A Little Help with Weight Loss | i should be mopping the floor
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A Little Help with Weight Loss

This post has been written as a review for Deborah's Collection. 
All opinions are mine and 100% accurate. I keep it real. ;)

Excited to tell you all about a neat new product that's assisting me in my weight loss efforts! Alongside my Weight Watchers routines, I'm also using this Green Coffee Bean Slimming Gel from Deborah's Collection.

This is the first weight loss post to date. Crazy intimidating...I'm all about paint and fabric and projects. Showing all of me...not so much. BUT, I really want to share my weight loss journey with all of you sweet friends in the hopes that if you struggle in this area as well, you may find some inspiration, tips and ideas to incorporate into your own life. We're in it together!

{exact same outfit worn in both above photos}

So, here we go. Sigh. As many of you know, I'm a thyroid cancer survivor. During the years before my cancer was detected, I put on a whole lot of weight. I could never figure out why. I didn't eat too crazy. And I was a pretty active person. And then we determined my thyroid was out of whack...and then we discovered it was cancer. It was a really tough time. But, we got through it and came out the other side...thyroid and cancer free. But, after all was said and done, the weight didn't just magically fall off. I chatted with my doctor and she said that was normal. Beating cancer was the "easy" part. Dropping the weight it caused...that was an entirely different story. And truthfully, this is an area I've struggled in my whole life...although, I had never been this overweight. I usually just carried an extra 20 pounds around...not quite this many.

So, in September, I went back to Weight Watchers. While I'm not quite ready to share actual weight loss numbers and measurements...I've done really well on the plan {I've previously had a lot of success on their program, after babies and taming the freshman fifteen in college}. You can see in the above photos that I've lost a lot of belly fat {thank you, Lord!}, weight in my neck and...I've got less junk in my trunk {what, what?!?}. And I'm eating real food...nothing prepackaged {that sort of thing doesn't work for me, but we're all different}. I've tried very hard to take a very clean eating approach to it all as well...that's slow going, but I'm trying really hard in this area. I cook a lot. And I plan ahead all the time for breakfasts, snacks, and lunches {if I fail to plan, I plan to fail, no?}.

Before the holidays, I was approached by a friend of mine to try this really interesting new product from a company she works with, Deborah's Collection. The product was Green Coffee Bean Slimming Gel. She shipped me three bottles and away I went! She also threw in a few of their other products, which I've very much enjoyed.

But, today, I want to tell you how the Green Coffee Bean Slimming Gel has worked with my weight loss plan, and how it's helped me through a few rough patches. 

Here's how the product works: the key is not the caffeine.  It is a natural active compound called Chlorogenic Acid.  Chlorogenic Acid works by inhibiting the release of glucose in the body while at the same time boosting the metabolism or “burning” the fat in the liver.  These two mechanisms combined work together to inhibit the absorption of fat and eliminate weight gain. Cool, huh?

So, when I took a three week Weight Watchers hiatus during the holidays to eat way too much food {stupid, I know}, I was still "covered". The gel is applied like a lotion, twice a day. I actually rotate where it's applied, like the instructions say. For example, on day one, I'll put the gel all over my right arm in the morning and my left in the evening. Then the next day it would be left upper thigh in the morning and right at night. It's on a four day rotation and then I start over. 

Another key is to drink plenty of water. And eliminate sodas {a tough one for me...but I did it...finally}.

After adding the gel into my weight loss routine, I saw about 10% more loss every week at the scales...consistently {and in the first week I used it, I lost five pounds in one week...along with eating healthy and walking, too}! I did have a slight gain with the diet soda binge we'll call December, but that was because of the soda I think.

Deborah's Collection has generously offered to take off $10 per tube of gel ordered with code "mopping" at checkout. Click here to shop and see for yourself how this really unique product works. {And, not only is the code "mopping" good on the gel, it will get you 20% off site wide on all products}.

Pop by at our last Inspiration Monday of March where Deborah's Collection will be our giveaway sponsor! You could win a lovely collection of their products!

And please let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. I know this is a different topic than I normally cover here, but I'm excited to invite you all along on this journey.

And feel free to follow Deborah's Collection on social media to keep up with their announcements and products: 

Neglect your chores like me and don't miss a thing:


  1. dang, you look fabulous! thanks for the tip on the gel. katharine

  2. Good job,Deborah. I've gone back on a modified Atkins plan and have been blogging about it too. I lost 10 lbs the first 3 weeks, but then had birthdays and colds to interrupt it. So far I have blogged every day and I feel it helps me stay accountable. If you'd like to follow along it's http://linlarsonblogspot.blogspot.com/.

    Hang in there!

    1. Sorry, I meant Kristi! I was looking at something else on the screen and just typed Deborah without realizing it! (Deborah's Collection was in my peripheral vision.) Darn, there's no edit option! Hahaha!!!

    2. No worries, Lin! I knew exactly what you meant!! :) THANKS SO MUCH!! :) Will check out your place in a bit!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! You're doing great and can't wait to see future results!

  4. You look amazing! Keep it up hon...you can do anything!

  5. Kristi, thank you for sharing your story with us and I think you are very inspiring! Thank you for sharing your journey and this product with us!

  6. You look great! Thank you for sharing your story, you have inspired me!!!

  7. I am so happy for you Kristi!!! You are already looking amazing! XO

  8. You are looking great Kristi, way to goo girl!! I've been hearing a lot lately about green coffee beans and I want to try them too!!

  9. WOW! What a huge transformation, Kristi. This cream sounds very interesting, and something I would definitely try. I am 44, almost 45 so the wt. is so hard to take off now it seems. I am struggling trying to lose, even w/ exercise and decreased cals. Thanks for the inspiration and idea, love you!!
