Inspirational Quote Printable | i should be mopping the floor
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Inspirational Quote Printable

This inspirational printable just makes me smile...
and twist the ends of my fictitious Yosemite Sam mustache with a raised eyebrow.

Seriously, who doesn't this apply to? I love this quote. Kind of a girl power quote if you ask me...and perfect for my office that I'm reorganizing {it's like a bad episode of Hoarders in there, I tell ya}.

This prints on a letter-sized paper, to be trimmed and framed in an 8x10.
Click below to download yours now.

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  1. Just unsubscribed. Can't follow a blog that quotes Ayn Rand.

    1. Blogger posts a quote. You unsubscribe because you don't care for the person who originally mad the statement. PRICELESS. Well, sunhurtseyes, you've given me the best laugh I've had in sic months!!.....too bad you are no longer subscribed and can't read this....HAHAHAHAHAHA...

    2. I'm with you Cathy! Ridiculous!

  2. ^That's ridiculous. I didn't know that to be a follower of a blog you had to agree with everything they post all the time.

    Love the Ayn Rand quote! I too think it's inspirational, who the heck cares who said it?

  3. I like this perspective! Way to take on the world!

  4. Love the quote, think Ayn is full of caca, but love the quote and now have a hilarious mental pic of you twirling a handlebar stache!

  5. Great quote, thanks for the printable too!!

  6. Great quote, thanks for the printable too!!

  7. Kristi, I LOVE this. I love the saying, the colors and the pattern! You did a great job! Thanks for sharing. I am going to print this and frame it for my office!
    Rita @

  8. Great quote and I love the colors :) Thanks for linking up to All My Bloggy Friends this week :) Sharing this on my FB page!
