Lighting It Up Blue | i should be mopping the floor
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Lighting It Up Blue

Meet my sweet boy, Ben. He's our fun & amazing seven year old. He's smart as all get out and could match wits with any adult {and probably win}! He was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome four years ago this month. Asperger's is what many consider to be "high functioning Autism". We've spent a great deal of time with therapists and really working with Ben to help him any way possible. I'm so thankful for an early diagnosis...we have been able to provide him with skills that not only help him survive, but THRIVE. Last month, he received a special Confidence Award at his school. That's HUGE for him. He's come leaps and bounds and continues to amaze us. Love this guy more than I can put into words.

We're lighting it up BLUE today to honor our Benjamin and raise awareness of Autism. Below is a free printable so you, too, can Light It Up Blue all month long! Feel free to display on doors, windows, etc.
(Printable can be trimmed to fit an 8x10 frame).


  1. Kristi, hey girl... good for you - he's ADORABLE! My oldest also has Asperger's. He was diagnosed at age 6 after YEARS of the docs telling me I just worried too much. My second-grader now reads at a near-4th grade level and is the sweetest person I know. he makes ME a better person, just for knowing him! Thanks for sharing!! ~Lori

    1. Thanks so much, Lori! Always nice to meet others with similar situations as ours. Your diagnosis sounds very similar to ours...a worried mom indeed! Sounds like your son is awesome!! Hope you're doing well!

  2. Good looking kid! Thank you for sharing this.

  3. Shine on! Asbergers seems to run on my husbands side. I try to educate myself and become more aware; not only for the relatives we have already effected by it, but also realizing that I may have a child with Asbergers. Good for you for being such a loving, proactive mom!

  4. What a handsome young man!!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog and for reminding me to join your link party! I did - so hopefully your readers will love it!!


  5. sharing a news :-

  6. thanks for showing us your sweet boy, im also a mom with a sweet boy with autism.
    I live in spain and also love crafts. I follow you now.

  7. Thanks so much for sharing this printable. I have 2 grandsons who are on the spectrum. Austen is soon to be 12 and Parker will be 8 in December. God Bless you and Ben. <3 Kim
