Free Kitchen Printables | i should be mopping the floor
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Free Kitchen Printables

These are the printables I designed to give my cabinet a quick makeover. The bottom "label" for the measuring spoons was designed for my cabinet door's dimensions, but I live in a home full of builder's grade, stock cabinetry...there's a good chance it will work for you as well! :)

To download the letter-sized Kitchen Conversion Chart, click on the first image below. To download both printables on an 11x17 PDF, click on the bottom image {the 11x17 is designed to be printed at a professional print shop, like Kinko's or Staples}.


  1. Thank you so much for this amazing printable. Your conversion chart will spare me from Googling with sticky hands!

  2. Thank you for this great printable!

  3. I love these! Thank you so much!

  4. Love this chart! ANd the colors are fab! Thanks for sharing it!

  5. Hi, Love the chart, but I'm unable to download. It says pdf not available. :o(

    1. Hi Barb-- thanks so much for letting me know. I just reset the links to go to my new sharing host. They are working great, now. I apologize for any inconvenience. Let me know if you have any more trouble!

  6. Thank you so much for this free printable. I just saved a copy to my desktop and uploaded a document onto FedEx's website. Picking mine up in a few hours!! Cannot wait to do this project. I'll link you on my blog! Sweeeeeeeeet!!!

  7. This is such a great chart! Is there going to be a matchy-matchy cooking terms chart to go with it in the future? I have lots and lots of friends/brothers/younger sisters who could use the help in the kitchen :)

  8. Oh WOW! What a GREAT idea...Thank you so much for sharing this and changing my life. : )

  9. Amazing work created in Photoshop, of all things! My eyes would have been crossed! Thank you so much for sharing this free printable after all the time and effort that you put into this. You have a big heart, Girly!!

  10. Thank you so much this is awesome.

  11. Thank you, Thank you!! I needed this chart the other day & here I found you! I'm re-doing my spice cabinet, also where I keep my measuring spoons....

  12. I'm trying to Pin these labels so I can print them when I get new ink. When I try however, Pinterest won't let me and replies with the message "Oops! Your image is too small. Please try again with a larger one." I've never seen that before...have you? I see there are 3K+ Pins, so it's got to be Pinnable somehow. Any ideas for me? Thanks!!
