Organizing Kids' Medicines | i should be mopping the floor
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Organizing Kids' Medicines

Organizing kids' medicines helps combat the middle-of-the-night search.
Here's some simple tips on creating a tidy space for the essentials. 

Just to be up front, Pedia Care is not sponsoring this post. Although with the sheer magnitude of their product I have, I can see how it might look like they are. ;)

Is it just me, or is February always the ickiest, sickiest month? Back when I was a preschool teacher {remember how I lasted all of a year at that...I blogged about it here}, we actually prepared for February being the worst for this. We had extra subs on stand by and buckets always ready. It is what it is.

Keeping my kids' meds in order and separate from ours always helps when we have the dreaded, middle-of-the-night creeper in our room stating he isn't feeling so well.   

And, against my better judgement, I'm showing you the previous state of my medicine cabinet, above. Just for the record, I've never actually claimed to be a well-organized individual. I think people often get that impression of, I'll never know. Well, there is that whole thing of organizing different areas of my home, photographing it and posting it on here. But, I make no promises that those areas actually stay that way. Seriously. I'm a very flawed individual. Isn't it fantastic?

I digress. Back to the above state of affairs. This was a hot mess, y'all. You can even see the dogs' medicines up in the top right. It was hodge podge. And that Lazy Susan hadn't spun in a long time. In fact, after cleaning it out, my kids were like, "whoa, that thing turns?"

I grabbed a vinyl basket at the thrift store {much easier in case any bottles tip and ooze}. I started with two plastic bowls to coral all of the non-bottled items. I could never find those dosage cups when I needed them, so this is fantastic. And things like eye drops and nasal sprays don't get lost in the land of big medicines when they have their own container. 

I also used an empty drink packet container to hold the thermometers. This keeps them contained in case there's any spillage. Then I filled it in with the medicines.  

Super easy! And it's great to have them on their own away from the adult meds. 

I actually like to keep this basket under the sink in my kids' bathroom...because let's face it, when someone's sick, that's where we end up. If your kids are still littles, you may need to add a safety lock on your cabinet if you store yours this way. We're to the age of not needing those anymore...but it seems like yesterday they were everywhere in our house. 

I even have the dosage instructions on the door of the cabinet...the unpainted door. Ick. I'm just letting it all hang out in this post now, huh?

Here's to a season where not too many meds are needed! 

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. Ack you don't want to see my "medicine" cabinet - it's 40 times worse than that! And it lives in the kitchen. With my china. I still don't understand why that is.

  2. Good idea! Unfortunately, we've had a lot of sickness going around here lately!

    1. Blessings for wellness...thank you so much for stopping by. xoxo

  3. Great ideas. I just moved all of our to the medicine cabinet in the hall bathroom. Altogether, like yours, but I like that you can move all of yours at once. I'll have to think about that. One thing I do is write the dosage and frequency on the neck of the bottle. That way I don't have to try to discern the tiny print in the middle of the night.

    1. That's so smart, Sharon. Thank you so much for sharing. xoxo

  4. Awesome post - do you have links to any of the products you used? like the plastic bowls? I can't find just the right ones :)

    1. Those bowls were actually from Ikea. Thanks so much...hoping that helps!
