21 Free Preppy Fonts | i should be mopping the floor
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21 Free Preppy Fonts

Get ready to pop those collars...I've got 21 Free Preppy Fonts coming at you today. These fonts are some of the most versatile and easy to work with due to their fun styles and glyphs. I'm also including some ideas to utilize these typography styles. Download your favorite free preppy fonts below.
21 Free Preppy Fonts
And these preppy fonts can also fall into the categories of chinoiserie, granny chic, and grand millenial. They're super versatile and wonderful for so many things. Downloads are available below.

21 Free Preppy Fonts

Put Some Prep in Your Step
I think we all have a bit of preppy within us...in high school, I was all loafers and collar pops! This timeless style is something we can all enjoy, right? So unclutch those pearls and start downloading!

Usage Ideas for Preppy Fonts

Custom Stationery
Just because you're loving that prep lifestyle doesn't mean you can't be a bit budget friendly! Create your own personalized stationery with these free preppy fonts. Above, I used Pretty Women Serif for the "From the Desk of" typography, and "Stephanie Smith" is in the Bellevue font. Because what says preppy more than personilzed stationery?

And don't forget those vinyl creations (as pictured below). These fonts are perfect for that!

Nantucket Tshirt

Installing Your Free Preppy Fonts

I'm a life-long Apple user (well, since 1997...I sadly know nothing of how a PC works). But, there is a handy font installation guide for PC users here on Wikihow that can definitely help in that department.

To install these free fonts on your Mac (since this is what I use, I can speak to that the best), you can follow along with my tutorial below:
How to Install Fonts

Installing Fonts on your Mac:

  • After you have download your new preppy font, locate it in your download folder (or wherever you've downloaded your font to).
  • Now, open the folder of the font (there may not be one, it may just be the actual file, in which case, you won't have to open a folder).
  • Double click the .ttf or .otf file (I prefer .otf. or Open Type Format files if they're available. They can be resized or manipulated without compromising quality. But, they're not always available.).
Installing Free Fonts
  • Once you've double clicked the .ttf or .otf file, a dialog box should automatically pop up.
  • Click the 'Install Font' button (as pictured above) and your installation will automatically begin (it only takes just a few seconds for the entire install). 
  • Now, check your Font Book (located in your applications folder) to make sure it's there and you can start using your new preppy font immediately.

Free Preppy Fonts

Below, you'll just click on the image of each font name to be taken to the download site. Be sure to check each designer's Terms of Use, as some of these fonts are for personal use only (but many have commercial licensing available). Happy fonting, friends!

Beach Club Font

BelleAllure Font

Bellevue Font

BSD Nantucket Font

ChloOuiOui Font
Sugarberry Font
Cuteness Persimmon Font
Claire Palmer Serif Font

Family Vacation Font
Preparatori Font
Golfmind Font

Meet Cute Font

Palm Spring Font
Pretty Girl Font

Palm Tick Font
Pretty Women Font

Pony Pen Font
Sweet and Pretty Font

Belle Font

Lilly Mae Font

Richella Font

Free Preppy Fonts

More Free Fonts

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