36 Stocking Stuffers for Teens and Tweens | i should be mopping the floor
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36 Stocking Stuffers for Teens and Tweens

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Teens and tweens can be *interesting* to shop for...but stocking stuffers are probably my favorite things to hunt down. I love getting goodies to fill their stockings...both practical and fun items, too! See my favorite stocking stuffers for teens and tweens below.

Teen Stocking Stuffer Ideas
From bath bombs to chargers to silly socks, my teens love finding these kinds of things Christmas morning in their stockings. The cool things are that most of these things are also practical items that can be used well into the new year. See my family's top 36 ideas for teen and tween stocking stuffers below.

Stocking Stuffers for Teens and Tweens

Having a tough time coming up with clever stocking stuffers for those teen (and tween) years? I've been there. Now that we're at the other end of the teenage years in our home, I've got a good grasp on what they really love in those stockings. See these ideas below.
Christmas Morning
Ahhh...a few years ago I caught a pic of the big guy (pictured above),  just after he filled those stockings! I think they're his favorite part of the job, too. Besides candy and the obligatory orange (often chocolate), below are the things my teens love the most. I've divided them into several categories to make it easier.

Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Pens and Pencils

Pens and Pencils

Silly Socks

Funny Socks
Tween Stocking Stuffers

Hoping you and yours have a wonderful holiday season!

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