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These are my kids new favorite treat! And so easy. Found the original recipe on Pinterest. Lots of possibilities with holiday colors...maybe even drizzle a little bit of white chocolate across the top!
I'm such a sucker for a good salty/sweet combination!

Layout a bag of pretzel twists. Top each with a Hershey Kiss (we used regular...not sure what would happen if you use the ones with stuff in the middle...that may get messy!).

After laying all of your Kisses on top, pop the tray in a 275 degree oven for 3 minutes.
Remove and immediately press a single M&M on top of each.

Pop the pan in the fridge until you're ready to serve. I had a couple of the kisses pop off after they hardened...I did figure out something to do with them...no worries. ; )

We like to serve these as an easy snack when we host our church small group Sunday afternoons. 

Partying here: Eisy Morgan, Savvy Southern Style, Blue Cricket Design


  1. This is so unfair, in a really good way. Thanks for adding to my Sunday afternoon calories!

    xoxo michele

  2. Yum! I'll have to let my boys make this one weekend. How about caramel drizzled on top? Yum!

  3. They look so yummy! Saw you on linky party now gfc following you, Karima :) www.karimascrafts.com

  4. Oh my these look good. I love chocolate and pretzels so I am sure these are wonderful. Thanks for joining Wow.

  5. These look great, I am featuring you at my party this week!
