amazing thing I have ever read. Thanks SO much for passing this on! My husband is on his way to the store right now. (Not even kidding). I love you.

  30. My sister pinned this for ME...because I have the same fear! I'm not a mom yet, but vomiting is my number 1 fear during pregnancy, and then when I actually HAVE kids. I've already told my husband, "If our kids are ever sick, I will have NO problem making them sit outside until you can get home from work!" haha..obviously kidding, but it's bad!

    1. Gretchen, there is a helpful group on Yahoo called me through three pregnancies with emet!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Gretchen - don't let your phobia keep you from having children. I would have regretted it for the rest of my life if I let fear get in the way of the joy of being a mother. I understand because I suffer from the same fear, too (instant panic attack, adrenaline rush, dizzy, if I'm around puking or hear it, or see it). I went through my pregnancy with some nagging, annoying nausea (mostly food aversions), but no actual throwing up. During it though, I told myself it was not that big of a deal if it happened and it is sometimes part of the process, it doesn't mean anything is wrong with me. Some friends didn't have any nausea at all in pregnancy. However it IS very very normal. I think us emetephobes didn't have enough experience throwing up in childhood, so we think it is abnormal, scary, bad, etc. I have heard some heartbreaking stories of women who were so afraid of morning sickness vomiting that they aborted their babies. It makes me want to cry. It is irrational, even though it feels rational. I understand! I instantly panic around vomiting. It feels out of my control to react that way. My son is a little over a year old, and he was a bit of a "pukey" kid (randomly at times), and the first few times I really panicked. I left him in his crib and couldn't go near him. But trust me, you get kind-of used to it (you get eased into it by all of the newborn spit up) ;) and unfortunately kids do get sick at times, but grow out of it happening as much. I'm afraid, too, of when he is older and catches a bad tummy bug. I'm also afraid of when my husband catches it. I even ran out of the house once when my husband was throwing up, covering my ears and crying because I was so afraid. I was screaming as if he was a murderer coming after me when he tried to get near me after vomiting. I didn't kiss him for 2 weeks, and I even had nightmares that I heard him vomiting. But he was over it in exactly 24 hours and was fine. I'm tired of this fear causing avoidance and panic in my life. We have to stop listening to ourselves and start TALKING to ourselves. And ask ourselves, "what am I really afraid of?" Take it to the worst possible conclusion, and you'll see it isn't very likely. I know, it's messy, gross... but do I want to let something "scary", which happens maybe a handful of days during my lifetime, run my entire life? I think we are afraid of feeling out of control or being embarrassed. I am preaching to myself :)

    4. Anyway, I was in the same boat as you, but now that I have my 1 year old son, I really really want to enjoy him and not be afraid constantly of him getting sick. He threw up at a friend's house recently (for no reason), and I felt horrible & embarrassed. My friend was not bothered in the least and didn't even ask me to leave but I did because I wasn't sure if it was a virus (it wasn't). It really helped ease my fears that she didn't care. I think what we imagine is much scarier than reality: as if every virus will be out of control vomiting, ER trips, dehydration, fear. I have come to realize that I will probably not react perfectly each time. I will probably still feel afraid, panicky & shakey and want to run away. I believe most emetephobes are perfectionists in a sense, and beat themselves up that they "can't get their act together". Maybe we will never feel 100% at ease, but avoiding situations and people will only reinforce the phobia and teach your brain that there really IS something to fear. If you are going to remain phobic, you can live your life and feel afraid or you can stay inside and feel afraid. You may have morning sickness, and may have sick kids and you may still feel anxious. But that's OK. They are just feelings. Feelings aren't going to hurt you. You just do what you need to do, clean up, call the doctor maybe, and move on. Lean into the fear, and it'll pass eventually. Anyway, I hope you get to experience motherhood!! :) It is not all happy days but now i can't imagine life without children. God says they are blessings and I am inclined to believe Him since He is wiser than me!! Yes I am still very afraid of my son getting a vomit bug, and how I'll handle it, but I get to enjoy him all of the other days of his life that he is not sick.

  31. OMG! I am glad I am not alone with my phobia! we should really start a support group! I have often thought that people face their fears to conquer them but, h&$@%# no! I have a whole gemaphobe routine when someone gets sick and I won't relax for a whole week until I feel confident the incubation period is over! lol

    1. I've always known I wasn't alone in my emetophobia (yup, this irrational fear of vomit has a name!) But it's always reassuring to me when I see so many others who feel the same way I do. Even people posting on Facebook from 5 states away about having a tummy bug sends me into a panic attack. I will never have kids (by choice, and for the vomit factor plus a million other reasons), but this is a great tip, and I can't thank you enough for sharing. And kudos to the emetophobic moms out there-I could never do it!

    2. It sucks! Having kids is awesome, but I have them on germ alert at all times! Expecially at school! They are not allowed to touch their mouths without washed hands. When it's just you, you can have some control, but you cannot control schools. Luckily my kids school know what a freak I am and try an keep
      My mind as ease by sanitizing and all that. "germ star Noro" google it and get a case with your grape juice. It was created for cruise ships! Sadly Pure has glycerin with protects the stomach flu cell and won't kill it. Look for over 65% alcohol or wet wipes. The ingredient that can actually kill the Noro or Roto virus is Benzalkonium Chloride! The generic wet wipes have a higher % I get those. Of find pumps with that ingredient. I know how you all feel! All my love!!

    3. That was supposed to say sadly Purell won't kills stomach bugs because of the glycerin. It protects the cell wall of the Noro virus, which is the bad winter bug!! My cell is horrible for typing, sorry!! Off to buy juice in bulk for the months to come!!!

  32. The name for the fear of vomiting is 'emetophobia'. I was actually on Dr Phil about 8 or 9 years ago for having this phobia. Have had it since I was 8 or 9 years old. I'm now 40 and a mom to 2 boys. Very glad to read this blog, but I really worry about the sugar in the juice-- I will be doing alot of research to see if there is an equally effective alternative. Thanks for posting this!

  33. My family does this too! i just started a blog also itd be great if you could check it out!

  34. After having to change my 2 year old's sheets four times in a row (for two nights straight), I will definitely be trying this for all four of us! :-)

  35. I have emetophobia - phobia of vomiting - and thought I knew all the tricks but I've never heard of this one! Will look into it more and give it a shot!

  36. Praise the Lord I have found someone else who is a scared of vomiting as I am! I literally have a panic attack when I find that someone may have "infected" us! You may also want to look into adding a few drops of Grapefruit seed extract in the grape juice. GSE is a natural antibiotic and kills all germs. When my kids have been exposed, I give them four drops twice a day, and it seems to really help! It is VERY bitter, but the grape juice masks the taste really well!!! Thanks for sharing. I am glad to know others are scared of puke too:)

  37. Another option is garlic. Any time I or my daughter get the stomach flu, we end up in the ER (we apparently lack the "stop throwing up" switch) so I'm a fanatic about exposure. Whenever we are remotely exposed, I instantly start popping garlic pills. My daughter doesn't swallow pills, so I pop some open and make her garlic bread (I add garlic powder or fresh garlic as well, not sure how great garlic oil pill bread tastes!). I figure much like grape juice it might help and probably won't hurt. :)

    1. You really should have your doctor and/or Ped give you a standing prescription of Zofran. When you come down with a bug, no need to go to the ER. Take the Zofran and turn off the puke switch!

  38. >>major emetophobe here!<<
    I am definitely trying this. My whole family likes grape juice anyway, so it'll be an easy sell. I don't usually buy it because they'll drink a gallon in a day and it's too expensive. So I'll just have to have a strict allowance of it to make it last.

  39. Saw this on pinterest!

    And apparently there should be an emetophobe convention here! Definitely a member myself. It's part of the reason we homeschool, because my anxiety about it is THAT bad. A kid saying "my tummy hurts" is enough to send me spiraling. Fortunately (knock wood) we've not had it since fall of '08, but I'm fanatical about hand washing if we've been out or if they've been around other kids.

    Not everyone in the family likes grape juice, but we'll definitely have to give this a try if need be!

  40. So happy that I found this on Pinterest! Every year I dread the Winter time because it never fails, the kids will get the stomach bug and of course all three of them will fall victim! It's also nerve racking for my husband and I, we are just waiting and wondering when we will get it. The last few years we have been spared and I attribute it to taking a probiotic daily as well as a lot of hand washing but I'm definitely going to add the grape juice to our diets! Thanks again, Cindy - Hip Housewives @

  41. I read this on Pinterest, too! Thanks for sharing!! I am a Great Grandma who hates cleaning up throw up!! Hate throwing up, too!!! Will have to give this a try!!

  42. Does it work with white grape juice, too? Or just the regular purple kind?...

  43. I'm just like you! I have panic attacks when someone gets the stomach flu at my work and my husband can't keep his hands away from his face so he is always getting whatever is going around! I will totally use this tip! My phobia is so bad that I will do anything to help!
    Thanks for your tip!!!! I'm going to buy some grape juice on the way from work! :)

  44. my mom used this and didn't get sick with even so much as a cold for 5 years. She always had one 8oz of grape juice with 2 TBS of apple cider vinegar. It works. She baby sat my kids when they were sick. It also cures step throat if sipped all day.

  45. This is an old wives tale that has been around for years. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to support it and you can find just as many people who it didn't work for. Grape juice is high in vitamin C so it naturally boosts your immune system. Plus as adults, we were likely exposed to these viruses many times as children so we have built an immunity to many of them. And when a member of the family gets sick, we tend to go on the defense which is another key to not catching it. We don't drink juice in our much sugar and chemicals like pesticides they don't have to list. Try teaching your children to be vigilant about washing their hands, teach them to keep their fingers out if their mouth, nose and eyes. Stay out of indoor play areas in peak months, always wipe down store carts. Feed them a diet high in protein and fresh fruits and vegetables and cut out refined sugars, simple grains, processed foods. Make sure they spend plenty if time outside exercising. Build a better immune system from the inside out.

    Daycare of two who are rarely sick. In fact, both have only been on antibiotics once in their lives, rarely get head colds and I can't remember the last time they puked due to a virus. They are 11 and 8.

    1. That is wonderful advice and so true hygiene and hands off your face and praying other people do the same thing is how this virus stops! But sadly you really don't build an immunity to this virus. It's not an influenza. You will most likely never get that same strain, there are too many. So people like me with a constant need to feel like we have some control of stoping this from getting into our house will try anything and everything to stop it! Anxiety meds help, but emetophobia keeps you up at nigh so this juice may help in more ways than one:)

  46. I have to agree with Trista above.......... no evidence what-so-ever that this works, I wouldn't waste my money or the calories on this. I'm also emetophobic (actually participating in a study right now), you'd be surprised how many people have this phobia, most people keep it hidden!

  47. Hey, there. I get how this could work. It sort of follows the same line of logic as cranberry juice preventing bladder infections. Acid and bacteria don't mix very well, and vitamin C boosts the system. But I would be very wary of drinking grape juice every day. It's one thing for kids, who are growing like mad and can handle the calories and sugars. It's another thing for adults. Grape juice is very high in calories and sugar. You're going to be diabetic and have no stomach lining if you drink this much grape juice this often. I drank grape juice every day for a while, and I developed an ulcer from it. It's dangerous stuff.

    1. I am collecting personal stories from people who have tried drinking grape juice to ward off stomach bugs for my website, I'd love to post your story if you are willing to share it with me. Phd.annie at

  48. I'm so glad I saw this on Pinterest! I too have huge phobia of throw up! I do the same thing, panic attack and all, and am constantly trying to avoid it, so thanks for this! I have never met someone who is as "afraid" of it as me, now I know I'm not the only one!


  49. I feel near tears reading these comments. I am a severe emetophobe mother of three. Life is hellish for me living in constant terror and fear of stomach viruses and vomiting. I keep myself and kids on probiotics. I am adamant about hand washing and am nearly mercenary when it comes to disinfecting my bathroom surfaces. My oldest started kindergarten this year and it has sent me spiraling downward with my condition because of how many bugs she has had and the times that I hear someone at school is/has been sick and I panic over when it will hit us. I have major social avoidance issues because I never know who has been or might be sick. I'm afraid to travel. I don't like any public places, parks, amusement parks, play areas, etc because of the germ factor. I would love to homeschool to lessen our exposure, but husband (rightfully) put his foot down that the kids deserve better than to be sheltered by a neurotic mother and miss out on what is best for them. I can admit that it would become a crutch and further my hermitic tendencies.

    I am making hubby buy the juice on his way home from work tonight. It feels good to find others who understand the phobia. It isn't just "disgust" or an "aversion" to vomit and illness associated with it. It is true fear where you feel threatened and in danger by your own emotions. Nobody but another emetophobe can fully grasp the situation. It isn't a fear of dogs where you don't go near them, a fear of heights where you avoid flying, - it is a fear of a basic and sometimes life saving function. No matter how much you rationalize it, what you feel with the fear is always more powerful than realistic truth you know. You cannot escape your own body or loved ones which are the very vehicles of vomitous betrayal.

    If anyone has insight on how to truly overcome their emetophobia - I'd love to hear how you did it. I'd like to live, really live, without this debilitating fear. (I am in counseling, which doesn't seem to have helped much.)

    1. I understand how you feel. Please visit my website

    2. I understand too... my 21 year old daughter suffers from this phobia as well. she says she will never have kids because of morning sickness. she barely made it thru high school because the fear was so debilitating. Thankfully she is much better now. Your story broke my heart because you sound just like my daughter. I pray you find peace.

    3. Total emetophobe here too! I never realised it was so comon :/

    4. I felt the same way as you! I finally sought help from a psychologist and psychiatrist. I took prozac to help overcome my OCD with this and it has greatly helped. I am not cured, but I don't live such a debilitating life. I wish you the best of luck recovering and working on living life without this fear!

    5. I would love to know how to overcome this fear. When my two daughters were young and had the occasional stomach bug it was only compassion that allowed me to take care of them and clean the mess. I could not do it for anybody else; a stranger, for instance. I suffered from this phobia since my earliest memories. I was probably about 4 or 5 when my younger brother vomited in the bunkbed above me and it paralyzed me with horror. I plugged my ears and was under the covers so I couldn't hear/smell it, and I haven't changed in 60 years. I did get my girls through their illnesses on sheer willpower and the fact that I was a single mother - there was nobody else in the house to help them. Now I have grandchildren and I still have that ridiculous fear when I am babysitting that one of them will throw up. If I hear one of them burp at the table I fly out of my chair like I've just been shot, and I flee to the kitchen with my ears plugged with fingers. I feel so ridiculous, especially when the 5 year old asks me why I ran away from the table. But it's a phobia - no different from the fear of flying or the fear of germs......we have to live with these things if we can't figure out solutions for them.

    6. I have severely suffered with this phobia for as long as I can remember and it has completely taken control of my life. I am a college student and live in a large city, which has me in constant fear of seeing puke. It is literally constantly in the back of my head. I am not scared of getting sick myself, which is the weird thing! It has restricted me from going places and has held me back on a lot of fun things in my life, like going to concerts, bars, festivals, etc. I can't even stand to see someone fake throwing up in a movie! I have tried medicine and it didn't help, and I am now off all meds and feel like things have just gotten worse. It's a relief to see this many people with the same phobia because I know that I am not crazy! If anyone has more advice for me, please feel free to email me at !!! Please help!

  50. Interesting but I'd run this theory by any dentist and I'm sure they'll freak out!!! Pediatricians & dentists don't recommend ANY juice let alone a glass of grape a day! Yikes!

  51. My kids get the stomach bug a few times a year and usually the first time is pretty violent. We are SO trying this!

  52. I drink tart cherry juice concentrate for arthritis and have noticed a lot less loose bm's as a result. do you think any high acid juice would work? Ive read that apple cider vinegar in water to start your day is a great preventative too, of course grape juice tastes better lol

  53. I just want you to know that you aren't alone in your throw-up phobia. I am HORRENDOUS about it. I skip church and bible studies if anyone even mentions stomach flu. And yeah I have serious panic attacks over it. Most people don't understand but I feel you.

  54. Thank god I'm not the only one with the vomit phobia!! Legit panic attacks over here too... I'm actually pretty scared to become a mom (I'm 20) and become a special ed teacher in 2 years becouse of the fear!

  55. I HATE throwing up... never understand those people who say "but you feel so much better afterwards," uh no... I cry before, during and after... it is the most terrible thing in the world!!! worth a try...

  56. try grapeseed extract! no juice for me either (or my kids) too much sugar and calories. A teaching friend told me years ago that was her secret weapon on staying healthy while working at a school with little kids. It comes in a pill form, MUCH healthier than juice!

    1. I am going to try grapeseed extract! How young were your kids when you started them on it?

  57. wow I am relieved to hear about this phobia~now if someone could help me get rid of it!! I always end up near a barfer & have completely embarrassed my kids with my phobia ( on an airplane once and climbed over people to get away from it)

    1. I feel the same way! I get such intense anxiety over throw up! But I feel like I always end up near someone who is sick or always hear about when someone is sick... It's so annoying! I think that bc we are so sensitive to it we just notice it more then the average person?? I don't know just trying to make some sense out of it!

  58. OMG finding this so made my day. I had't thrown up in 22 years and got the flu while I was 8 months pregnant. Now I have massive panic attacks about throwing up and if anyone even says anything about being sick, or knowing someone who is sick I go into panick attack mode. My baby goes to daycare and I am almost afriad to even kiss her sometimes cause I am afraid of what she may have caught. I am so grateful that I am not the only one with this irrational fear.

  59. Why can't we drink the low cal version? :(

  60. Some of my friends use redwine (adults only) when they get the gurgles down below. They say since they've started doing that they haven't had any full blown diarrhea/vomit episodes. There may be a little diarrhea as the body cleans out the bugs, but they haven't done the porcelain evacuation in a long, long time. Just a thought for us grown-ups.

    1. I think this is true. My husband had it 2 wks ago, and I drank one glass of red wine each night, and I never got it. Whoot!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I have the same phobia as you, I've been the same way since I was just a child and have never been able to handle it. Thanks for this great tip! I have a large family and the younger kids are very prone to stomach bugs. I'm going to try this.

  63. Didn't read all posts, but....did you know they now recommend grape juice or apple juice if you have a sore throat? No More Orange juice for a sore throat as it is too irritating to the already inflamed tissues. As a life long sore throat sufferer I can tell you that it works (I used the grape primarily) and feels so much better.

  64. THANK YOU!!!! Such an emetophobe here.... needed to read this!!! Thank you....glad to know I'm not alone!

  65. Do you think the grape juice would have the same effect if i mixed the 8oz. with 8oz. of water or plain seltzer. I am having a hard time dealing with how sweet the juice is day after day. :-/

  66. I think red wine works too (for us adults!)
    My husband had it 2 wks ago, and I had a glass every night, and never came down with it.

  67. my daughter drinks grape juice because of kidney problems from the past we do not want to re occur.
    last week me and my son and my mother all have a stomach virus, she was brought up in the middle of playing nursemaid... I just knew that she would be the next want to come down with it.... she never did, now I know why!

    thank you so much for sharing

  68. Meh, I really don't like grape juice, but I guess I can learn to love it. Because seriously, you think you're vomit phobia is bad? I find it difficult to think about having a family because I know I will have to deal with morning sickness/puking kids. Also I am a teacher and so far no one has puked in my room but I think when a student does I'm probably going to have a nervous breakdown. Interesting preventative idea though, I'll have to try it.

  69. no offence but this is one of the biggest lines of bull crap i have ever heard, if you had ever even taken a microbiology course you would know that viruses are extremely resistant and if they can resist your stomach acid then a little grape juice would be like a walk in the park, come on, not to mention its not really the stomach that contains the virus, its not like a blown up balloon, they travel through the body, effecting cells, they burrow in or inject their dna fro replication and when ready the cells expel the parts or explode and vwala the virus number just went from one, to twenty....etc, thats why there is no cure for viruses, there is only treatment, and let your body do the rest, the prevention is washing your dirty hands and make sure to take your vitamins so your body isnt already battling with something to weaken it.... grape juice? thats a joke thats just calming your phobia, please do the world a favor and educate yourselves.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Thanks for sharing that incredible tip! If it really works on me, you'll be my lifesaver ! I also suffer from panic attacks whenever I feel I'm going to be sick to my stomach, since 2007. Back then, I had 3 stomach flues in a row, been sick for almost 4 months. Since, I'm so affraid it's going to come back, I turn into a freak every time someone is sick around me, or even if I hear of someone being sick! Awful!
    Take care of your family!
    Thank you again from Paris (yes, your tip is already spreading all around the world!)

  72.!!!! Although "nurse from Texas" needs to take her happy pills give it a rest. Bacteria can cause illness too and unless you have children you have no idea what lengths you would go for them to not feel ill. Its the most helpless feeling in the world. Get your panties out of a bunch and take a Xanax. Definitely trying the grape juice treatment emetophobia sucks!!!

  73. Hi everyone,
    I am so happy to read your posts about being scared of vomit. I have struggled with this my whole life and now have a 2.5 year old daughter who is about to start a preschool play group twice a week and I'm freaking out. Not to mention that I always get anxious this time of year bc I know winter is coming and do is the stomach bug :( . I am a high school teacher do I am constantly around people. I am going to try all the tips I learned on here and hope to connect to some of my fellow friends who are afraid of throw up as me!!!!

  74. Sorry my predicted text in my phone always replaces so with do!

  75. Interesting, Kristi! How big of a glass are you talking? I am picturing a four ounce juice glass- is that accurate? It is becoming more and more apparent that our diet can be among the best medicine of all!!

  76. What about Sugar free? Will that work?

  77. Thank you so much for this tip! It's nice to know I'm not the only spew-phobic mum out there.. it serious sends me into a panic!

  78. My boys just started preschool last week so this is great to know now that I'm sure they'll be bringing sickness home!

  79. OMG I have the WORST puke phobia ever- I lose my mind when my child has it and if hubby gets it, I refuse to help him. When I get it I cry like a baby and think I'm dying. The SECOND I read about it starting to go around I go on high alert- and the anxiety kicks in where I am literally losing sleep each night praying to GOD it doesn't hit our family! It's pretty darn bad. LOL. Since school started this year we've been faithfully doing this grape juice preventative. Yes we go through about 2 bottles a week (thanks to BJ's I can get them in bulk!) but it will be worth it if it prevents us from getting that nasty, evil, horrific bug. THANK YOU for cluing us in to this brilliant experiment! I think you saved us a lot of headaches in the upcoming flu seasons!!!

  80. I had the bug last year before Christmas, I gave it the nickname "death flu" because it made you feel like you were dying, or you WANTED to die! It was that bad. Throw the irrational fear of puking on top of that and it was a horrid 24 hrs of panic attacks, puking, and diarrhea. I'm sure I'm not alone, but I take anxiety meds solely for my fear of vomiting. After having my gallbladder removed the stomach issues are much better and so is the anxiety, but it doesn't save me from the nasty bugs my cute preschoolers share with me. Unfortunately I can't stomach the juice. It causes other digestive issues for me.

  81. It makes sense to me, and it's much better than vaccinating with yucky chemicals for the flu! Thanks for the tip!!

    1. Jade,

      Influenza is not the same as a GI virus. The influenza vaccine protects against a respiratory virus.

  82. I would say go one step farther and only use ORGANIC grape juice. Grapes are one of the "dirty dozen" in conventional produce and are very high in pesticides. BTW another old wives tale I always use when traveling abroad is to drink a glass of red wine every evening to prevent sickness. Of course wouldn't work for the kids... unless you happen to be in France, then all bets are off!!

  83. Thanks for sharing! I'll be trying this. We just had the bug go through all 4 of our much nastiness!

  84. I've had this phobia since 1st grade and I can still remember anyone who threw up at school from my entire school career. Just reading this post made my heart rate increase and my hands shake, but I am so glad to hear others' stories. I went to therapy for it as a kid, but it wasn't really helpful, I can remember my dad saying, "you're just paranoid." (it wasn't in a condescending way, it was an attempt to comfort, haha) and thinking to myself, "Well duh, I'm paranoid, but knowing that doesn't make me any less panicked." My immune system has done a great job for the past 13 years in keeping me from succumbing to the illness (I'm 26), and I don't have any kids, so I am more often afraid of getting food poisoning. Also, I am a nurse, which can be a nightmare to deal with, but at least there I can get a doctor to order a patient nausea medicine. Plus usually at the hospital it is not an issue of infection (medication side effect, sensitive stomachs, etc.), so I'll be incredibly anxious at work, but less anxious than I would be otherwise about the risk of contracting it myself.

    I know another nurse commented and bashed the grape juice technique, but I don't care. Fine, maybe the acid theory doesn't hold up, but we haven't remotely identified all the antioxidants out there and I am a strong believer in nutrition as medicine. And even if there was absolutely zero influence on preventing the infection by grape juice alone, there is always the placebo effect! That and helping calm my nerves by its ritualistic nature.

    Now I just need to go to the grocery store!

  85. Just saw thie on Pinterest. I think I will stock up! I also have 'the phobia'. I use Apple Cider vinegar for myself, but my husband and kids can't stand the smell (or taste) of it. I know they would prefer the juice! I would love to can my own!

  86. I know I am way late to comment on this post and I really just came across it because the preventative measure was pinned on interest but you ladies have NO idea how good it feels to know that Im not a psycho because of my phobia. Ive had it all my life! It has always been a concern of mine regarding having children. I am no pregnant with my first child and sadly will be a single mother. I sometimes wonder what the heck I'm going to do and if I'll be able to deal. I need to increase my income so I can afford a nanny!

  87. Wow, you have definitely struck a chord here with lots of women and mommies! I too am freakishly paranoid about vomiting and would pretty much rather give my right arm then have to go through it. I found this on pinterest and will definitely be giving it a go. What can it hurt, right? My son randomly threw up this morning (just one isolated event) and I was preparing for the worst! Automatically came home to a big old glass of welch's! Anybody find that taking probiotics can be preventative? I have been trying to get them in my kids (and myself) since school started because I have heard people claim they help. Anyone else have experience with this? Look up Tummy Tuneup probiotics, they claim to stop the bug in its tracks!! i bought them also as a backup....can't hurt, right?

  88. Kristi, just had to tell you that one of my college friends put a link up to this post today on FB. Thought it was fun to see your blog pop up cause I feel like I kind of know you just from this bloggy blog world. Anyhow, thought you might want to know that you good tips are being shared.;) have a good one!

  89. Does this work if you dilute the grape juice with water? I want to try this but I'm not sure my toddler would like the strong taste. I, too, am deathly afraid of vomit and I happen to love grape juice so this is a win, win for me!

  90. Sadly, I'm *allergic* to Welch's grape juice. And guess what? It makes me vomit!
    :-/ So I guess I'm stuck?

  91. I am so glad to know that I am not alone. After reading this I feel like less of an idiot. I have had the ever so joyous phobia since I was very young. I am not sure where it stems from, but I last threw up about 24 years ago (I am 29 years old). I do not have kids, but I do teach. I am more afraid of others getting sick than myself because I can talk myself out of getting sick. It is mind game and I literally talk myself out of it. My willpower is amazing. But my braveness when a kid has a tummy face flushes, my heart races, my palms sweat, and I cannot wait to get them out of my classroom. I wish there was a pill I could take that would make me not afraid. I want to be super mom someday and how can I be that if I am going to be scared of my own children if they are ill? Thank goodness I have an awesome husband, but he may not always be around when my future child is sick. I am just glad I am not alone. If there is ever a cure or something that has helped...PLEASE share.

  92. I'm right there with those of you who just can't handle 'throwing up'...myself or others. You can throw almost anything else at me, but up-chuck...aaarrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhh!

  93. I have 6 kids puking right now does not work!

  94. Saw this on Pinterest...I too am amazed that I am not the only one who nurses a phobia of vomit/vomiting! Just reading all the above comments from fellow emetophobes has made me feel less crazy. It truly is an awful phobia, mostly because it's a bodily function and you don't have control over it. I haven't vomited since I was in the third grade (I am now 27) and it seems like the longer it's been, the scarier it becomes. I worry that if I ever do get really sick, I won't know how to deal with it because it's been so long. I feel like I have dodged the puke bullet several times over the years by "talking myself down"...I have spent days in agony with stomach bugs, hangovers, migraines, etc., REFUSING to vomit. I am a teacher and I have had kids vomit in class/tell me they have vomited recently and I can't get away from them fast enough. I don't know how you emetophobe moms deal with it!! You are my heroes! Stay strong out there sisters, and cheers to grape juice :)

  95. Oh man, I stumbled across this on pintrest, and I am a fellow emetaphobic. MAJOR emetaphobic. We haven't caught the tummy bug in a long time, but you can bet we will be drinking grape juice daily! And I'm passing this along to all my emetaphob friends also! Thank you so much!

  96. Get a Vitamin D blood test 25(OH)D...have it checked! Make sure your whole family has adequate blood levels of Vitamin D this flu season (>50-80ng/ml). Most children and adults vitamin D blood level is <30ng/ml. And....take a great PROBIOTIC! And of course Chicken Soup!

  97. If you ever want to make your own grape juice it is easy. Pick grapes, take stems off and wash. Put 2 cups grapes in one quart canning jar,add 1/4 cup sugar and fill with water. Seal and then put in water bath canning pot and boil for 15-20 minutes. Take out of the water bath, and let cool, and wait to hear the jars sealing with the pop sound. Open and enjoy. We have to dilute the juice but it is so tasty and delicious and you know what has gone into it - love and fresh grapes. Very healthy!

  98. Grape juice is also GREAT to prevent cramping during a menstrual cycle. It helps to keep the blood from clotting. I use to get horrible cramps and started drinking grape was a lifesaver!

  99. I am actually thinking of seeking professional help for my vomit phobia. I've been doing the grape juice diet now for a year. Every time the kids bring the bug home, my husband and I hit it hard. We've been able to avoid it mostly. The kids are too young to drink a glass a day so they inevitably get hit every time.

  100. Consider making your own grape juice. I can my own every fall. I buy a couple cases of Concord grapes. It takes a full day but I have it all year and I know exactly what's in it - grapes. The kids even enjoy helping out. But be careful - you will have purple children for a day or 2. :)

  101. I have never heard of this as a preventive measure...but I can guarantee that I am buying some tomorrow!I have been emetophobic my entire life...since at least the 2nd grade, which is the first time I remember being paralyzed with fear at getting sick. To the "nurse from Texas" chick need to get over yourself. If you really think we, "need to educate ourselves"...seriously? Do you honestly believe that someone that suffers with this phobia has not researched every single possible aspect of it? Do you really think we believe this is all taking place only in the gi track? Really? When you have sufffered with complete terror at the simple act of hearing someone say as they walk past you that, "my stomach hurts"...or being exposed to something and then living in fear for the next 24 hours to 10 days or so...then you need to just stop. If you have this fear, you will do anything and everything at ANY time to prevent this type of illness. You think we don't realize it can be bacterial? Or that it can not be foodborne? I throw food away when it even GETS CLOSE to the expiration date. I have antibacterial hand sanitizer with triclosan everywhere. I keep Zofran with me at all times just in case...and honey...I can promise you that zanax does not take this fear away. Neither does any rational talking it away. I am well aware that I am not going to get this everyday...but it doesn't matter what anyone says or is a fear that can bring me to tears, physical panic attacks, not leaving the house and avoiding people I love. I take freaking sick days when someone ELSE is sick at that I can hopefully avoid it. This is a nightmare to live with...I will drink a glass of grape juice if there is only a microscopic chance that it might help...what an unpleasant person to comment in such an unkind and condescending tone to people who suffer with a true phobia. Thanks for the grape juice post...I'm glad I saw it on Pinterest! ( is a great site for anyone who has it...wonderful blogs and articles. When I found the site about ten years ago, I sat there crying while reading all of the stories that people with sharing...all their experiences. I finally felt like for the first time that I wasn't alone and there were other people who felt EXACTLY like I did!

    1. I dont usually comment on things like this but wow im sat here all teary knowing that theres others out there with this completly irattional but uncontrolable fear even mummys is just amazing, I too fear the time when babies are part off my fear i would love a family but right now just knowing that im not alone is comforting im currently seeking counsiling too help this any support groups online ? Xx

  102. Thanks for sharing such a nice post. I'll be back later for some great reading...

  103. I don't have kids but lots of nephews & nieces I caught this 2 in a month my sister & one of kids have it now & plan on coming to Christmas at our moms I an going to store & start drinking it tonight. She came to thanksgiving with a sick kid & he stayed in a bedroom mOst of the day but I still caught it!! She got mad cause I told her I didn't really wanna come

  104. Thanks for the post, great tips and information...
    Toll Blending

  105. 23 years vomit free for me..not sure how i have managed this..
    definitely not because of grape juice..interesting information though
    i hate throwing up..i didnt' even throw up during my pregnancies..but felt quiet sick through all of them a lot of hte time. i fear it..maybe my fear is enough medicine for me.. not sure how many more years i will be able to keep this streak going

  106. I absolutely LOVE that you posted this! I have only vomited 3 or 4 times in my entire life and I would REALLY like to keep it that way. I am also deathly afraid of vomiting...I also get the panic attack thing when I hear that others have the dreaded stomach bug. So, with that being said - I thank you for sharing and I will be adding this to my daily routine starting tomorrow.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. I'm so glad to see that I'm not alone when it comes to the crazy fear of vomit. I wish I could lock myself away from Oct-May. I hate the panic that I face. It drives me nuts. People laugh at me and think I'm over the top because I won't touch any common space, I always carry sanitizer and Clorox wipes are my BFF. :-)

    My 9 months son was sick this morning and I had gloves and mask on as I cleaned things up. The baby was actually sitting there laughing at me. :-)

    I've been drinking Welch's like it's going to be pulled from the market...ha ha ha. Love it...and it's a total bonus that it helps with my greatest fear!

  109. This is great! A couple weeks ago the flu hit our family of 5. Everyone, but me got it. My hubby and I have been trying to figure how it missed me since our 3 year old is constantly sneaking drinks out of my cup and bites from my food. After reading this I realize was drinking 100% cranberry juice and lemon water that week!

  110. I am so happy I saw this, I am SUCH an emetophobe and I have been ever since I remember! I basiclly have a panic attack any time anyone even talks about a virus or someone throwing up. It really takes over my life. I take every prevention I can possibly think of, Its just so frustrating that it takes over my life so much. It really makes me feel better to know there are other people like me out there!
    ps. If its the acid that makes you more immune, wouldnt things like coffee and citrus also help? Or maybe red wine?

  111. I'm buying some grape juice today! I'm another severe vomit-phobe! Glad to know I'm not the only one.

  112. It is great to know that barf-o-phobics like me exist all over.. but it is still very difficult to control your mind from escalating when you hear the bug is around, or worse, it is in your house. My 16 year old is ill tonight and I look like a bomb squad official with gloves and a mask and cleaning supplies tying to keep it at bay. In every one of us emetophobes, the fear probably was born out of an intensely fearful experience or event. My fear causes me horrible panic attacks that I tame with meds and therapy. I have heard that hypnotherapy can help cure a person from this phobia.. Has anyone tried it?

  113. I have emetophobia, too! I'm pinning this just for the support!

  114. I have emetophobia, but ironically I also have no gag reflex. As far as pregnancy goes. I just refused to eat until they gave me Zofran to prevent the morning sickness. My doctor was pretty on board with me not being sick because I was underweight, and so was my baby. Most doctor's will help with that. Another neat trick, from a perinatologist, which is a pregnancy specialist is to take the regular Unisom. It prevents morning sickness and is safe during pregnancy.

  115. Well just a fyi The last time I had the stomach bug (double ender) It was so bad that my husband called the paramedics. They said that if you have the flu Try to eat green grapes. They worked wonders. They give you fluid that you cant keep down any other way and they give you natural sugar.

  116. It started with my four year old vomiting a week ago, then went to me (just a bad tummy ache and headache) and now a week later my little 6 month old is vomiting!! I HATE throwing up and I will talk myself out of it. The last time I threw up I actually passed out first and I think it was my body's way of making me give up control so I would actually throw up! I will be trying this for sure. So good to know there are others out there like me!

  117. I didn't read all the responses, but I am glad I found this today! I would suggest looking into EFT/Tapping therapy to get over emetophobia! I am still in the process, but I have made MAJOR improvements. Like, I can now watch someone puke on tv or in a movie and not feel ill and one time I even laughed! Ahh, the horror of laughing about vomit. Crazy to me. I will try and remember I posted this and check back if anyone has questions about the EFT/Tapping.

    I am going to use the grape juice too, as an extra security - especially for the kids. Thank you!!

  118. I had been suffering from Unstable Angina of the heart for years..We have tried all we could to get the best of drugs and improve my condition on medics but my condition have not improved even after spending lots of money trying to give her the best..My illness has given me so much concern.. I was introduced to a psychic site by a spell caster where I read a testimony of a woman cured of subarachnoid hemorrhage permanently..I was baffled an interested in how she was cured and it was revealed that a spell caster helped her did a spell that cured her.. I contacted the spell caster and explained my case to him..he helped me did same spell and told me to take her for a test..we went for almost 5 checkups after the test and the medics all confirmed there is no traces of the virus in her system again..people that has been suffering from this illness can contact the spell caster on

  119. This does not work. I was giving my 3 year old a cup of grape juice with her medicine in it every day for 3 weeks and she still came down with the stomach flu.

  120. My name is Rhoda, he says if i do as am told I'd see my husband walk by back to me 2days after casting the spell. indeed you're a genius, he did came back to me just as you predicted, crying and begging for forgiveness and he has promised never to leave me again. Thank you so much

  121. I thought I was the only one in the world with this phobia. You know I am going to do this!!

  122. This is my phobia as well. I germ X so much its crazy. I took my kids and put them on homeschool bc I was afraid of getting a stomach bug. It too runs my life, and everyone laughs about it or uses it against me (mainly my parents when they dont wanna see the kids). No one really understands but my panic disorder has led to NEVER wanting to leave the house.. Y? Bc of stomach bugs! Its sad and even with medication.. I still struggle to have a normal life. I will be trying this grape juice method. I feel better knowing that there are others out there who understand why I am so afraid of it! Thank you for posting this!!

    1. Omg.. when I read ur post I felt like I had wrote it myself. I totally understand the anxiety thing as I have it too. Worst of all I'm a nurse. Im considering taking my kids out of school because of all the crap they bring home. Most people know I have an anxiety disorder just not that I have a huge fear of throwing up. I have took some of my life back from my anxiety but its always learking around every corner. I would really like to chat with you. We seem to have so much in common.

  123. Great Post! This is one of the best way to loose weight. But you might just want to try having the gastric balloon ,it would be really interesting and helpful.

  124. OMG... im not alone.I'm getting over the stomach bug now that I got from my 14 yr old. Im so scared that my 7 yr old daughter will get it.I too have a anxiety disorder. Especially when somebody is sick in my house. I hate throwing up and it really breaks my heart when my kids r sick. I'm so worried that my daughter will get what I have. Anxiety will really control ur life especially during a illness. Im better than I use to be but it still had control over a lot of my choices. Hope everybody has the strength to get over this.

  125. I cannot believe there are others out there like me who have this crippling fear of VOMIT!!!! I have FOUR KIDS. FOUR!!!! And I also run away instead of running TO them!!! My husband, bless his heart, has no problem doing puke duty! I've gotten so much better over the years though. I'm much braver and I don't even think about it anymore when my kids get sick - I just ACT and try my best not to touch the puke or get any on me. The faster I can clean it up the better. ladies are a GOD SEND! And I never had morning sickness by the way - never puked once with any of my pregnancies, which explains why I had FOUR!!! LOL!

  126. I had a stomach bug once and drinking an ounce or two at a time DID settle my stomach AND slowed diarhea

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  128. If this works then you are my hero. I am right there with you on the fear of throwing up. I seriously freak...can't sleep, panic, the world is ending and last year we did NINE stomach bugs. Never again!!!!!!!!! So thank you for this!!

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  131. Oh my god I am the same as you guys. The whole of my husband's family have had a sickness bug and I am just worried that we will be next and I dunno how I will cope if my 5 month old baby gets it. I don't think they do grape juice here in UK,what else could I use? Xx

  132. Oh my gosh I am the same. The whole of my husbands side of the family have got sickness bug at the minute and I have been panicking and feeling sick all day. I think we might be next but I dunno how I will cope if my 5 month old baby gets it. I don't think we can get grape juice in UK what am I gonna do? Xx
