Free Printable Food Gift Tags | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Printable Food Gift Tags

'Tis the season for yummy gifts. These Free Printable Food Gift Tags are perfect for all of your shareable deliciousness.

Free Printable Food Gift Tags | Two color options | Just print and attach to a yummy treat.
My mom was always a food gifter. Now that she's a bit older, she's unable to do that. But my holiday memories are flooded with the thought of a busy kitchen with all of her creations laid out all over it...cooling, drying, ready to be packaged for friends and family. And she always made everyone's favorite just for them. There was no mass baking of one item. It was always, "this recipe for Uncle Leonard, these treats for Mrs. Norman, and don't add any raisin item to the plate of cookies for the Smiths since they don't like them." It was a full-service operation of genuine love for others through food. 
My mom has always been a care-giver...and mostly it's been through her love of cooking and baking that she's cared for others. 

Not only did she share her treats, she also shared her knowledge. She would host cake-decorating classes and pie-making 101 sessions for her friends who wanted to learn a bit more about her methods. I'm always in constant amazement of just how incredibly much she did...with four kids and working full-time, too. 

This is a somewhat difficult post to write. As mom approaches her eighties, we're dealing with not only physical health, but also a great deal of dementia and know, issues along those lines. It's difficult to see my once extremely active and busy mom not being able to recall events from day to day or even hour to hour. I miss how we used to be...and in a way, I miss her, even though, she's still very much here. You know what I mean.

I designed these tags with her on my heart. One of her biggest complaints was not being able to find food tags for gifts...because in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, Pinterest and printables weren't exactly a thing. She would always "make do" with a 3x5 card. 

Although, I know she'll probably not be able to use these...they're dedicated to her love of gifting through delicious hand-made food items. Download yours below. They're available in two colors.

Free Printable Food Gift Tags | Two color options | Just print and attach to a yummy treat.
Aren't they sweet? They're perfect to attach to a loaf of bread or a big mason jar of cookies.

Free Printable Food Gift Tags | Two color options | Just print and attach to a yummy treat.
If you gift through food, I hope these make it a little sweeter this gift-giving season.
I created these in colors that will work from fall through the Christmas season, as well.

Free Printable Food Gift Tags | Two color options | Just print and attach to a yummy treat.
I love you, mom. This one's just for you. 


  1. What a cute way to package homemade gifts. I will definitely be printing these out.

    Michelle F.

  2. Great idea for personalizing the gifts! I have the perfect card stock I can use it on.

  3. I plan to do a lot of baking the next few months, so I'll be prating a bunch of these. They are just perfect.

  4. Thanks for the food gift tags. I love them!

    1. You are so welcome, Denise! Thank you bunches for stopping by!

  5. Those are a nice touch to add to any gift. I like to make food gifts too.

  6. This is totally cute, I like printables, especially when it's free lol.

  7. These are perfect for holiday gift giving! I've been inspired now to create some awesome baked goodies for friends and family! Thanks for sharing!
    Kate |

  8. We do love our Moms, don't we! I love your style and I can hardly wait to print out your beautiful tags. Thanks for sharing!

    1. We sure do! Thank you bunches for stopping by! I hope you enjoy the printables!

  9. These are so adorable! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Best of the Weekend. I'm featuring these little tags tomorrow night at our party. Have a great weekend :)

  10. Thank you so much for all the lovely tag designs! Beautiful work .

    1. Hi Joyce! It truly is my pleasure to offer these to you all! <3 Thank you so much for your sweet words! I really do appreciate them so much! Xoxo

  11. Thanks for the free downloads!
