Laundry Room Redo | i should be mopping the floor
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Laundry Room Redo

We live in a very cookie-cutter neighborhood where all the houses are practically identical...borrrrrring. I try to re-do one room in the house a couple of times a year (meaning, 2 rooms get new looks a year...did that come out right?). Recently, I settled on changing up the laundry room after telling my parents they could have my cabinets in there that were completely non-functional to me. My mom was so excited....she had shelves that weren't working out so well. So....switcheroo(ish). Our laundry rooms are different sizes so I ended up getting new shelves...but the cabinets are going up in their house. Who got the better end of that deal?

Here is the blah-blah-builders' beige before:

This just wasn't functional at all. Those cabinets were so far from a normal arm's reach, that more often than not, I kept my detergent sitting on the dryer. storage to speak of. And I am not a person who stands at the dryer folding my clothes (although it drives my mom crazy that I don't, she "raised me better than that"). So, that hanging bar was useless as well. It too is at their is thrilled since she is an out-of-the-dryer-folder. I am just not wired that way. I have to let it pile up and then pop in Season 5 of Friends and bang it all out during naptime. Not ideal...but it (somewhat) works for me.

I present to you the new and improved laundromat:

It's simple, but I really like it. It feels so much better. After taking out his new cabinets, my dad helped me re-route the dryer to where it is against the wall and I have room for a trash can in the middle of the two. He was also kind enough to install my new shelves. HELLO....can you say quadruple the storage (if not more)!?! The buckets on top keep all of my cleaning supplies: one for bathrooms, one for the kitchen/floors, and the other for living/bedroom areas. I can't wait to actually see how this works for me! I am hoping to just grab a bucket and then head to that particular room, instead of having to sift through the craziness of cleaning supplies that was under my kitchen sink.

I filled these canisters with detergent and Oxyclean. The brown tote containers contain liquid detergent, vinegar (awesome for laundry), spot treaters, dryer sheets, extra hangers, etc.

This little rug actually has the blue of the walls in the leaves, it just didn't photograph well. I was so excited to do the blue/chocolate thing in here!

My hope is that this room truly makes me a better laundress. A girl can always dream, can't she?


  1. That looks fantastic! Great color choice and definitely not "builder's boring" any more! :-)
    We have a great giveaway going on so you should come on by if you get a chance.

  2. Love that blue! Your laundry room looks so pretty now. I always use vinegar in my wash, too. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love it! You have SO much more storage - what a great idea!

  4. I love this... Your laundry room turned out great! I'm joining you from "Take a Look Tuesday" with Sugarbee..
    Please follow me at:

  5. I just found your blog and am your newest follower. Your laundry room looks amazing! I love the color and organization (organization ALWAYS makes me happy)! Thanks for creating such a fab blog full of inspiration.

  6. Omigoodness! I love this. We currently don't have any laundry shelves or cabinets. Where did you find yours? They would be PERFECT for our space.

  7. I live in a cookie cutter home too. Grrr. . . I know what ya mean about the cabinet being more than an arms length away. The shelves look fantastic!! Lovin' the blue! Great job.

  8. This looks great! I am super jealous, I have a similar set up - but it is not a room, it is more like a closet! I found you from Sugar bee.

  9. What a great transformation!! I love all the extra storage space you added.


  10. Found you on Creations by Kara....I love this transformation! It looks great but even better it looks really functional. I would love to ditch our cabinets and do something similar. Thanks for the inspiration:)

  11. Love it!! I am your newest follower. Come check me out if you get a chance.

  12. nice job! I can't to start our laundryroom :)

  13. That color blue is gorgeous. Everything looks so fresh and organized. Great job!

  14. This is great! I'm helping my parents redo their laundry. It's a little slow going but we'll get it!=) You can check it, if you wish.

    Have a great week!

  15. Looks so much better! I bet every time you go in there, you are happy. I need to do something to my laundry room to personalize it and improve the storage. (Visiting from Handy Man, Crafty Woman)

  16. WOW! love this and would be delighted if you linked to my party today.

  17. Ooh, I could see this being perfect for my blah basement's not high on my to-do list, but neither is laundry. ;p Maybe this would help! (I'm definitely a "let-it-pile-upper" too, lol)

    Mara @ Super Savings

    p.s. Great blue! Do you happen to know what the name of the paint is?

  18. So, so pretty! Love the blue color. our house is/was cookie cutter, too, but we've changed it around so much, people are amazed when they come inside. thanks for linking this up to our Wicked Awesome Wed. party.

  19. Hiii! I think your blog is great. Found you via a link someplace in blog land but you won me over with the laundry room post! Im your newest follower.Would love it if you would stop by and visit me and follow if you so desire! I will be back!!

  20. Love the color you picked! The laundry room is a great place to find more storage!

  21. Hi again, I'm featuring this on our Wicked Awesome Wed. blog party!

  22. I love the idea of storing your detergent in those beautiful glass jars! We are still working on fixing up our laundry room so you've given me some great ideas. I'm new to the blog world and this is my first time visiting. Feel free to pass by my blog sometime. :)

  23. Hi and thank you for a great blog!
    I have to tell you that I stumbled up on your blog, fell for your redesign of the laundry room and unabashedly STOLE the idea!
    I give you complet credit and even told the world about your great design on my own blog (it's in Icelandic, sorry, but it says nothing but good things about your blog!)

    I hope you don't mind, because I LOVE my new bathroom thanks to you!

  24. I just re-pinned a picture of your laundry room on Pinterest and had to come over hear and read more about it! It looks great!!!

  25. This would be perfect for our laundry room that is about the same size and has no storage room! Thanks for sharing your new room!

  26. Hi Kristi - I'm new to your blog but will be back! Love your great ideas and the humor you mix in with your narratives. I found you through the "Imparting Grace" blog. One earlier comment from 2 readers asked for the paint color in your laundry room make over. Can you share it with us? And thanks for a great blog.
