10 Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes | i should be mopping the floor
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10 Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes

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One of my favorite ways to use essential oils is in an essential oil diffuser, dispersing oils into the air in our home. Today, I'm sharing my 10 favorite essential oil diffuser recipes and why I use each of them. I bet you'll find a favorite essential oil diffuser recipe in this mix that you'll use over and over, too!

Essential Oil Diffuser Ideas
I don't know about you, but I run my essential oil diffuser 'round the clock, y'all. I love how it can really change my mood. Below are some of my favorite combinations that I use in my home on a regular basis. There are some for focus, stress relief, wellness, and more.

10 Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes

If you're oily, you probably know that diffusers are a fantastic way to disperse oils into the air. I have an essential oil diffuser in several rooms throughout our home and use them constantly. They are just one wonderful way to experience oils...and quite possibly my favorite! Below are some of my favorite essential oil diffuser recipes and what they're for. Please note: while I still avidly use Young Living Essential Oils, I am no longer in the business of selling them. 

Vetiver Essential Oil

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for Focus

I diffuse this one in my office later in the day...usually after the kids are home. They do their homework in my office and it helps keep us all on task around that brutal 3 o'clock slump. I do equal parts of each in my essential oil diffuser.

Clarity Essential Oil

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for a Good Morning


This is my morning focus blend I use at my desk. I've been using it since last summer and it's probably one of my absolute favorites, in terms of actual scent. There is actual Peppermint in Clarity, but I like to amp it up a bit (Peppermint really helps me wake up!). I do equal parts of each in my essential oil diffuser.

Joy Essential Oil

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for a Happy Day

My husband came up with this one...he loves to concoct things (although his spice cabinet privileges often get revoked because of his craziness at times...ha!). But, there's something about this blend that really makes me smile. I love to diffuse it in the morning while we're all getting ready for the day. It's just...happy. Ironically, I don't care for Joy on its own (the scent...it does make me happy...just don't love its actual scent). But, I fell in love with it after he concocted this one. We'll never be without our Joy now. I do equal parts of each in my essential oil diffuser.

Stress Away Oil

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for Relaxation Support

This blend is my personal preference when I'm stressed out. It's a light blend. The Stress Away can settle my nerves and the Lemon is very uplifting in its properties. It's a beautiful scent, too. I do equal parts of each in my essential oil diffuser.

Lavender and Lemon

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for Relaxation

I often use this in our room and our kids' rooms at night. I especially use it when anyone is having a rough time with sleep. There are other oils I will apply topically for sleep, but if I really want to keep Mr. Sandman around, I add this one to the diffuser as well. I do equal parts of each in my essential oil diffuser.

Bergamot Oil

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for Anxiety Relief

We have some anxious people in our house (not going to sugar coat it...I'm pretty much the ring leader of that). But, this is a great blend that may help with that. This one I play with the parts depending on our mood. The Bergamot is fantastic for worry...so, I will go heavier on it at times. Often, I do four drops of Bergamot and two of each of the others. You can definitely play with this one.

Thieves Oil Recipe

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for Wellness

I talk about Thieves a lot and how it may be FANTASTIC for immunity support (in our personal experience, it has been). Combining it with Orange gives it an extra kick of Vitamin C. I also think this spicy combo smells just like Christmas...so lovely. I do equal parts of each in my essential oil diffuser.

Tea Tree Oil

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for Sinus Issues


This is definitely not the only blend I use when I want to support our sinus health, but this one I use often. It's great to have diffusing in the air when I want to promote a strong respiratory system and easy breathing. Others good for this are RC and Raven, both make your house smell so CLEAN! I do equal parts of each of these in my essential oil diffuser.

Purification Oil

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe for Air Purification

Burn the dinner? Have a stinky house? This blend always comes to my rescue for those issues. I love how fast it works, too. It's also great to run to promote all around wellness. I do equal parts of each in my essential oil diffuser.

Rosemary Oil

Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe that Just Smells Lovely

I don't really have a reason I diffuse this one...I just like the smell of this combination. The Rosemary is a good one for focus and thinking and Orange is very uplifting...I have noticed I gravitate towards using this one while I work. Perhaps, my subconscious knows this one is a good one for office work? I do equal parts of each in my essential oil diffuser.

Need an Affordable Essential Oil Diffuser?

Like I said, I prefer Young Living Essential Oils, even if I do not sell them or promote them as a business. However, I often purchase my actual diffusers on Amazon since they're considerably cheaper. The following ones are ones I use in our own home:
  • I have this wood grain diffuser in each of my kids' rooms. It's really affordable. I do sometimes have a tough time removing its lid, though. But, if I run it intermittently, I only have to refill it every third night.
  • I have this essential oil diffuser in our bedroom and have used it for four years, now. I don't use the light feature, but it can be colorful, if you're into that sort of thing. It's also super affordable.
  • I also use this essential oil diffuser necklace. I wear it most when I travel, to ease anxiety. 

Other Great Ways to Use Essential Oils:

What are your favorite Essential Oil Diffuser Recipes?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
I am not a physician, I can not diagnose or treat.

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  1. I love these blends!! Definitely giving them a try!

  2. I"m in LOVE with your blends and I'm also thankful that I'm not the only one who doesn't just adore the smell of JOY alone :-)

  3. I had to laugh when I read about your husband concocting his own oil blends. My husband does the same thing. His favorite is peace and calming with lavender and orange.
